View Full Version : Water, drought, floods

04-07-2014, 02:14 PM
We are supposed to get more rain tonight, "heavy at time" while some rivers were at flood levels earlier last week - nothing drastic, all the usual places ... and I remember not too long ago Georgia was dealing with low water levels and drought, but they are currently getting drenched.

How's the water level where you are? Normal, high, flood, drought? Just curious Do state your place when you post, I am of course just west of Boston, Massachusetts.

04-07-2014, 02:24 PM
Southern IN is soaked! We've had a lot of rain the last week. I don't live near enough to the river to be concerned, but we do have moderate flood warnings.

04-07-2014, 06:15 PM
Here in Northern California were are still in a drought situation. The last week we had a couple good storms but only enough to change it from a disastrous situation to dismal.
And this week we are looking at upper 70s and into the 80s.

Lady's Human
04-07-2014, 09:36 PM
I think the national media decided that CNY residents don't panic easily.

We had 2 rivers at or above flood stage last weekend. Local reaction? Yea, it's spring, move on. The previous couple of years have yielded breathless coverage of the rivers at or over flood stage, which happens at least once a year due to the geography. This year, no coverage whatsoever. The amusing part of the flooding is that the National weather service warned of flooding in the area the morning after I drove through and saw the Tiogoughnioga wandering beyond its banks.

04-07-2014, 10:00 PM
Rain and more rain.:( The river was close to flooding in the next town. Same river is half a mile from me but does not flood here.

I have no yard left, just water and mud. Geez, I hate spring.:( I'm in NE Ohio.

06-24-2014, 05:20 PM
I heard on the news about tornados in the Indianapolis area today ... I am thinking about Lizbud :worry:

After a very snowy winter we have had one of the wettest months on record for June with almost two times the normal amount of rainfall. It's dry today, though it rained overnight.

06-24-2014, 06:45 PM
I heard on the news about tornados in the Indianapolis area today ... I am thinking about Lizbud :worry:

Awww, bless your heart. We are fine here. It got kinda scary there for awhile, but the worse of the storms stayed north & west of my house. Thank heavens.:)

06-25-2014, 07:11 AM
It has been Monsoon Season here in northeast Iowa. Luckily the farmers got their crops in this year & most got their 1st crop hay out between the rain. Minnesota has not fared so well, to the north, the ground is saturated & it is to late in the season to plant most crops like corn & beans. :(