View Full Version : ~Jasper~

03-17-2014, 05:23 AM
Good morning and Happy St. Patrick's Day to you Jasper! It looks like you're all ready to celebrate!;)

You're a gorgeous boy!:love: Congrats on being POTD! I hope you and Mangie have a fun day celebrating!:D

Nancy Jones
03-17-2014, 07:01 AM
Yes indeed chocolatepuppy, Jasper you are a gorgeous boy. Congratulations on being Pet of the Day.

You make a great model and sound very talented being able to spin and wave. Don't drink too much when you celebrate, just in case you fall over.

Happy St Patrick's Day and congratulations on becoming an international superstar.



COTD 1 March 2014

03-17-2014, 03:02 PM
Hi there Jasper! Happy St. Patty's Day Pet of the Day to you, sweetheart!:) What a beautiful boy you are, Jasper, and looking so festive in your green top hat, sipping a swig from your green mug! (Guinness?:p) You may not have been born Irish, but as they say, on St. Patrick's day we're ALL Irish!:cool: And being the limelight loving, attention seeking Cockatoo that you are, how lucky to have a parent who's a professional photographer! (We can see you love to "mug" for camera!:D) I checked out your mom's website and wow, what a talented lady!:eek: Her photos are beautiful; touching, humorous, simply exquisite! What a big, happy, love filled family you and Mangie and the pups have been blessed with! But luckiest of all are your humans, being surrounded by so much feathered and furry love! Thanks for the BIG smiles, Jasper! I hope you and your entire family (human, furry and feathered) are enjoying a very happy St. Patty's Day Pet of the Day! Lots of love and cuddles to you, precious Jasper, and to Mangie and the pups, too!:love::love::love:

03-17-2014, 03:39 PM
Jasper what a gorgeous fellow you are!!! :love: and that's no blarney!!! ;)

I could not help but smile at your wonderful fun pictures!!! :D No wonder you light up your momma's life so much. Please thank her for sharing you with us. I hope you and your entire clan are enjoying a wonderfully fun day.

Congratulations, sweet Jasper, on being our very special Pet of the Day!!! :):love: