View Full Version : Special Snuffles

Nancy Jones
03-09-2014, 03:03 AM
Congratulations Snuffles on being Pet of the Day, on international superstar! :)

Wow, you certainly have been in the wars with hardly any teeth, a broken leg and then snuffles disease. You are very lucky to have such wonderful human parents looking after you. But then they are also lucky to have you too. You sound so mentally strong and look wonderfully soft and fluffy.

I hope your health improves flufball.

Wishing you well on your day of fame.



COTD 1 March 14

03-09-2014, 08:46 AM
You're so pretty Snuffles!!!:love: Oh so many health issues you have to deal with. Keep on being strong little bunny.
Congrats on being POTD!:cool: I hope this is a special day for you and your family!:D

03-09-2014, 12:21 PM
Congratulations to you Snuffles. I don't always read "Pet of the Day" but your picture caught my eye so I read your story. I'm sorry for all the health issues you've had little one but your story is an inspiration! You are most deserving of this honor! Amazing how you keep on going and making the most of each day! Best wishes to you dear little one and also to your wonderful family who love you so much. Enjoy your special day of honor. May you be blessed with good health and more wonderful years together. :love::love:

03-09-2014, 03:57 PM
Snuffles what a beauty you are!!! :love:

Not only beautiful in looks but in spirit too!!! I am so sorry you are having so many challenges in life. It is wonderful that you have such a loving family to help you though. They are blessed to have you too. Please thank them for sharing you with us. I hope you are all enjoying this special day together to the fullest.

Congratulations, sweet Snuffles, on being our very special Pet of the Day!!! :):love:

03-09-2014, 04:46 PM
Hi Snuffles! A very happy Pet of the Day to you, sweetheart!:) What a beautiful, brave bun you are, Snuffles, a heart melter of epic proportions! I echo all of the sentiments of those having posted before me when I say you are on heck of a fighter, a true survivor! My heart breaks, reading of the many health challenges you've had to face in your young life, Snuffles. But through it all you've never lost your love for life, taking on each "obstacle" thrown your with enviable determination and courage! How blessed you are, having a forever family so committed, so devoted to keeping you happy and healthy and feeling loved! But the luckiest of all are your humans, have a furkid, a best buddy, a loving companion as fearless, as loving, as special as YOU! You indomitable spirit is an inspiration to us all, Snuffles, and how very deserving you are of your extra special Sunday Pet of the Day honors! Heartfelt thanks to your wonderful family for sharing your very touching story with us all, sweetheart! Hoping for you an extra special, fun filled Pet of the Day soiree, and many, many more happy, love filled years with your family! Lots of love, cuddles and kisses to you, beautiful Snuffles!:love::love::love:

03-09-2014, 10:12 PM
Snuffles, such a brave little Bunny with Wonderful Owners. God Bless you

03-10-2014, 12:08 AM
Sweet white bunny Snuffles! I would be happy to open the refrigerator door and serve you carrots! You are a very brave bunnykins! I agree with everything that has already been said :love: You are brave, strong, pretty, and inspiring! Happy Bunny Pet of the Day to you!