View Full Version : Zoey!

03-08-2014, 06:48 AM
Zoey is a very loving dog who loves nothing better than to snuggle up next to me whenever I sit on the floor, she loves it when I pet her and has a very good temper and is very affectionate. She's also very sweet and just wants to be near me. Whenever she comes up to me she lays down and gives me those puppy eyes, telling me to rub her belly. I can never say no

Hi, Zoey! What a pretty girl you are with your brown and white coat! I have never met a Brittany spaniel before - your coat looks so silky and soft! You are a bit of an escape specialist, going under the fence and into the neighborhood. Please please be careful out there- I would not want anything bad to happen to you. I'm sure there are lots of wonderful things inside the fence too. And you are learning how to be a hunting dog, with a terrific record of locating the "bird"! Good girl! But best of all - snuggles, petting and "together" time with your caring person! All you need to do is deliver the "look" to get the tummy rubs! I have to say it would definitely work on me! Please have your person give you some extra snuggles and petting for me today, Zoey because you are so affectionate, lovely and smart! Happy Dog of the Day to you!

03-08-2014, 07:05 AM
Oh Zoey, you're a beauty!!!:love: I know you'll make a good hunting dog one day!;)

Congrats on being DOTD!:cool: I hope you have a fun day!:D

Nancy Jones
03-08-2014, 08:55 AM
Wow Zoey you are a gorgeous doggy. Congrats on being Dog of the Day!

I like the way you keep the humans on their toes, chasing around the town. You will make a great hunting dog I'm sure.

Wishing you well on your international day of stardom.



COTD 1 March 2014

03-08-2014, 03:16 PM
Hi Zoey! Happy Dog of the Day!:) What a beautiful Brittany girl you are, Zoey!:) You, those gorgeous, "puppy" eyes could melt the hardest of hearts! It's not often we have a Brittany as our featured honoree, so seeing your sweet face up on my screen today was an extra special treat! And besides being beautiful, and so packed with personality, you're quite the escape artist too! Wow, 25 escapes must be a record!:eek: But thankfully your humans are doing everything possible to keep you safe, and hopefully with time you'll lose just a bit of that umm, youth exuberance!;) I think having a job, being a hunting dog, will go far in redirecting your energy; you're already showed a real talent for it, being able to track down your "bird." But as your human says, you're loved unconditionally, just the way you are, simply for being YOU, and no doggie could ask for more!
She's a great and affectionate dog that I love dearly and she's special just because she is my dog. She will always be special to me no matter what. Besides, what's NOT to love!:) You're one extra special girl, Zoey, the best furry friend a human could ever hope for, and equally lucky are you, having a family as devoted and loving as yours! What a perfect match! Thanks for the BIG smiles, sweetheart! I hope you're enjoying a very special Dog of the Day celebration, being loved and pampered to pieces! Lots of love, hugs and belly rubs to you, beautiful Zoey!:love::love::love:

03-08-2014, 03:31 PM
Hi Zoey,

You are a very pretty pup and I'm sure you are a smart girl too.:love: I do hope
you give up on running away by yourself. Your family would miss you so much &
I'm sure you would miss them also. Congratulations on being the special DOG OF THE DAY.:love:
Hugs & kisses to you pretty girl.:love: