View Full Version : In Memory of my Casey "Bubba Dude"

12-14-2002, 11:12 AM
Casey went to the Rainbow Bridge this morning.:(

I spoke with the vet this morning and she said she looked at Casey's slides and saw alot of abnormal cells which led her to believe it was a tumor, as minute as it might be. She said that we could try powerful steroids to take some of the inflammation down to help him breath and that's when I decided that Casey had suffered enough. :(

I was up with him all night, sleeping next to him on the floor while he was gasping for air. I did all I could for my precious boy. I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. :( :( :( I know in my heart I did the right thing, but I am numb.

Casey was with me for almost 8 years, from the time he was 4 weeks old. When I first saw him, he was a little pipsqueak the size of my hand. He crawled on my shoulder licked my ear and meowed. That's when I knew we were a couple.

He was my best friend who was at my side when I had my hysterectomy, when my Dad passed away, through my daughter's cancer. I will miss him sleeping at my head on my pillow every night, the "moochies" he used to give me along with his head butts. I was very fortunate and blessed that he came into my life.

Rest in peace Bubbs. You can now breath and frolick with Marina Mar and wait for my arrival at the Rainbow Bridge. You are in my heart and always will be.

Easter Sunday, 1995 - December 14, 2002

12-14-2002, 11:14 AM
I just want to thank everyone for their prayers and support through everything. You guys are the best and I never could've gotten through it by myself.

I love you!!


12-14-2002, 11:26 AM
Oh my Donna! This is so sad and my heart is breaking for you. I know that what you did was best but how it does hurt, doesn't it?! I have had to make that decision myself in the past and it does, as you said, feel like your heart has been ripped from your chest. You will be in everyone's prayers for this is a loss that all of us at Pet Talk fully understand. Your post was a beautiful tribute to Casey. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you at this most sorrowful time. Rest in peace sweet Casey.

12-14-2002, 11:38 AM
I am so sorry that Casey has moved on, but I am glad that he is no longer suffering. You did the right thing, the humane thing and now he is at rest. I know your heart is broken right now...mine would be too. Give yourself a little time to deal with it and maybe take one of your more cuddly cats and spend some extra time kissing and hugging. They are medicine for sure!

Rest in peace Casey....

Love from us all...


12-14-2002, 12:50 PM
oh I could just cry! I am so sorry about sweet Casey! you did do the right thing. But I know how you are hurting. It's such a hard thing to have to do, they are at peace but we are the ones so sad and missing them. your in my thoughts and prayers. Casey is with my Cookie now and all the other rb pets.

:( :( :(

12-14-2002, 01:09 PM
I am so very sorry, such sad news. :( You did the best and kindest loving thing for Casey in letting him go, but oh, boy, it hurts doesn`t it. :( I will be thinking of you...

Rest in peace Casey

Love and big hugs

12-14-2002, 01:09 PM
You did the absolute best thing for dear Casey ..... you ended his suffering, in a loving, and respectable way. I honestly believe that prolonging life through testing, medications, treatments, etc... is often just prolonging the pain and suffering, and postponing the inevitable! You were a loving mother to Casey for many years, and I do know how deeply you are hurting. I lost my "kitty boy" Mittens on Labor Day 1999, and it still hurts to this day.

Try to find comfort in knowing that Casey is no longer suffering!

12-14-2002, 01:16 PM
Donna {{{{Hugs}}}} Across the Miles.

My heart goes out to you Donna - how very , very sad for you. But brave of you to let Casey go - it takes so much strength doesn't it? He knew you'd come through for him - and you did.
Well done good Mum xxxx You'll be in my thoughts in the coming days.


12-14-2002, 01:17 PM
Rest peacefully sweet Casey!

So sorry for your loss, Donna. :(

{{~We're here for you, whenever you need us~}}

12-14-2002, 01:31 PM
I'm so sorry you have lost your loving friend Casey.

The loving help we receive from our pets during times of sickness and loss is beyond measure. I'm so glad Casey left you with so many years of treasured memories.

Goodbye, sweetie Casey - you were dearly and truly loved!

12-14-2002, 02:23 PM
I'm so sorry:( I was crying as I read your post:( My heart really goes out to you and Casey. ((hugs to you)) You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

12-14-2002, 04:57 PM
OH Casey, I miss you already!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sitting here crying but I know that even though it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hard on your family, that you are now breathing easier.
Donna, I wish I could ease your pain!

12-14-2002, 05:32 PM
I am sitting here crying after reading all your sweet posts. It is comforting to know I have so many wonderful friends here at Pet Talk.

I know I did the right thing. I just could not put Casey through another minute of poking and prodding only to prolong his life for a short time.

You are the best friends anyone could ever have, both near and afar. I will never forget your kindness and support during such a difficult time.

I am always here for any of you, anytime you need to talk, vent, just to lend an ear.

You guys mean the world to me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

12-14-2002, 06:10 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I know how hard it is. Me Tibby and Corkscrew send you and your family hugs and head bumpies.

12-14-2002, 07:19 PM

I am so very sorry for the loss of your Casey.:(

You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Rest easy
now sweet Casey. You were loved & treasured.

12-14-2002, 07:37 PM
Dear, sweet Donna. My heart is breaking for you. I am so, so very saddened to hear of Casey's passing. Of course you did the best thing for your precious Casey. Still, I know so well how your heart is breaking. I pray that God grants you comfort at this very sad time. Your Casey was a very handsome boy, so gentle and loving, and I know what joy and comfort he brought to your life. Remember that he waits for you at the Rainbow Bridge, free of discomfort and pain, eargerly awaiting the day his much loved Mommy is once again by his side. My heartfelt condolences to you Donna. I wish I could say something that could ease your sorrow. For now, I think you need to let the tears flow. All of my love to you Donna. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Sandra, Mr. B and Oliver

12-14-2002, 09:22 PM
Very sorry to hear about your loss Donna.
We are hear if you need us.
Godspeed to the bridge sweet Casey. Shaianne baby, take Good Care of sweet Casey until Momma can come and be with him.

12-15-2002, 12:32 AM
Oh Donna,

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. :( It shows how much you loved Casey that you were there for him and took care of him when he couldn't take care of himself. I lost my Nutley on Sept 17, 1999 and I still miss her grouchy little furface. I've sent a special prayer to her to look out for Casey and show him around.

Special hugs from Laura, Squirt, Lynnseed Enigma and the little orange kitty.

12-15-2002, 01:55 AM
Donna, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Casey sounds like he was a very wonderful friend to you and I'm glad that you had 8 great years together and so many wonderful memories of him. As I'm typing this tears are flowing down my cheeks. I sure wish I could ease the pain you must be going through. You did the right thing by taking him out of his misery and letting him go to RB so that he can now run and play without any pain at all. Please rest in peace sweet Casey. You will be truly missed. Please take care Donna.{{{{HUGS}}}}

12-15-2002, 07:56 AM
We are so sorry for your loss. You did what was best for your sweet friend.

smokey the elder
12-15-2002, 09:00 AM
I'm so sorry about Casey, but also glad that you had the courage to make the right decision. No matter how long a cat chooses to grace your presence, it's always hard when they have to go to the Bridge.

Smokey the Elder will show you all the sunny spots and share her shoestrings.

{{{Hugz}}} and let your kitty and human friends help you out in this tough time.

12-15-2002, 10:29 AM
My heart is breaking for you, I am so sorry for the loss of Dear Sweet Casey. You are such a good mom to end the suffering, that was your responsibility, and it is such a difficult one. Know that Casey is running around RB already, free of breathing constrictions, with all of our babies showing him the ropes. Special thoughts to you at this very difficult time.


12-15-2002, 02:58 PM

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Casey was a very special fur-baby. I know you are hurting. Cuddle a fur-kid for us, please.


Miss Meow
12-15-2002, 03:30 PM
Donna, I'm so sorry. Poor Casey, what a dreadful decision for you to have to make. You knew him best, and I'm sure it was the right decision for Casey. We are thinking of you {{hugs}}


Edwina's Secretary
12-15-2002, 03:32 PM
Donna....I wish there to be something more profound I could say than how very, very sorry I am about the loss of your beloved Casey.

May he rest in peace.

12-15-2002, 03:47 PM
Donna, I'm so very sorry to hear that Casey had to go to the RB! :( You did the very best you could and I'm sure sweet Casey felt that! No more suffering for Casey - but it is so hard on you, I know! :( Please take care, Donna! We'll all be thinking of you!

Rest in peace sweet Casey ! :)

hugs from
Randi , John and Fister

12-16-2002, 01:32 AM
My sincerest condolensces on you loss Donna. I am glad Casey had such a good and long life and that you were always there. I know that he will be playing forever and remembering you over the rainbow bridge.

Blessings to you for sharing your life with a very special furkid.

12-16-2002, 03:59 AM
Donna ~ I am very sorry for your loss. Yes, he is at the Rainbow Bridge comfortable and watching over you. I know the decison was hard but I think you made the right one. You will be in my prayers tonight. Take Care!

All Creatures Great And Small
12-16-2002, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by lut
Look to the stars on Dec. 25 , and you will see a huge light there : it's all our pets at the RB , celebrating their own Christmas !:) What a beautiful thought - I hope it can help ease the pain a tiny bit, Donna. I don't know what else to say that hasn't already been said - I'm so sorry for your loss, but I know Casey is glad he had such a devoted momma who would make the ultimate loving decision that she did.

12-16-2002, 09:35 AM
How are you doing, Donna? Still holding you in my thoughts....

Lut that is a beautiful, calming thought... what a bright, bright star that will be!

Russian Blue
12-16-2002, 11:03 AM
This last week has been so hard since I have known 3 other people who have had to put down their furbabies.

My heart goes out to you! It has to be the most hardest and emotional time to make the choice and put down your pet. But you know deep down that it was the only choice and one that helped your babe the most.

Take time to grieve but know that you gave Casey the safest and warming home a person could give.

12-16-2002, 11:50 AM
Donna, I just now saw this thread and tears are welling in my eyes.

Making that final decision to let Casey go is so very hard. I know, I have been there and it is just too painful to think about.

But to not let them go seems so selfish. I weighed this so carefully when I had to make my decisions. The answer comes to you when you know you cannot stand their suffering and you can ease their way to the Rainbow Bridge.

Lut has given us all the most beautiful thought for our Christmas hasn't she? I think that this will always be a comfort to me as I do look up to the heavens on Christmas and look at the many stars and think about all of our furkids celebrating together.

Dear Casey, rest now sweet one. You have been well loved and you are even now, still well loved. Donna misses you, but you will be together again someday.

Donna, all of us are here for you during this painful time in your life. You have been through a lot lately and our prayers go out for you.

12-16-2002, 12:17 PM
I'm so sorry that you had to let Casey go. I agree, it's the most difficult decision that we, as pet guardians, must make but it is a comforting thought that all of our Rainbow Bridge angels will be celebrating Christmas together. :)
It was the right decision, dear heart and we are all here for you! Many prayers to you during this difficult time, and Marius and Scooter send along some comforting headbumpies:)


12-16-2002, 12:24 PM
Donna, I am so sorry that you had to make this decision. It is never easy but Casey is in a better place and running and playing again.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time,

Cheryl, Emily and little one

Cinder & Smoke
12-16-2002, 12:26 PM
The Christmas Star will be a little Brighter, this year...

There's One More FurKid adding to the Glow ~


Rest In Peace, Sweet Casey.

{{{Huggs}}} for Donna.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-16-2002, 01:13 PM
Oh, Donna, I'm so sorry to hear about poor Casey. :( :(

You did the right thing, and he is breathing easy at the RB.

Hugs to you and the rest of your furkids.

12-16-2002, 05:39 PM
So sorry to hear about little Casey. Max, Speckles and I send you our thoughts and prayers. Rest easy in knowing that you and Casey will be together again some day.


12-16-2002, 09:43 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

12-17-2002, 07:19 AM
Hi everyone!

I'm sorry I haven't posted till now. I'm doing well. I posted Casey's story on the RB which is helping in the healing process. Yesterday I attempted to go to work. But everytime someone came up and asked me about Casey I burst into tears, so my supervisor sent me home.

I just want to thank you all for your kind words and support through a very difficult time. You are all such wonderful, caring people, and such dear friends. I cherish you all very much.

My sister-in-law gave me a gold locket meant to keep cremains in for when Casey's ashes come back. She has one just like it when her dog passed on. The vet took gave me a clay disk with Casey's paw print in it with "Casey, 2002" printed on it. I think that is such a great idea and wish more vets would do that.

Only time will heal my heart, and this site will surely help. Paul and Karen should be very proud, not only of the their work, but the people on it!

I love you guys!!


12-17-2002, 08:20 AM
Sorry for your loss.

Breath easy-good boy.

You WILL see him again.

You are a good Mama.

12-17-2002, 11:22 PM
Good to hear from you, Donna. You know where we are if ya need us.


12-18-2002, 06:15 AM
Cinder & Smoke,

I wanted to post a special thanks to you guys for posting Casey's picture. The only way I know how is to post a link. It's my favorite picture of which I've made into a background on my computer.

Thanks again!

Cinder & Smoke
12-18-2002, 09:42 AM

Rest In Peace, Sweet Casey.

{{{Huggs}}} for Donna.

12-18-2002, 12:26 PM
This too, was my first time hearing of your loss. :( I'm so very sorry. :(

I know that Casey is frolicing in RB with all his kitty friends, happy and healthy, awaiting your arrival. He had such a caring heart of gold....such a lovely little guy. You'll see him again and you can again be together.

I love the idea of having a locket in rememberance of sweet Casey...and the paw print is so great! I know you will cherish it, as he cherished you.

Take care, we are here if you need us.

God bless.

12-18-2002, 06:22 PM
I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear sweet Casey.

12-19-2002, 03:20 PM
All my sympathy to you in your loss of Casey and the difficult decision to let him go. I lost my Genevieve on April 15, 2000, to cancer and had to make that awful decision too. I think I know how you are feeling now, kinda hollowed out and numb? The grief is gone now (it took a long time), and now I can remember her with love and laughter and gratitude for the eleven years I had her. Casey sounds like a cat unlike any other-- (like Genevieve). My husband and I were going to wait til autumn before we looked for another cat, but the house was so empty that a month and a half later we found Archie at the Humane Society, Bill three weeks later at Feral Feline Rescue, Dinah a month after that at Last Hope, and finally Mau last August (he came as a foster, but quickly became a member of the family). They're all Siamese Crosses, like Genevieve, and I love each one with all my heart.

My sympathy for Casey's departure--May God bless you and send you another wonderful cat to dry your tears and make you smile again.

Sincerely, Kay

12-19-2002, 07:36 PM
Thanks Noahsmommy and Kay. I have good days and bad days. The hardest ones are at night. Last night was pretty bad. I'm so used to having Casey on my pillow purring next to me. It lulled me to sleep.

I kept having visions of him dead on the vet's table after he left me. I'm having a hard time because when they gave him the shot, the vet tech held him down. The poor guy's front legs were bruised from all the needles he had to endure during the x-rays. My one regret is that I wasn't able to hold him and let him know everything was okay while the shot was being administered.

I was a little surprized because I THOUGHT they'd have given him a tranquilizer first to calm him down before IT happened. But they didn't. It just all happened so fast. I was able to hold him and talk to him before the shot. But it's so important to let your furbabies know that they are not alone and it's okay. I never got that chance. :( :( :( It's too late now.

My heart hurts.

12-19-2002, 07:53 PM
oh Donna, Casey knows!!!!! He knows you did all you could and he knows you loved him then and you love him now. Grieve for him but do not feel guilty. He really does know. Time will make the pain more bearable and the memories more special.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-20-2002, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
oh Donna, Casey knows!!!!! He knows you did all you could and he knows you loved him then and you love him now. Grieve for him but do not feel guilty. He really does know. Time will make the pain more bearable and the memories more special.

I couldn't agree more. I know that your "Bubba Dude" knew very well that he was one loved kitty and wasn't alone. I think the guilt is a normal part of the grieving process, but please don't beat yourself up over it. He was a very loved kitty, and you showed that by making the ultimate sacrifice for his good - not your own.


12-20-2002, 11:18 AM
I cannot believe I missed this post. :( :(

Oh Donna! My heart just breaks for you. I'm so sorry to hear about Casey. May he rest in peace.

I know it's hard and only time can ease the grief.

If you ever need to talk, feel free to call me.

Zam send purrs to help comfort you.

12-22-2002, 07:57 AM
Dear Donna , at first I also had that bad feeling when I heard that my Sydney had died while we were on vacation .... I also was so angry with myself because I wasn't there when he needed me ; but after a while , and with the help of all Pettalkers , I realised Sydney has always known that we loved him dearly , and that he was not at all angry with me !!
Hang on , Donna , it will take some time , but it will heal !!

12-27-2002, 01:37 PM
The vet wouldn't let me hold Gennie either at the end, and she was so sick of needles and vets that they had to hold her down too. That's what hurts, cuz I'd already made arrangements for a vet that makes housecalls to come to our home when it was time, but that vet was on vacation when Gennie got so bad. While the vet was administering the shot, I had my face pressed to Gennie's neck and was whispering to her how much I loved her and always would. I was supporting her head with my hands and when I felt her go limp I knew she was gone. I wanted to have her pass away at home, because she didn't need the stress of another trip to the vet. Also (it seems a only a little bit weird in retrospect), if she passed away at home, I was hoping that her spirit would visit me from time to time.

Something that helped me at the time and still does when I feel lonesome for Genevieve is to sit by her grave (in our back yard) and talk to her about anything at all, and tell her once again how much I always loved her and always will, and that she will always be missed. Even a simple thing like that helps. Tell Casey that it hurts not to have been able to hold him when he went. Tell him that you miss him every night and all day long. And be sure to let yourself cry, for heaven's sake! A couple of times I went for a car ride in the country all by myself so I could sob and wail like a banshee with grief. I would have panicked my husband if I'd acted like that around him, but sometimes you need to let it out.

Be GLAD you can feel so deeply about other living creatures, and be PROUD that Casey had such a love-filled and happy life with you.

The grief will diminish little by little, and soon you'll be able to remember him without so much pain.

I hope this feeble advice helps. Please let your Pet Talk friends know how things are going for you. In memory of Casey,

Sincerely, Kay

01-13-2003, 11:35 AM
Hi all - i'm new here and don't know how much I can "drop by" per se - however I've read about everyone's great dedication to their cats -

I lost my cat "Taffy" of 17 years (old cat) - Calico/Persian/American bobtail mix it looked like...On elvis's birthday Jan 08,02 :D I'm a firm believer that in some senses, a pet is brought to us for a much deeper reason than to be a household ornament.

My cat died twice that night. (No kidding).. The night she died - she came up to me and started to meow unmercilessly until I picked her up and held her where she quit breathing several times, drooling and just got the "glazed" look... She was lifeless - gasping for air every so often and wouldn't respond to my petting her. Out of nowhere......she started to breath again - at first irratically, then it regulated and she came back. She seemed ok for quite awhile after the incident - I stayed up late to pet her, love on her and she even ate some chicken.

About 4 am the same thing happened where she came looking for me again - meowing like crazy........going through the same fit, only this time growling and crying .........*sigh* I petted her and cared for her and as corny as it sounds to some I whispered in her ear as I cried "If you have to go now, i'll understand..."

she died....never in my life had I experienced a pet death at this magnitude....fish don't count for me................

I'm not ready for another cat - I still have one whose now seemingly starting to notice taffy missing, because she's sure a lot more friendly than she used to be....and meow's a lot more and seemed to be more lonely now, than before - understandingly so --------------------------- I'm used to "loss" in life, however anyone have suggestions for being supportive to my other cat? She's 10/11 y.o and I don't want her to get into bad habits from TOO much support.

RIP Taffy 4/1985 - 01/08/02

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-13-2003, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by Winterskiss
I petted her and cared for her and as corny as it sounds to some I whispered in her ear as I cried "If you have to go now, i'll understand..."

I'm sooo sorry about Taffy's having to go. And the above doesn't sound corny at all, and I'm sure you'll find it doesn't to any of the Pet Talkers here.

As for your other kitty, she is definitely noticing Taffy's not being there. The only thing I can suggest is another kitty for her, but as you're not quite ready for that yet, just give her attention when she needs it, but don't overdo it. It's possible that you are being more attentive to her to help deal with Taffy's loss yourself.

Hang in there, both of you, and as they say - it will get better with time.

RIP sweet Taffy. :(

01-13-2003, 11:51 AM
It's definetly not easy to keep a stiff upper lip at work - when you don't feel that others around you will be ok with someone just blubbering at work - especially where i work.......... A lot of "Brass" per se....................... Hate cryin around anyone anyways heh

01-13-2003, 01:07 PM
welcome to winterskiss! It is very hard losing a beloved pet, a member of your family. Keeping a stiff upper lip usually works best when you keep busy, but take a break or have a lull and it is hard to control the tears and the feelings. We, ALL, here at PT know this sorrow and can sympathise with you. And it will get easier, but don't feel guilt over your emotions even when others do not understand. And I think you can papmer your other kitty without her becoming spoiled, after all, she is grieving too.

01-13-2003, 01:13 PM
Yea, I know what you're saying - however I guess that's *my* problem that I don't want to look "unprofessional" or ridiculous ---

I don't know when i'll feel it's right to get another pet, because honestly what i went through is NOT something i want to experience again.

I had a cat that went "missing" 10 years ago while living in California desert (my guess the coyote's got her) - and that sucked..........Taffy was HER partner in crime -

thanks for your support, i *DO* appreciate the understanding