View Full Version : ~Fabio~

02-14-2014, 05:20 AM
Happy St. Valentines Day Fabio!:love: It looks like you're all ready for the occasion! You're such a handsome boy!:cool:
Congrats on being POTD!:D

02-14-2014, 01:04 PM
Greetings Fabio! Happy Pet of the Day to you!:) What a precious Gecko you are, Fabio, and quite the Gecko super model too! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed visiting your Mom's website! Wow! What an incredibly talented photographer she is, and what a heart melter of a subject she has in you (and the other precious creatures as well, even the human one)!;) Each shot is so special, not only in its beauty, it's lighting and composition, but in theme! Each time I came to one of your shots I thought to myself, "now this one can't POSSIBLY be topped," but it was!:D Hard to believe she was actually photographing a real life Gecko!:D How blessed you are to have found your way to such a loving forever home, Fabio! And equally blessed is your Mom, having a best 4 legged friend as sweet and loving and special as you, a birthday dream gift come true! You're one in a million, Fabio, and so very deserving of your Valentine's Day honors! Enjoy a very happy day of celebration, sweet little man, chowing down on some yummy mashed blueberries, celebrating with all of your fellow creatures, being spoiled to the max! Lots of love to you, precious Fabio, and a very Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family!:love::love::love:

02-14-2014, 05:13 PM
Fabio what a gorgeous Valentine you are!!! :love:

I loved seeing your sweet face on my computer today. You certainly made me smile!!! I can tell you are lots of fun to have as a friend. Please thank your mom for sharing you with us. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

Congratulations, sweet Fabio, on being our very special Valentine Pet of the Day!!! :):love: