View Full Version : Terrific Tank!

01-20-2014, 02:03 PM
Hi Tank! A very happy Dog of the Day to you, sweetheart!:) What a handsome boy you are, Tank...Just look at that mega million watt smile, those gleaming pearly whites!:D You even know how to smile upside down!:p You truly are a golden hearted, gentle giant of a pup, Tank; not a mean bone in that there body!:) And speaking as a lifelong mom to Labs and Lab x's, I have to say it sure looks like there's more than smidgen of Labbie in you! But as your proud mom/dad has said, no matter what your breed blend may be, you couldn't be more perfect if you tried! Great thanks to your family for taking a chance on you, Tank, despite a few reservations! You proved yourself to be all your family could have hoped for and then some...the perfect pup for them, a full fledged member of the family!:cool: Thanks for the BIG smiles, Tank! I hope you're enjoying a very happy, fun filled Dog of the Day, being treated to all your heart desires and more! You sure deserve it, sweetheart! Lots of love, hugs and kisses to you, precious Tank!:love::love::love:

01-20-2014, 03:25 PM
"Rescued is my favorite breed" and that's you, happy guy Tank! Could you please have your people give you some petting and hugs for me today, because your smiley face gave me a HUGE smile! :D Happy Dog of the Day to you, Tankers!

01-20-2014, 05:41 PM
You sure are a good looking boy Tank!!!:love: Congrats on being DOTD! Have fun!:D