View Full Version : Krum !!!

01-16-2014, 05:29 AM
Good morning Krum and congrats on being DOTD!!! You're adorable and it sounds like you're a lot of fun!:cool:
I hope this day is special for you and your family!:D Kisses to you Krum!:love:

01-16-2014, 09:47 AM
Krums pictures are priceless, he has the most joyous little wee face! Congrats on bein' our DOTD sweet Krum :love:

01-16-2014, 10:08 AM
Hi Krum!

Congratulations on being DOTD! You are so sweet! I love french bulldogs! That cute little face is just to die for! I would really like to get one myself, but I cant have dogs where i live right now. So it's so great your human shares you with us here. I hope you are enjoying your special day, with lots of love and treats, playing with all kinds of toys and people too. :-)

Best wishes from Denmark :love:

01-16-2014, 12:44 PM
Hi cutie Krum in Bulgaria! Happy Dog of the Day to you!:) What a precious French Bulldog you are, sweetheart, a beauty in body and heart! And oh yes, you certainly are *star* material, and no where does your *star* shine more brightly than in your family's heart! I love that BIG smile of yours, Krum, and oh, don't you have reason TO smile!:D A pup couldn't hope for a happier life, a more loving and devoted forever family, a more idyllic setting to spend his days...the Black Sea! :cool: Between romps on the beach, swims in the sea, play dates at the doggie park with your 4 legged buddies, you must be one pooped pup come evening! But at the end of a long day of playing hard, I'm sure nothing beats chowing down on some yummy vittles, cuddling up on the couch with your mom and dad to enjoy a movie, to share a cuddle and a kiss! How lucky your family is, Krum, having a "first" as sweet and loving as you! You're a treasure, and so very deserving of your Dog of the Day honors! Thanks for the BIG smiles, sweet little man! I hope you're enjoying an extra special day, celebrating with your humans and all of your friend and fans, being loved and pampered to pieces! Lots of love, cuddles and kisses to you, precious Krum!:love::love::love:

01-16-2014, 01:08 PM
Krum you are the cutest thing!! Happy DOTD!!