View Full Version : Henry, Henry, Henry

01-09-2014, 03:59 AM
You are a handsome little devil aren't you?

I'm so happy that your Giant, Hairless, Rat Mom found you and your brother! You are getting quite the great life now and I'm happy to hear that you warmed up to her so nicely. It's sad that you had to grow up for your first month in a bad place, but it sounds like you have a much better place to live now!

Congrats on being POTD and give your momma scritches and boggles from my crew.

(P.S. Dax and Kira are PEW rats and think you are the cutest thing ever ;) )

01-09-2014, 05:24 AM
Congratulations, Henry, on being POTD! We LOVE your photos - there should be a gold halo over your head in both photos cuz you're a precious angel and oh-so-adorable -- and soooo lucky!! Best wishes to you and your sweet buddies for a continued happy, healthy, long life!! :love: XOXO http://www.guineapigsrfun.net P.S. Using any critters as "feeders" is inhumane (to say the least)!

01-09-2014, 03:26 PM
Hi Henry! Happy Pet of the Day to your precious princely self, and to your rattie brothers too!:) I got all misty eyed, Henry, reading your humans loving tribute, her/his recounting of how you and your brothers came to be hers/his! Great thanks to your human for rescuing you all, for saving you from a most horrific fate; providing you all with the happiest of lives, the most caring and loving of forever homes! It took a while for you all to settle in but oh, what an amazing transformation! It took some time, but thanks to your human's unwavering commitment and unconditional love, you've grown into the most confidant, trusting and loving furkid imaginable! How lucky you are to be so loved, Henry, and how lucky is your human, having 3 beautiful (inside and out) best furry friends in you and your brothers! And oh, aren't your photos heart melting!:love:Thanks for the BIG smiles, sweet little one! I hope you and your brothers are all enjoying an extra special day of celebration, chowing down on lettuce and cookies, playing with your lab blocks, being spoiled rotten! You all deserve it! Lots of love, cuddles and kisses to you, precious Henry, and to your rattie bros too! Long and happy life to you all!:love::love::love:

01-09-2014, 05:18 PM
Henry what a handsome and lucky fellow you are!!! :love:

I am so happy your human found you and your brothers. What a happy and fun life you will now have. Lots of love and cuddles and good food!!! It must be lots of fun having you for friends. Please thank your human for sharing you with us. I hope you are all enjoying your special day.

Congratulations, sweet Henry, on being our very special Pet of the Day!!! :):love: