View Full Version : Dogs Next Door Being Mistreated

09-26-2001, 04:29 PM
I am not sure if you remember, but there had been a previous post about Pet Talkers and neighbors neglecting their doggies. Well, I told my story about the Malamute and GSD that are tied up all the time, never walked, live in their own waste, and left out in the rain. Their owner no longer lives in that house, but her sister who lives there is keeping them. The situation is still the same and I am very concerned about these poor animals.

I took the first step today and called a friend of mine that works for Animal Control. She explained to me that what I described could be a case of animal cruelty and that I could call and file a formal complaint and they would send someone to check the dogs out and evaluate the situation. Since she is my friend, this was totally confidential and she said that if I decided to take action, I should call and speak with someone and file a complain.
What do you guys think? I do not care if the people next door know that I called or not (my file would be confidential and my name would not be mentioned). I am the only one that can see the dog because of were they are tied. I have to live next door to these people and do not want any trouble especially wince Andrew will be leaving in January and I will be all alone. But these poor dogs need a family that can take care of them.
Anyhow, please let me know what you think. i need to leave work now and so I will do nothing till tomorrow.
I am waiting for everyone's input. Thanks you guys!