View Full Version : Gorgeous, Amazing Fargo!

12-01-2013, 03:01 AM
WOW, Fargo, you are brilliant, beautiful, amazing! We love your video and seeing all your awesome tricks! We've never ever seen a bird somersault before!! You are so smart and absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations on being POTD! And, congrats, on having such a wonderful human parent who loves you so much! You are a great team! (And let's not forget cutie-pie Cypher!) :love::love::love: We hope you continue to have a wonderful, happy, long life! :love: http://www.guineapigsrfun.net

12-01-2013, 07:53 AM
Wow Fargo, you're gorgeous!!! :love: What a smart boy you are learning all those tricks!;)
I'm glad your human took you home even though the breeder suggested not to! Congrats on being POTD!:cool:
Have fun!!!:D

12-01-2013, 12:40 PM
Greetings, Fargo from Down Under! Happy Pet of the Day to you!:) What a gorgeous guy you are, Fargo!:eek: Your brilliant blue and gold coloring is simply spectacular, and your fun loving, joyful personality equally as captivating! We're so glad your human took a chance on you, ignoring that silly breeder's warning that you might not be the most suitable of companions...not a "great pet!":confused: Well, you sure proved him/her wrong, didn't you, Fargo?:p (Sounds to me more like it was the breeder who had issues with you, not the other way around, and we animal lovers all know how you kids key in on a human's "vibes!") And now, just look at how your true inner light is shining! There's no doubt that your human found a soul mate in you, and you in her; what a dream team! But, your spectacular good looks and wining personality aside, how impressive are all of those competition wins?:eek: Looks, personality, talent and smarts...YOU Fargo, are a gem, and how lucky your family is to have you in their lives, including Cypher! hehe Just "liked" you on FB, and oh, that pic of you and Cypher the Golden, the look on his face, priceless!:D Thanks for the BIG smiles, Fargo! Meeting your beautiful self, visiting your FB page and watching your utterly heart melting vids ("Hear Me Roar, hehe), has truly brightened my day! (Your talents are amazing, and those last few moments of you taking off in flight, high into the Australian sky, brought tears to my eyes!) Enjoy your well earned day in the spotlight, sweetheart, being spoiled rotten! Lots of love to you, beautiful Fargo! Long and happy life to you!:love::love::love:

Bobcat Rosie
12-01-2013, 02:10 PM
I am so impressed with Fargo. What a beautiful and clever bird. Love the video with all the amazing tricks. You are doing such a good job with him and he is lucky lucky lucky to have you. So glad you found each other. :love:

12-01-2013, 03:36 PM
Fargo what a stunning fellow you are!!! :love:

Not only are you beautiful but talented too!!! I loved your video!!! I did not know birds could learn so many tricks. The ones of you flying were breath taking. You and your human make an excellent team. I am so happy they shared you with us today. I hope you are having a fun day in beautiful Austrailia. :)

Congratulations, sweet Fargo, on being our very specialand deserving Pet of the Day!!! :):love:

12-01-2013, 04:41 PM
Fargo is a brilliant POTD. Far beyond excellent.

12-01-2013, 07:29 PM
Hi everyone!

This is Fargo's mum ;) hahaha

Thank you all for your kind words, it is very sweet of you all :D

Haha he loovvesss somersaulting, and loves sticking his tongue out :p

He is a very special little boy! Very lucky to have him! :D

Fargo is incredibly spoilt as well, has a room to himself filled with gyms and toys :p

12-01-2013, 07:37 PM
Here is his room! :p This is an old pic without some new things!

http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u556/tab_xo/Screenshot2013-10-15at11032PM_zps4f0ae545.png (http://s1321.photobucket.com/user/tab_xo/media/Screenshot2013-10-15at11032PM_zps4f0ae545.png.html)

His cat gym filled with toys.. This is his favourite play station
http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u556/tab_xo/Screenshot2013-10-15at11734PM_zps8037b59b.png (http://s1321.photobucket.com/user/tab_xo/media/Screenshot2013-10-15at11734PM_zps8037b59b.png.html)

His natural section with pods and nuts
http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u556/tab_xo/Screenshot2013-09-08at92041AM_zps9a6a8a9e.png (http://s1321.photobucket.com/user/tab_xo/media/Screenshot2013-09-08at92041AM_zps9a6a8a9e.png.html)

and his new section with his tree and atom orb and natural swing!
http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u556/tab_xo/DSC_0102_zps1251bd73.jpg (http://s1321.photobucket.com/user/tab_xo/media/DSC_0102_zps1251bd73.jpg.html)

12-01-2013, 08:05 PM
Hi Fargo's Mom! OMG, talk about deluxe digs!:D So, Fargo, be you "spoilt" or "spoiled," you got it all going on!:p Will your family adopt me? hehe It's my dream to visit Australia, and if those be the accommodations, I'm yours for life! (Will work for food!:D) Did I mention I'm love? You're the best, Fargo, and your Mom SO lucky to have you in her life! Get to bed now...I think it's tomorrow there in Oz!:p XO