View Full Version : Gabriel & Saqqara!

11-30-2013, 07:23 AM
Congratulations, G & S, on being Pets of the Day! Hope you 2 don't mind SHARING that honor! ;) OMG, that amazing close-up photo of Gabriel & Saqqara together brought a HUGE smile to my face on this cold morning! Reading about your unique personalities proves, once again, that every animal is as different as every human being! You 2 are so lucky to have a human parent who appreciates you and loves you so much! We hope you have a very, very special day, celebrating your POTD honor! (I hope someday to have a lot of land and a couple cute goats just like you!) :love: http://www.guineapigsrfun.net

11-30-2013, 07:46 AM
Congrats on being POTD Gabriel & Saqqara!!! You're both so cute! Have a fun day!:D

11-30-2013, 11:37 AM
Was a pleasure being part of pet of the day. I dont think ill let Gabe and Saqqara know. They already think they are rock stars :)

Bobcat Rosie
11-30-2013, 11:58 AM
Gabriel and Saqqara, you are very cute. Congratulations on being Pet of the Day today. Love the picture of the two of you together looking into the camera. The pumpkin massacre video was lovely. I really had to laugh near the end of the video where one of the goats was rubbing his head on the other human's bottom. LOL!!! Thanks for the smiles on this cold winter day.:D

11-30-2013, 12:45 PM
Greetings Gabriel & Saqqara! Happy Pet of the Day to both you lovely ladies!:) What a treat, having not just one but two beautiful goats as our most deserving honorees, and a mother/daughter team at that! And like others here, I too had to laugh out loud at the sight of you two "knocking heads," hogging, I mean mugging for, the camera!:D As the saying goes, like mother like daughter! (Well, for you two in some ways!;)) Love your diva, "take charge" attitude, Gabriel! It's a tough enough job, keeping but a few "kids" in line. But after watching your fabulous "pumpking massacre" video I'm doubly impressed...that's quite the herd!:eek::cool: (Why I was surprised to see that goats love pumpkin is beyond me, but it sure looked yummy going down, lol!) And you, Saqqara, you couldn't be sweeter if you tried! What a lucky family, being able to share their home and hearts, their land and their love, with creatures as special as you two, with an entire herd of lovely goats! What a life! Thanks for the BIG smiles, beautiful Gabe and Saqqara! I hope you and the entire herd are enjoying a very special day of fun and pampering, being treated to some yummy treats and endless skritches (but only if you're in the mood, Gabe)!;) Lots of love and skritches to you both, with wishes for a long and happy life!:love::love::love: Pssst...You ARE rock stars! lol

11-30-2013, 03:00 PM
You two are quite the pair! Wishing you a joyous POTD celebration, rock stars . . . :cool: . . .and many more healthy, happy years ahead with your devoted guardian!:)

11-30-2013, 03:33 PM
Gabriel & Saqqara what a gorgeous pair you are!!! :love::love:

I loved seeing your wonderful pictures and watching your video today!!! :) You are rock stars for sure!!! It must be lots of fun having you and your entire goat family as friends. It looks like you all enjoyed the pumpkins a lot. I hope you are all enjoying lots of fun together today too.

Congratulations, sweet Gabriel & Saqqars, on being our very special Pets of the Day!!! :) :love::love:

Dave-TDG-Farms thank you for sharing your special girls with us today!!! I loved seeing them. :love:

12-04-2013, 01:02 AM
Thank you guys. Very sweet posts. Glad you enjoyed the goaties :) Currently they have 2 big bales of corn stocks out in the pasture. During the winter months we like to give treats. First the pumpkins, then the corn stock bales and then at Christmas time we pick up a hundred or so unsold Christmas trees and them them enjoy them as well. The pumpkins and the trees actually have natural de worming agents in them. Not enough to be all natural, but helps them get into better condition for the coming kidding season.

Thanks again!
