View Full Version : ~ Lennox ~

11-22-2013, 05:22 AM
You're too adorable Lennox!!!:love: You went on a road trip? What a cool bunny!:cool: Congrats on being POTD!
I hope you have a fun day celebrating!:D

11-22-2013, 05:48 AM
Lennox is my bunny (he is Wolfgang's big brother x3) :) and thank you very much! :D

11-22-2013, 12:19 PM
Hi road tripping Lennox!:D Happy Pet of the Day to you, you beautiful bunny boy!:) Oh, your Mom must be beside herself, having had 2 of her beloved furry ones honored here within days...first adorable Wolfgang, the American Akita, and now YOU!:cool: http://dogoftheday.com/archive/2013/November/18.html (Next up, hammie! hehe) Well, you're just TOO special for words, Lennox...that stunning double mane, your chocolate otter colored fur and Vienna marks, those gorgeous, big blue eyes, your BIG heart...what's NOT to love?:love: You're even gentle with your little hammie bud!:D What a wonderful way to mark the Christmas season, with your homecoming! You're one extra special bun, Lennox, and your Mom so very lucky to have you in her life, Wolfgang and your hammie buddy too! Thanks for the BIG smiles, sweetheart! Enjoy your much deserved day of honor, celebrating to the max with Wolfgang and hammie, being spoiled rotten! Lots of love to you precious Lennox, and to the entire furry crew!:love::love::love:

11-22-2013, 03:36 PM
OMB! Lennox the Lionhead bunny! That thunk you might have felt was me falling off my chair from your cuteness! I bet you keep your mom smiling all day long with all sorts of bunny fun! I have to say what a beautiful bunny you are with your wonderful lion coat, your cute ears, and your blue eyes :) And smart, too -- what other bunny has a big dog attitude like you! Could you please have your mom give you and Wolfgang the Akita a bazillion hugs, snuggles and lovies for me to celebrate your special day :cool: Happy Bunny Pet of the Day, wonderful Lennox!

11-22-2013, 03:56 PM
Lennox what a stunning fellow you are!!! :love:

Your pictures are just heart melting!!! They certainly brightened up my gloomy day!!! :)It must be so much fun having you for a friend. You even go on road trips. I hope you are having a wonderfully fun day.

Congratulations, sweet Lennox, on being our very special Pet of the Day!!! :):love:

fuzzythepunkcat thank you so much for sharing your precious bunny with us today!!! :D:love:

11-22-2013, 06:46 PM
Thank you guys so much, from me and Lennox! And I have more pets than Wolfgang and Lennox and the hamster too! I have 4 dogs (Misty the Lab mix, Martyn the Cocker Spaniel, Kiba the Papillon, and of course Wolfgang the Akita puppy), I also have 2 cats (a Bengal named Milo and a mix named Sahara), plus Lennox, and my hamster Smokey, my turtle Boris, my frogs Ripple and Fallow, my snail Slender, and my 32 fish (Luca, Blittz, Lilac, Lunar, Dallas, Ice, Jesse, Coda, Cyan, Bronson, Nala, Gizmo, Blizzi, Jade, King, Akame, Cagney, Zowie, Noka, Carmel, Fudge, Ocelot, Kurotora, Skye, Tally, Kenzy, China, Caesar, Pirate, Ozzie, Blue, and Fender). So I have the whole crew lol. I've already entered my dogs and cats and Lennox, I still need to enter the others, but I'm trying to do a couple at a time so I don't make whoever takes he submissions go insane lol. I feel so honored to have had Wolfgang and Lennox both win within days of each other and I am so greatful for all the kind words. They really deserve it too,they are wonderful animals and great friends to me and every one :)

11-22-2013, 11:09 PM
CONGRATS, Lennox, on being POTD! :love: I've never heard of a Lionhead rabbit so your photos were amazing to me! It sounds like you love life and are very loved! We hope you have a wonderful day and a long, safe, happy life! :) http://www.guineapigsrfun.net (featuring all rescues)