View Full Version : Handsome, affectionate Patrick!

11-12-2013, 04:26 AM
Patrick was dumped. He was found one St. Patrick's Day by the RSPCA, hence why he is named Patrick. Patrick is beautiful, handsome, and the most affectionate dog I have ever known. After everything he has been through, he still loves people, he thrives on being with you, and all he wants is love. When Patrick arrived to our home he was very thin and bald in places. He now filled out and has one of the glossiest coats I have seen! He is so handsome.

Patrick loves going out for walks, and going out in the car. He is very energetic and loves to run. He also loves being a couch potato and spends most of his day in bed on his back! He is very spoilt owning his own wardrobe of coats for every occasion. We just love him so much ... Nothing makes me and my family happier than seeing our little boy happy & wagging his tail!

Oh, Patrick! I love happy endings and yours is definitely a very happy one! How wonderful that you were rescued and cared for until you could go to your forever home! Now you are eating healthful food and getting loads of activity, rest, affection, reasons to wag your tail and love! You definitely need a selection of coats! (Seriously, from what I know about a greyhound, there are definite reasons to wear a coat. since you're inherently slender, you need an extra layer, such as an overcoat, to stay warm and sometimes dry, and protect your body.) Every gentleman needs a stylish coat to wear, and with your lovely glossy coat it makes you look even more handsome! Big, big, big hugs to you today, beautiful Patrick! What a pleasure to meet you! I like the picture of you resting "upside down" on your pillow, and the one of you in your red jacket enjoying the outdoors! But I really like ALL your pictures! Happy Dog of the Day to you, precious Patrick!

11-12-2013, 05:07 AM
Oh, Patrick! I love happy endings and yours is definitely a very happy one! How wonderful that you were rescued and cared for until you could go to your forever home! Now you are eating healthful food and getting loads of activity, rest, affection, reasons to wag your tail and love! You definitely need a selection of coats! (Seriously, from what I know about a greyhound, there are definite reasons to wear a coat. since you're inherently slender, you need an extra layer, such as an overcoat, to stay warm and sometimes dry, and protect your body.) Every gentleman needs a stylish coat to wear, and with your lovely glossy coat it makes you look even more handsome! Big, big, big hugs to you today, beautiful Patrick! What a pleasure to meet you! I like the picture of you resting "upside down" on your pillow, and the one of you in your red jacket enjoying the outdoors! But I really like ALL your pictures! Happy Dog of the Day to you, precious Patrick!

Patrick sends his thanks with lots of wags and licks to you! He is currently sprawled out on the couch sleeping hehe :love:

11-12-2013, 07:53 AM
Oh Patrick, I wish I could find the person that abandoned you and dump them somewhere to fend for themselves. Thank goodness for the kindness of strangers and now you have a loving family. Happy Well deserving DOTD

11-12-2013, 08:50 AM
Patrick it's so nice when a Greyhound face smiles back at me as I look at DOTD. Yours is a lovely smile indeed. And your roach is outstanding!
We're so happy that you were saved and that you now have a lovely family!

Mom to 6 greys, all sleeping right now :)

11-12-2013, 09:48 AM
Patrick is stunningly gorgeous, a supermodel of the doggie world. I'm not surprised that he has a whole wardrobe of outfits :cool:. Thank you for rescuing.

11-12-2013, 10:05 AM
Dear Patrick,

I do so love to see a beautiful greyhound featured as DOTD. You are a beautiful and special boy. I just don't understand how anyone could have abandoned you. But now you are living the charmed life indeed with people to love and spoil you and look after your every need, including a great fashion wardrobe! You know, that's almost a requirement for any greyhound :D.

My greyhound, Rudy, and I wish you an especially happy day today and perhaps some special treats to celebrate your day in the spotlight. Thank you for being such a wonderful ambassador for greyhound adoption! Rudy sends along some greyhound rooooos!

11-12-2013, 12:09 PM
Hi Patrick! Happy Dog of the Day!:) The moment I laid eyes on your beautiful self, my dear friend and fellow poster, K9Soul, and her beautiful rescued Grey Rudy, came to mind! Every Grey rescue story is special, and yours is no exception, Patrick. So many of your breed find their way into rescue groups following a failed or finished racing career. But I don't think I've ever met a Grey who was rescued off of the streets.:( I cannot comprehend the heart of one who could so cruelly abandon a helpless pup as you were abandoned. But thankfully you were found before any more harm could come to you, finding your way to the most loving and caring forever home, the most peaceful and carefree life imaginable!:cool: And it wouldn't be long, after a bit of healing time, before you would settle into every Grey's dream life...running with sheer abandon, spending endless hours on your comfy couch snoozing, being loved and pampered to pieces! Just look at those pics!!!:D How blessed you are, Patrick, and equally blessed are your humans, having a beautiful and loving best friend in you! Great thanks to your people for sharing your inspirational, heartwarming story with us, sweetheart! Enjoy your much deserved day of honor, and every moment of your wonderful "new" life! Lots of love, hugs and kisses to you, precious Patrick!:love::love::love:

11-12-2013, 02:57 PM
Hello Patrick,

Happy DOG OF THE DAY to you sweet boy.:love: I am so happy to know that you are loved
and treasured now for who YOU ARE and not for the money you might win for a owner.:) Sending
you lots of cyber hugs & kisses.xoxoxo:love: