View Full Version : Ebby ventures forth - a little bit!

12-12-2002, 05:12 PM
I left the bedroom door open to give her a chance to see the rest of the place, if she wanted to that is. (I locked Bob in his crate).

First stop was my bedroom.

12-12-2002, 05:14 PM
After checking out the bathroom she wondered what was downstairs

12-12-2002, 05:17 PM
Took another look, closer this time

12-12-2002, 05:18 PM
Decided to go down.

12-12-2002, 05:20 PM
She took a look around the corner and saw the big hairy monster! Oh, oh.....

12-12-2002, 05:28 PM
Actually Bob didn`t make a sound that first time, just sort of looked bemused! However, the second time she went down (brave girl!) he growled. Which is a worry really because Bob doesn`t growl very often.
Anyway, I made a silly mistake later on, and paid for it! lol I wanted to watch some tv and thought I would take Ebby with me so I picked her up but halfway down the stairs she must have remembered the big hairy growling monster and flew over my left shoulder, leaving some nice cat track marks on my neck. Oh, well, live and learn as they say! :)

I know the pics aren`t so hot but I just wanted to let you know how she was getting on.

12-12-2002, 05:47 PM
I think after a while Bob and Ebby will get along. Bob might have growled only because he was in the crate and felt a little threatened by a new creature!! But things will all work out. I'm so glad Ebby is scoping more of the house!!

12-12-2002, 05:48 PM
Actually the pictures are great. It was just like being there. I liked her second look between the bannister bars......priceless.

Now it is true that Ebby may have remembered seeing Bob downstairs, but It may be she doesn't want to be carried yet. Willow would not allow me to hold him and carry him for quite a while. For some reason it terrified him, and I know those cat tracks all too well.

12-12-2002, 07:05 PM
Wow Chris, such progress with Ms. Ebby! She will be fine. I bet Bob will get the hang of this too. Can't wait for that first picture of the two of them curled up together. May be some time, eh?

So happy things are fine with you and your pets!:)

All Creatures Great And Small
12-13-2002, 01:07 AM
Ebby - get used to that computer thingy in mom's room, because that's where you'll find her most of the time!:D ;) That's where she'll be posting all those gorgeous pictures of you once you warm up a bit. I'm so glad she's making progress! And you know, my cat still will NEVER let me carry him anywhere after 3 years together now; some of them are just like that, I guess.

Edwina's Secretary
12-13-2002, 10:14 AM
One good slash of Ebby's nail across Bob sweet nose and that should establish the order!

Fabulous progress you are making!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-13-2002, 03:30 PM
Wow, such great progress! I love the picture of her streaking up the stairs! At least she knows she can find safety in the house. And I think it's the carrying thing that she didn't like too. To this day Peanut does not like to be carried or picked up either - unless it's her daddy of course. :rolleyes:

But I always have to pick her up and smooch on her, and I always pay for it with either a scratch or a snag in a new sweater. You think she would have learned by now that I'm not going to hurt her, but then again, you would think by now that I would have learned not to pick her up. :p :D

12-13-2002, 04:58 PM
Ebby is so cute!! Looks like she is really making progress in her new home:)

12-13-2002, 05:31 PM
Ebby is such a brave girl exploring more of the house now!:)
You will see that her curiosity will get her out to explore every nook and cranny eventually.
Do you have a Christmas tree set up? I bet that would be something she would love to check out.:)

12-13-2002, 05:42 PM
Thanks so much to you all for your words of encourgement, it means a lot because I get a little dispirited at times. Especially most of today because Ebby seemed to have gone back in her shell.
Tonight though she has been out and about again but not once made a move to go downstairs! lol. I have taken about 11 pictures, but don`t worry I am not going to attach them all! Just 5 to give you an idea. I do have to warn you that three of them have been lightened because the flash batteries went again just as I was taking them! I think I am going to have to ration the flash pictures! :)

Here is number one

12-13-2002, 05:43 PM
Number 2

12-13-2002, 05:44 PM

12-13-2002, 05:45 PM
Number 4

12-13-2002, 05:54 PM
She left the room not long after I took this last one. She is now back in her room, wondering, no doubt, as it is nearly midnight, if she is ever going to get any supper!

12-13-2002, 10:57 PM
Wow brave Ebby venturing out to the wilds of your house.
In no time she run the house.
Sandy Frost:)

12-14-2002, 05:10 AM
it is hard to not take a setback personally (I know that I have in the past) but it is a learning experience for her and she is deciding how to deal with it. Each time she comes across the same "problem" she will handle it better and recover faster.

How do I kow this????? Calvin has lived through many setbacks,some so severe that I cried, but he always bounces back and faster each time. (our next hurdle is the vet's office, I think we will be dissappointed again):confused:

12-14-2002, 01:06 PM
Oh wow - Ebby the Brave Girl! Looks like she's getting settled in Chris - great news. I bet time will come when she curls up with Bob and you think 'Did they ever NOT get on'!! Good Luck.


12-14-2002, 01:43 PM
I bet time will come when she curls up with Bob and you think 'Did they ever NOT get on'!!
Thanks Lynne for putting that picture in my mind.:) I hope you are right and one day I will be able to post it for real. lol

Ebby has been hiding away all day today, I think she is mad at me! lol Last night, around 10 past midnight, she came back in my room, jumped on the bed (picture attached) jumped off and disappeared. I knew where she had gone though, I have a clothes rail with a zip-up cover, she had been under there earliar on. Anyway, after I undressed I chased her out and back to her room. All day today she has been under the sofa bed, around 4.30 I took her her food, she still stayed under there, went back two minutes later and she was sitting in the middle of the room. Ok, leave her alone, leave the door open, come in here and switch on the computer. After a little while I thought Id better go see where she was, not in her room, not gone downstairs cos Bob would have barked or something, come back in my room, yes, she`s in the wardrobe thingy. Unzipped it, out she runs, back in her hidey hole and there she has stayed! Again!

12-14-2002, 02:54 PM
Chris these pictures are just great and I love your captions! I really like the ones of her peeking around the railing. :) When I brought Bella into my home almost two years ago she was only 5 lbs. and not threatening at all. Nevertheless my two boys, who had lived with dogs all of their lives, went into hiding.....and this was THEIR house! hehe! Andy sought refuge in the basement and Trevor lived under my bed on the second floor. This was all because Bella was confined to the first floor until she had mastered potty training. I was beside myself with worry about how they were acting and the guilt was awful. I sooo much wanted them to all get along. It took a while but finally they all came together and seem quite comfortable with each other. Every now and then Bella will nudge them with her nose (while they are sleeping....which is a lot! LOL) to get them to play. Trevor ignores her, yawns and goes back to sleep. If she is persistent, Andy will leave the room. He takes naptime seriously! LOL! Eventually they all wind up back together again. I think things are going along pretty well considering the short time Ebby has been with you. Keep that positive outlook and of course keep those pictures coming!

12-14-2002, 04:32 PM
Thanks Pam, it is good to hear about your experience. I have to say I wish Bob would go hide like that! lol. To be fair though he has been very good about being locked in his crate for a couple or so hours these last few evenings, I know he uses his crate a lot, in a way it is his den, his secure place but being locked in is a different thing.
Ok, it has taken me quite a time to write this reply because Ebby is out of her self imposed exile and has been busy exploring again, and I have been busy taking pictures again! And watching where she was going, what she is doing. I wish she would decide where her resting place is! She tried the wardrobe thingy but Id left it unzipped so that wouldn`t do, the side of the bed, no good, ditto this side by me, the windowsill? no. I have just taken her picture lying on the chair, looks like she is going to settle for that for a while.
I think I will go check how these pictures have come out, then maybe post them on a new thread.


12-14-2002, 05:28 PM

12-14-2002, 05:52 PM
Sandy, I sure hope you are right cos that would be my best ever Christmas present! :D

12-14-2002, 07:19 PM
Yuri hated Baxter when he frist came to live with us. Now you can't
keep them apart. Baxter looks up to his Uncle Yuri. It will take time. I had a Golden R. dog who was 4 or 5 at the time and I brought home Gus a stray no one wanted. Will they weren't friends but left each other alone and didn't fight.
Sandy Frost:)

12-15-2002, 01:44 AM
These are great pics of Ebby. She's really making herself at home. :)