View Full Version : Billy!!!

10-23-2013, 05:26 AM
Good morning Billy! You're a gorgeous boy!:love: It sounds like you're a very friendly pup!
Congrats on being DOTD!:cool: I hope you and your pretty sister Gretchen have a fun day!:D

10-23-2013, 07:06 AM
Hello, beautiful Billy! I smiled :D when I read about how you do your "Silly Billy" greeting when your people get home from work! I would love to pet you or give you a tummy rub today! I bet you enjoy fun times with your people all through the year up in Minnesota! And with your little sister Gretchen too :) Could you please have your people give you and Gretchen tons of hugs and lovies for me today to celebrate! Happy, happy Dog of the Day to you, dear Billy dog!

10-23-2013, 07:42 AM
Hi Billy, you look like a kind soul. you are a beautiful boy and I wish you a great DOTD

10-23-2013, 12:17 PM
Hi Billy! A very happy Dog of the Day to you, beautiful boy!:) What a kind and loving, golden hearted gentle soul you are, Billy. One look into those soft, brown eyes of yours and I was goner! That's quite the climate change, Arizona to Minnesota, but sounds like you made the transition seamlessly! And being the outdoor loving, long coated Golden X that you are, it's no surprise to learn you prefer the sparkling waters, the shaded woods and cold snow of MN to the scorching heat and parched earth of AZ!:p And it's clear from your heartwarming photos you take full advantage of all of the natural wonders MN has to offer! LOVE that shot of you tooling about on your pontoon!:cool: Yep, you are one much spoiled pup, Billy, and deservedly so! In fact, Sunday breakfasts at your house sound similar to Sunday breakfasts hee, with the pup being treated to an extra special Sunday spread, courtesy of Dad! Nothing beats a stack of warm "pup pancakes," whipped up by a doting Daddy, right Billy?:D How very blessed your family is, fursis Gretchen as well, having known your unwavering love and devotion these many years! And how well you repay your parents' kindness each and every day with your joyful spirit, your warm and comforting cuddles, your "Silly Billy" welcome home, happy doggie dance!:D You're one in a million, Billy, a family's dream doggie come true, and so very deserving of your Dog of the Day honors! Thanks to your family for sharing your sweet self and precious pics with us! It was a pleasure meeting you, having the chance to pay tribute to the very special boy that you are and all that you mean to your parents and Gretchen! Hope you're enjoying a fun day of celebration, sweetheart, being spoiled even more than usual! No snow yet (even in MN, I don't think:D), and too cold for a boat ride, but hopefully some romping in the woods chasing critters can be had, along with a bunch more yummy treats! Lots of love, belly rubs and kisses to you precious Billy, and to adorable Gretchen too!:love::love::love:

10-23-2013, 04:56 PM
Hello Billy,

It's so great to meet a sweet senior fella who is so loved & treasured.:love: Happy DOG OF THE DAY to you
and best wishes for more good years to come.:love: I hope you & Gretchen enjoy this winter season as you
have in the past. Hugs & kisses to you sweet boy.:love:

10-23-2013, 05:16 PM
You've given Billy a great life and he is still one happy boy. Thanks for saving him.