View Full Version : Citrus Is My Gecko

09-22-2013, 01:11 AM
Hi there everyone! I am Citrus' Mom and I just want to say that CiCi and I cannot wait to read what all of you have to say about her! She was so exited when she found out that she won Pet of the Day! I just want to give a shout-out and say thanks to the Administrators for choosing my special little girl! Thanks everyone!

09-22-2013, 06:59 AM
Hello, Citrus, orange gecko! I enjoyed meeting you today, seeing your photo spread and reading about all the things you like to do! I like your cheerful orange color. You have a much better life now that you've left the pet store. Happy Pet of the Day to you!

09-22-2013, 08:30 AM
Oh Citrus, you're a cutie!!!:love: I see you even have your own pony to ride!:cool: Congrats on being POTD!
I hope you have a fun day!:D

09-22-2013, 10:31 AM
Thank you so much! She is adorable...that isnt her horse actually...there is a little cardboard stable next to her tank that has a little walkin pony pet in it. I put her on it and press the button and she holds on as it starts to walk!
Add me on deviantart! CitrustheGecko

09-22-2013, 10:32 AM
Thank you so much everyone! We really appreciate it!

09-22-2013, 01:01 PM
Hi Citrus! Happy Pet of the Day to you, and to your proud Mom too!:) I'm so happy to hear that you were excited when you learned of your "top pet" honors, and how deserving you are! Yes, you certainly are a beauty, CiCi, and SO photogenic; top model material for sure!:cool: I had such fun reading your mom's heart felt, love filled tribute to her beautiful best friend. No doubt you and she were destined to be as one (even though she thought she wanted a boy)!:p You are her dream pet come true, and though it would take some hard work, some saving up, and a lot of researching your species before the deal would be sealed, I'm sure your Mom would agree all of that time and effort preparing for your homecoming was well worth it! How lucky she is to have a best friend as unique, as special, as loving as you, Citrus, and how lucky are you, having a forever human as caring and devoted as yours! A match made in heaven, I'd say!:) Thanks for the BIG smiles, sweet CiCi! Enjoy your big day in the spotlight, being spoiled rotten, and here's hoping for many, many more wonderful years for you and your Mom! Lots of love and endless belly rubs to you, beautiful CiCi!:love::love::love: P.S...Love that smile!:D

09-22-2013, 02:13 PM
Hi there! Cici and me read your post and we are both very thankful for what you said. She and me really are a match made in heaven! I love her so much and I feel she loves me too.

09-22-2013, 03:54 PM
Citrus what a gorgeous girl you are!!! :love:

I loved your wonderful pictures. I found myself smiling back at your happy smile!!! The picture of you waiting for a tummy rub is priceless. It shows just how much you love and trust your mommy. You are opening up the most vernable part of your body when you do that. You certainly are a treasure. I hope you are enjoying your special day to the fullest.

Congratulations, sweet Citrus, on being our very special Pet of the Day!!! :):love:

Citrusthegecko, Thank you for sharing your very special girl with us. :):love:

09-22-2013, 04:50 PM
Citrus, you are a gorgeous gecko girl!! So pleased to make your acquaintance and what a darling girl you are to show your tummy . . . ahhhh, very special to demonstrate such trust to your devoted guardian! :love: I hope you have a splendid POTD celebration with your loving guardian, and aren't you glad she considered a female at the pet store . . . both of you won on that decision, huh?! :cool: Wishing you longevity and good health, sweetheart!:)

09-22-2013, 07:14 PM
Yeah she really does have the most wonderful smile. I really think she does trust me and love me good enough. Thanks for your thoughts on her!

09-22-2013, 07:31 PM
As this day comes to an end and my girl's special day closes. We are very happy! We are so happy to know that all of you guys love her. She really appreciates the smiles you give her about her own smile. Me and her cuddled all day and enjoyed her special time. She now has two pictures of her along with a written award from me taped to her tank to let people know she got this well deserved award. Thanks everyone for everything!!!!!!!! :D :p I :love: Citrus