View Full Version : Lilith !!!

09-03-2013, 05:28 AM
You're a cutie Lilith! :love: Thank you for all the nice pictures of you! Congrats on being POTD!:cool:
I hope you have a fun day!:D

09-03-2013, 10:57 AM
Thank you, she sure is a sweetheart :)

09-03-2013, 02:16 PM
Hi Lilith! A very happy Pet of the Day to you, sweetheart!:) What a beautiful, utterly precious Chin you are, sweetheart! Love your name, too; it so suits your personality!:) I'm so happy you mustered the courage to pose so patiently for the camera, Lilith, for as your humans say, you truly are model material...super model material!:) And not only beautiful on the outside but the inside as well...a beauty in body and heart! Amazing how far a little time and patience can go in helping a shy and timid furkid to come out of her/his shell, and oh, just look at how far you've come, Fiona!:cool: How lucky you are to have a parent as devoted and caring as yours, Fiona, and how lucky is she/he, having a beautiful best friend in you!:) Thanks to your person for sharing your precious self, and so many heart melting pics with us today! Meeting you was just what I needed to brighten my dark and gloomy day! Hope you're enjoying your much deserved day in the spotlight, cutie pie, being loved and pampered to pieces! Lots of love, cuddles and kisses to you, precious Lilith!:love::love::love:

09-03-2013, 04:29 PM
Lilith what a little heart melter you are!!! :love:

Your sweet pictures made me smile from ear to ear!!! :D What a sweet and precious treasure you are!!! Your are brave too to overcome your fears and pose for pictures. It must be so much fun having you for a friend. Please thank your family for sharing you with us. I hope you enjoy your special day to the fullest.

Congratulations, sweet Lilith, on being our very special Pet of the Day!!! :) :love: