View Full Version : ~Biggie and Little~

08-31-2013, 06:55 AM
You are both gorgeous Biggie and Little!!!:love: I am amazed to this day that birds can talk!;)
Congrats on being POTD! I hope you have a fun day!:D

08-31-2013, 09:43 AM
Congrats to Biggie, Little, and their family on being Pet of the Day! Biggie and Little, you are such beauties and bless you for treating the "other" bird with care. Your humans treat you as family, and that is wonderful.

I've heard that African Greys can actually hold a conversation with us, not just mimic us.

Congrats again.

08-31-2013, 02:45 PM
Hi Biggie and Little! Happy Pet of the Day to you two sweeties, and to your proud people too!:) Like my fellow posters have said, I too never cease to be amazed by the ability of "big birds" to speak, and as has also been said, I too have heard that you Greys (said to be the smartest of the "big birds), actually hold conversations!:cool: But "smarts" aside, it's your joyful personalities, the very special bond of love you share with your family, that makes you truly special! How lucky they are to have two best feathered friends in you both, full fledged members of the family!:) And we can see from your heart melting video, nothing like having a Quaker best bud to share in the grooming chores!:D Thanks for the BIG smiles, Biggie and Little! I hope you and your Quaker pal are all enjoying a very special day of pampering, being treated to all your hearts desire and more! Lots of love, gentle cuddles and kisses to you beautiful Biggie and Little, our very special and most deserving honorees!:love::love::love: P.S...LOVE that pic of you with your lovely young lady!!! You two look like the best of buds!:)

08-31-2013, 03:24 PM
Biggie and Little what a stunning pair you are!!! :love::love:

What beautiful pictures of you!!! I specially like the one of you and your pretty young lady. How happy you both look. I bet it is so much fun having you for friends. Please thank your family for sharing you with us. You certainly brightened up my day. I hope you are all having a wonderfully fun day together.

Congratulations, sweet Biggie and Little, on being our very special Pets of the Day!!! :) :love::love: