View Full Version : Blood in the stool

12-11-2002, 02:42 PM
Hello petlovers

Lately I've been seeing blood in one of my cats stool. I have three cats, one female and two males and It is pretty hard to tell which cat it is but since my female cat doesn't cover her stool up then I know it is hers. Also it is a soft stool, is that ok when a cat has a soft stool or is that a health problem. She seems healthy, eats well and runs around with my other two cats and she has shiny fur. I just hope she is not sick, I don't want any problem especially when she is only young yet. Any help or suggestion would be appreciate. Before I rush her over to the vet, I want some answer. Does anyone had this problem with their cat? Thanks for your time and consideration. Please reply!!

12-11-2002, 03:33 PM
I'd say if there is blood in her stool you need to call a vet ASAP!! That could be very serious or it just could be something small like a tear or scratch from another cat on her bum. But either way, you should call a vet and take them in a sample!! I hope she's ok!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-11-2002, 03:40 PM
I'd have to agree about getting her to the vet ASAP.

Is her stool normally soft? If not, that's another reason to get her to the vet.

Please let us know what you find out. And welcome to Pet Talk!

12-11-2002, 04:08 PM
I agree that you should bring her and a sample to the vet.

12-11-2002, 04:21 PM
I agree you must take her to the vet. But you mustn't be afraid, it could be something that can be healed with antibiotics or so even if it shouldn't be as harmless as a scratch.

12-11-2002, 05:22 PM
Yes, please see a vet with a stool sample. If you are not 100% sure which cat it is, separate them into 3 rooms each with their own litter box (You should have that many with 3 cats) because you do not wish to treat the wrong animal if a problem is found.

12-11-2002, 05:23 PM
P.S. Welcome to pettalk

01-30-2003, 11:52 AM
Hello, i still see blood in the stool. I'm just wondering if I should take Sabrina to Vet. I don't see blood in stool all the time. what does it mean when their is blood in the stool?

01-30-2003, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by I_love_cats
Hello, i still see blood in the stool. I'm just wondering if I should take Sabrina to Vet. I don't see blood in stool all the time. what does it mean when their is blood in the stool?

Are you the same person as acatsmeow? If so, please use just one log in name..it is confusing. If not, what are you talking about?

As to I_love_cats, at least call the vet!!!

01-30-2003, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by I_love_cats
what does it mean when their is blood in the stool?

It means you should call a vet and have your kitty checked out for something that could be really serious!

01-30-2003, 01:11 PM
If it were me, I would make an appt to take the cat AND and stool sample right away. Good luck!

max & speckles

01-30-2003, 04:33 PM
If acatsmeow and I_love_cats are the same person, than the problem exists now for 6 weeks which means it can't be a scratch. Take her to the vet. ASAP.

01-30-2003, 09:55 PM
Blood in the stool is a very serious thing if its been going on this long. I really hope you've taken her in....

01-30-2003, 11:49 PM
GEESH It doesnt matter what it means take the cat to the doctor, how many ways can one spell it out!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

01-31-2003, 05:40 AM
Any updates???:confused:

02-01-2003, 05:17 PM
You know this is really too bad. Some pet owners should educate themselves. Blood from ANYWHERE is NOT normal and could be a NUMBER of different things. If that cat did not see a doctor, than that makes me angry x10!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

02-03-2003, 07:52 AM
Would you go if this were happening to you?

Please take her, she can't take herself, she depends on you.

02-03-2003, 02:25 PM
Could we get an update please? We're all worried.....

max & speckles

02-03-2003, 04:07 PM
This is ridiculous and really makes me sad:(

02-05-2003, 11:12 AM
acatsmeow. How much blood is there? If is quite a bit, then you should take her to the vet. If not, sometimes a change in their diet will cause this problem. Have you changed her food in the past month or so? When I lived in central Calif, I noticed that some of my cats had blood in their stool. But the vet told me that sometimes this willl happen when you change their diet especially when feeding them more meat/canned food.:)


02-05-2003, 11:33 AM
Hello, there isn't alot of blood. When she goes, I don't see blood all the time, only sometimes. She is a really nervous cat, do you think that has something to do with it? and we do feed different kinds of moist and we do switch food now and then.

02-05-2003, 11:58 AM
I love cats, personally, I wouldn't worry about it, if it is a small amount like you say. However, you might try to stabilize their diet, by not changing foods so much, and see if this helps the situation. Many of us here at Pet Talk do not feed our furkids exclusively on canned food, mostly because it does not clean their teeth, and will eventuallt build up tartar, causing eventual tooth loss. Usually I will mix a little canned food in with my kids dry food, and they really like it.

BTW, you are welcomed to Pet Talk. We are glad to have you here. :)


02-05-2003, 07:32 PM
I agree with Wayne. My cats don't like changes in diet. I would definitely stick to the same food and mix a bit of wet in with dry. Do this over the course of about a week, then gradually keep increasing the ratio of dry to wet until they are eating all dry. Then you can give a bit of wet food every now and again as a treat. Is there a reason you keep switching foods??

I'm wondering though, is the blood bright red or dark? I know that in humans if the blood is really dark (almost black) then it's a possible sign of internal problems. If it's bright red then it could just be a problem with maybe a tear in the anus??? It heals over then with a big BM, it tears again?? I do think a good diet with a substantial % of fibre might improve the situation. But I'm not saying you don't need to take her to a vet. I would watch carefully and if there is any change at all, rush Sabrina in, and in the meantime, I would still take in a stool sample for testing. Hope that helps.

max & speckles

smokey the elder
02-06-2003, 07:22 AM
I had a scare with Diamond last week; she passed a couple drops of bright red blood. But she had done a really big *business*. I kept an eye on her and no problems so far but if I see it again off to the white coats!