View Full Version : Big bear Zack.

08-24-2013, 11:46 AM
57021570225702357024:love: Just like to post some photo's of my Newfoundland Zack, we call him big bear as I am sure you will see why, he is now 8yrs old and is chocolate coloured. He is a true gentle giant and just loves everyone and all who we meet. The only trouble is when we take him walking we don't get very far as everyone stops us and asks What is he, what's his name and kids ask Is he a bear. :D He loves all the attention. :love:

08-24-2013, 12:17 PM
What a handsome boy! I am sure children just adore him! Fun pictures!

08-24-2013, 12:21 PM
Hello, Thanks for the pics. I remember you; you were DOTD recently. Right? I asked at the time...
how much does Zach weigh?
He sure has a lot of hair.
Does it got hot where you are?
Do you ever have his hair trimmed?

I'll check back to see if you responded. Thanks.

08-24-2013, 12:52 PM
Hello, Thanks for the pics. I remember you; you were DOTD recently. Right? I asked at the time...
how much does Zach weigh?
He sure has a lot of hair.
Does it got hot where you are?
Do you ever have his hair trimmed?

I'll check back to see if you responded. Thanks. Hi, I don't think he was dog of the day, (I wish he was, maybe one day) yes he has a double coat as they are water dogs used in water rescue, in Scotland UK its not to bad weather wise but we have had some hot weather, he doesn't like the heat so we take him swimming, (we live on the coast) so its not to bad. we have trouble finding a groomer as he is so big he takes a long time to do so I do him myself. he weighs around 12 stone, but he is on a diet. :D

08-24-2013, 02:30 PM
Hi Jackie, I just re-found your first post in Introductions; that's where I saw Zach. He is not a dog one forgets. I am fascinated by his size as I tend to like little dogs except for my Annie a Lab mix. I googled a pound vs a stone & got 1 stone = 14 pounds. My Goodness! He's huge:) and beautiful... reminds me of a Shetland pony :). While at Introductions I looked at all the photos plus the ones here and enjoyed all of them. It looks as if you live in a lovely country area. I live in the country in NC (always have) and love it ... Kay in NC

08-24-2013, 05:39 PM
Hi, Zack, sweety! I bet you give everyone loads of smiles when they meet you! Please have your mom give you some huge hugs for me :D

08-24-2013, 06:09 PM
Hi Zack! You're an adorable boy!:love: You do look like a big bear! :D

08-25-2013, 02:02 PM
Aw, he's cute!

08-25-2013, 02:57 PM
Hi Jackie, I just re-found your first post in Introductions; that's where I saw Zach. He is not a dog one forgets. I am fascinated by his size as I tend to like little dogs except for my Annie a Lab mix. I googled a pound vs a stone & got 1 stone = 14 pounds. My Goodness! He's huge:) and beautiful... reminds me of a Shetland pony :). While at Introductions I looked at all the photos plus the ones here and enjoyed all of them. It looks as if you live in a lovely country area. I live in the country in NC (always have) and love it ... Kay in NC thanks Kay yes he is huge. we do live in a very rural place right by the coast, our cottage is called Snowdrop cottage, I'll post a photo and here's one of Zack and my grandson's calf. :D

08-25-2013, 03:00 PM
Hi, Zack, sweety! I bet you give everyone loads of smiles when they meet you! Please have your mom give you some huge hugs for me :D :love: Zack says thanks for the hugs and sends a big sloppy kiss to you. :love:

08-25-2013, 03:02 PM
Hi Zack! You're an adorable boy!:love: You do look like a big bear! :D :love: Thanks chocolatepuppy, young children do think he is a bear. :D

08-25-2013, 03:05 PM
Aw, he's cute! thanks luofallhorses, I love your quote on your location, so true.:D

08-25-2013, 03:07 PM
What a handsome boy! I am sure children just adore him! Fun pictures! thank you Karen, he is a popular boy. :love:

09-02-2013, 07:53 AM
Hello Zack!! Such a great looking dog!

09-02-2013, 09:13 AM
Hello Zack!! Such a great looking dog! Thank you. your dogs in your sig are gorgeous. :love:

09-12-2013, 12:50 AM
ZACK! Hi, sweet boy! :love: today's Dog of the Day! I am sending you a zillion hugs, snuggles, and smoochies! I am going to wait and see if maybe Chocolatepuppy will be the first one to post - I would like that! ((((HUGS))) and (((HUGS))) for Scooby and TIlly too

09-12-2013, 05:21 AM
ZACK! Hi, sweet boy! :love: today's Dog of the Day! I am sending you a zillion hugs, snuggles, and smoochies! I am going to wait and see if maybe Chocolatepuppy will be the first one to post - I would like that! ((((HUGS))) and (((HUGS))) for Scooby and TIlly too

Ha ha Elyse, you know me to well! I love chocolatepuppys!:D:p

09-13-2013, 09:34 AM
:love: What with Scooby and Cassie ( grey kitties) and Chocolatepuppy and Zack ( chocolate dog lovers ) I'd say we are biased maybe. :D:D Thanks for the lovely comments too on Zack's D.O. T. D. I can't believe how nice you people are on P.T. :love::love: