View Full Version : ~Bengy~

08-19-2013, 05:17 AM
Good morning Bengy! What a pretty girl you are! Such pretty coloring. Congrats on being POTD!:cool:
I hope this day is special for you and your family!:D

08-19-2013, 09:29 AM
What a pretty hen you are, Bengy! I've heard that chickens are quite smart, and you are also friendly, too. Hope you have a glorious POTD celebration and many more healthy, happy years with your devoted family!:)

08-19-2013, 01:29 PM
Hi Bengy! Happy Pet of the Day to you!:) You truly are one beautiful Bantam Barred-rock hen, Bengy! Your coloring and feather pattern are so pretty, and reading of your sweet and loving nature makes you a beauty not only on the outside, but inside as well. No wonder your family loves you so!:love: I'm fortunate enough to live down the road from an historic (late 1600's), working farm that allows visitors, home to many farm animals, including a whole slew of chickens of all breeds, including yours! But I don't think any of them can compare to you in the temperament department...You are "momma material" for sure!:cool: What a lucky family, having an attention loving, sweet and cuddly best feathered friend, a loving companion in you, Bengy, and how lucky are we, having a Pet of the Day as unique and special as you!:) Thanks for stopping by, sweetheart, giving us the chance to pay tribute to the very special girl that you are, and all that you mean to your family! I hope you're enjoying a very happy Pet of the Day, being treated to all your big heart desires and more! Lots of love, gentle hugs and little kisses to you, beautiful Bengy!:love::love::love: (Wish we had more pics of you!:))

08-19-2013, 03:30 PM
Bengy what a beauty you are!!! :love:

I loved your sweet picture. You remind me of a Bantam rooster my mom had as a pet when I was just a tiny girl. He taught me that chickens have a personality and can be lots of fun and very loving. It sounds like you are just like that!!! Thank you for the smiles today. Thank your loving family for sharing you with us too. You are a treasure indeed. I bet you are a wonderful mother.

Congratulations, sweet Bengy, on being our very special Pet of the Day!!! :) :love: