View Full Version : Absolutely ADORABLE Python. Max!

I ♥ My Horses
08-11-2013, 07:46 AM
Why hello Max! I have to say you are a very gorgeous snake! You look just like my own ball Python, Pokey, we rescued him too! There's nothing wrong with you being a cool, scaley reptile! I hope your owner enjoys every minute with you and I hope they use you to teach the world about the good that's in all snakes. Enjoy being pet of the day!

Here's a picture of my python - he looks just like Max!

08-11-2013, 07:55 AM
You were a handsome boy Max. What an awful start to your life.:( Thank goodness you were rescued and lived out the rest of your life in a loving home.
I hope this day is special for your humans seeing you honored as POTD! :love:

08-11-2013, 01:25 PM
Oh Max, what a handsome boy you were. I'm glad you finally ended up in a loving home that enjoyed their time with you so much. Aren't animals amazing? They can be treated so badly by a member of the human race, but with time and love, they learn so quickly that all humans aren't bad.

Congratulations on being POTD! :love:

08-11-2013, 02:57 PM
Max, you are so very handsome and were fortunate to be resuced by people that knew how to care for you properly. Hope there are lots of your special enjoyments at RB and always know how much your guardian(s) will miss you. You are a cyber-star as our beautiful POTD snake and therefore will live on forever! Blessings to your and yours, dear Max.:)

08-11-2013, 03:49 PM
What a brave, beautiful Python you were, Max, beautiful in body and in spirit. It's heartbreaking, reading of the unspeakable abuse and neglect you suffered in your earlier years.:( But thankfully, somehow, you were able to muster the strength to hang on until your rescuers, and your forever human/s, could find their way to you. Your story brings tears to my eyes, but also inspiration and smiles, knowing that for 9 wonderful years, until you drew your final breath, you knew nothing but the best of care, unwavering respect, and unconditional love. How lucky your people were, to have had such a special friend in you, Max, to have known your kind and gentle spirit, your love companionship. I can only imagine how much they miss you, but I hope seeing you being honored here today brings them some small measure of comfort, that, and the knowledge the one day you all be together again. Until that happy day you live on in your humans hearts, and in the many cherished memories you shared, never to be forgotten. Rest easy now, Max. You've earned your angel wings, beautiful boy.:love::love::love: