View Full Version : Adorable Buddy!

08-10-2013, 03:02 PM
Hi Buddy! Happy Pet of the Day to you, sweetheart!:) What an utterly precious, most beautiful 'tiel boy you are, Buddy, "dirtyface" and all (silly breeder!), not to mention those cheerful, tomato red cheeks! And to think you're just as sweet and loving as you are handsome is almost too much preciousness to bear! My heart went into complete meltdown mode when I read this...
But when he realizes that I'm leaving the room, he'll say little "Chirp? CHIRP?! CHIRP!!" Because he wants to snuggle, not be left in his cage. Sometimes at night he'll get night-frights, meaning nightmares, and I have to get him out and cuddle. After a cuddle he'll always feel better. What a gentle, dear soul you are, Buddy, a total cuddle bug! I'm so glad you escaped that nasty pet shop, the bullying, finding your way to the most caring and devoted of forever humans, a human soul mate who will love and cherish you forever! You and she/he are perfect together, and I just know under her/his loving care you're going to grow into the most confidant of birdies...it's a given you're already the most handsome and lovable!:) How lucky your person is, having a best forever bud in you, Buddy, and I hope for you bothmany years of shared love and companionship! Thanks for ending my long day with a big smile, sweetheart! I hope you're enjoying your well earned day atop Pet Talk's top perch, sunning on your deck, listening to the birdies, being treated to all your desires and more! Lots of love, cuddles and little kisses to you, precious Buddy!:love::love::love: Long and happy life to you!

08-10-2013, 03:50 PM
Buddy what an adorable ray of sunshine you are!!! :love:

Your sweet pictures sure made me smile today!!! I can only imagine the smiles your loving human receives every day. Please thank her/him for sharing you with us. It must be so much fun having you for a best friend.. I hope you are enjoying your special day to the fullest. Bet the birds at the pet store would wish they had been nicer to you if they knew what a star you are!!!

Congratulations, sweet Buddy, on being our very special Pet of the Day!!! :):love:

08-10-2013, 07:29 PM
You're adorable Buddy! Congrats on being POTD!:D