View Full Version : ~Molly~

07-26-2013, 07:23 AM
You're a pretty girl Molly!:love: I'd love to see you dance! Congrats on being POTD!:cool: Have a fun day!:D

07-26-2013, 10:34 AM
Well now I want a pygmy goat!! She is beyond adorable!!

07-26-2013, 01:31 PM
Hi Molly! Happy Pet of the Day, sweetheart!:) What a precious Pygmy goat you are, Molly!:D Your young lady's very touching tribute to her beautiful baby, along with your photo album, have my heart melted in a puddle of pure Pygmy loving mush!:love: What a beautiful girl you are, Molly, inside and out, a goat with a heart of pure gold! Friend to all, including young children and baby animals...that's you, Molly! (That pic of you with your little chicks riding on your back is the best!:D) And oh, how I too would love to see you dance!:cool: I can't imagine a sweeter more loving 4 legged friend than you, and how blessed your family is to have you, their never ending source of joy, in their lives! You're the best! Thanks for the BIG smiles, sweet baby girl! I hope you and all of your adoring friends and fans are enjoying a very happy, fun filled day of celebration, being treated to all your hearts desire and more!:) Lots of love, hugs and kisses to you precious Molly, our very special and most deserving honoree!:love::love::love:

07-26-2013, 03:59 PM
Molly what an adorably gorgeous girl you are!!! :love:

I love your happy goat smile. The picture of you wearing your pink scarf shows your sweet smile so well, I was smiling back at you. I can see chicks adore you too!!! What a sweet treasure you are!!! Please thank your loving mommy for sharing you with us. You certainly brightened up my gloomy rainy day. :)

Congratulations, sweet Molly, on being our very special Pet of the Day!!! :) :love:

07-26-2013, 08:38 PM
Molly - you are cute and funny! You have great pics too...I really like the one where you have a row of ducks (or are they chicks)? on your back...too funny! :)
Continue to enjoy life, learn new tricks, and have fun being Pet of the Day! :love::love::love: