View Full Version : Happy Birthday Jake, Dog of the Day!

06-26-2013, 11:33 AM
Hi Jacob Marley! A very happy Dog of the Day to you, sweetheart, AND a very happy 5th birthday to you as well from all in this Retriever loving home!:love: I'm sorry your *special person* isn't there with you on your big day, Jake, but I'm sure she/he will be making up for it big time once he/she returns home; what a happy day THAT will be...with lots more celebrating to come!:D What a precious, precious puppy you were, Jake, and what a gorgeous Golden big boy you've grown up to be, a beauty in looks and in heart! No surprise there...You ARE a Golden. after all!:) Could it be your family is a Dickens' fan? You're named after one of my favorite characters from A Christmas Carol, though I must say you're way cuter than he, and not scary at all!:p How lucky your family is to have a beautiful best friend, a loyal and loving companion in you, Jake, and my my wish for you and for them is many, many more happy birthday celebrations yet to come! You're one EXTRA special pup, Jake, "golden" through and through, and so very worthy of your Dog of the Day crown! Wear it proudly, sweetheart, and enjoy a very happy, fun filled Dog of the Day/happy birthday bash, celebrating to the max with your doggie sister Maxxine, your beloved Squeaky, and proud people!:D Lots of love, big hugs and kisses to you beautiful Jake, to Maxxine, too!:love::love::love:

06-26-2013, 12:09 PM
Hello Jake, it's a pleasure to meet such a beautiful boy! You are very handsome and your puppy pictures are just adorable! I enjoyed reading about you and seeing all your photos. I hope you have many more years with your family. Congrats on being DOTD!

06-26-2013, 02:26 PM
Happy Birthday AND Happy Dog of the Day, beautiful Jake! I agree completely with my friend tatsxxx11 -- you were a precious puppy and what a gorgeous big guy you have grown up to be! I hope you and Maxxine and your caring family have a very special day of celebrating!

06-26-2013, 02:52 PM
Hello Jake,

I really like your formal name taken from the famous story, but your shorter name does fit
you so well. You were the most precious puppy & you are now a very handsome boy with the
the same heart melting look in your eyes.:love::love: I hope your person comes home soon,
I'm sure they miss you very much too.:) Congratulations on being today's DOG OF THE DAY.
Sending you lots of cyber hugs & kisses sweet boy.:love: Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY too.:love::love:

06-26-2013, 07:43 PM
Happy Birthday Jake! You're adorable!:love: I have a dog named Jake too.;)

Congrats on being DOTD!:cool: I hope you're having a fun day celebrating!:D