View Full Version : cats

12-08-2002, 02:44 AM
not too long ago there was a few posts about if I would get another cat or not, some thought I would, and I said no way.
well I still say that, BUT in way you were right, I am not getting any more cats, but now I want a dog!
I found a house today and now I want a dog for the yard... have a yard here but theres coyotes around here, and there's not in the new place.:)
I can't get one now, but maybe next summer, or it might be as long as a year...but I am going to get one. a big dog, but not sure exactl;y what kind I want, I like german shepards, well I like alot of kinds of dogs..

my sister-in-law asked me if I was INSANE?? most likely!
of course the dog will be kept outside, but with some shelter from the weather.

I just wanted to post my thoughts.

12-08-2002, 07:48 AM
sorry if I sound abrupt, but you lost my support as soon as you said the dog will be left outdoors. I NEVER understood why anyone would take an animal into their family and then exile it to a life away from it's family!

12-08-2002, 08:11 AM
i agree with jen......:(

12-08-2002, 08:22 AM
I also agree with jen, sorry.

12-08-2002, 09:11 AM
I agree with Jen as well. I see why you would want to keep the dog outside with the kitties being inside and all, but a dog kept outside all the time will become lonely. And there may not be Cyotes, but there are small things like Raccoons that could kill the strongest domesticated dog in 4 seconds flat. Anyway, hope you can figure something out. Hey, maybe if in your new house you could have a room just for the dog, and there could be a doggie door leading outside, so it could be outside and inside whenever it wants. But that is just a suggestion. Good luck.

12-08-2002, 09:43 AM
I agree about dogs not being left outside 24/7. I can see hours of freedom in the yard, but certainly not at night! Of course that is your choice but you asked for opinions....and we are very, very free with our opinions are here!!!!

I have a (red neck) neighbor who has hunting dogs living in barrels on chains only a couple of houses away. We have called the humane society so many times ... and every now and then he gets a warning about their conditions. He came very close to having them taken away, but modified their feeding schedule just enough to keep them.

Anyway, heat and cold are most dogs demise. Some dogs can tolerate extremes but why would you want that for a pet?

So, looks like my vote is yes a doggie, but inside most of the time.

Keep us posted. And hey, maybe we all misread your post. If that is the case, I am sorry for being so negative about your post.


12-08-2002, 10:19 AM
I'm sorry to seem disagreeable but I too can't understand anyone wanting a dog and then keeping him/her outside. Dogs are companion animals and love human interaction! Since I was a child all of my memories are of my dogs being inside, very definite members of the family, snuggling up with me on the sofa and sleeping in my bed! This may sound harsh, but to me keeping a dog outside 24/7 is not much better than shelter life. Sorry. :(

12-08-2002, 07:59 PM
......don't get out the tar and feathers just yet, or turn me into Peta! I first read the reply posts and thought what did I say? but then today I read them again. it was late last night when I posted, and I was just thinking out loud, about getting a dog. It will not be for a long time if I do get one, since I have my hands full. but I can imagine what people think, since I have just been getting cat after cat this year, and now I'm moving. ..."those poor cats, they have had so many adjustments to make" which is true, but they are loved, and very well cared for, and get alot of attention, and for the most part, are very happy:)

about the dog issue, I'm sorry I guess I was misunderstood, or didn't post everything well. I agree with everyone on your thoughts of getting a dog and then banishing him to the outside. I would not do that to any animal.I love all animals I give my pets(my babies)lots of attention and love. I left out of my post that I would bring the dog in at night. Like I said, I didn't post well and of course no one could read my mind:rolleyes:
anyway I could not have the dog inside so maybe it wouldn't be fair to get one after all. I get carried away about pets I guess. the last time I had a dog I was 15 and then dogs were kept outside, they love it don't they? and you take them for walks a couple times a day right?
anyway I was researching on the net and in a book, about dogs.I'm not going to just run out and adopt one without thought. I have also seen the tv shows where dogs are left to the elements and forgotten and it makes me angry too!
Give me some credit, I would feed and care for the dog!

sorry if I sound abrupt, but you lost my support as soon as you said the dog will be left outdoors. I NEVER understood why anyone would take an animal into their family and then exile it to a life away from it's family!

is that what you think I would do?:eek: :(

I'm sorry to seem disagreeable but I too can't understand anyone wanting a dog and then keeping him/her outside. Dogs are companion animals and love human interaction! Since I was a child all of my memories are of my dogs being inside, very definite members of the family, snuggling up with me on the sofa and sleeping in my bed! This may sound harsh, but to me keeping a dog outside 24/7 is not much better than shelter life. Sorry.

NO animal of mine would EVER be treated as if in a shelter, which by the way, is a place where they care for found animals to get them home hence the name shelter, better than being out and starving!

sorry that I upset everyone, I was just posting my thoughts and was excited about the new house.
I understand that you don't know me or what I would or wouldn't do, so I will just say now I am a caring person and I hate anyone that neglects or abuses any animal.
I will always care for my pets from fresh water and food, to vet visits, to attention, to any other needs that they may have.:)
thanks for all your concerns:)

12-08-2002, 10:18 PM
Hey, maybe if in your new house you could have a room just for the dog, and there could be a doggie door leading outside, so it could be outside and inside whenever it wants.

good idea , thanks!

12-08-2002, 11:45 PM
We used to always leave our dogs outside, until they moved to a climate where it was too cold for that. They had lots of shelter and houses, and they were very well cared for. I personally would not leave my dogs outside but that's only my choice. I think dogs can live happily outside as long as they have shelter and a warm place to sleep. The doggie door is a very good idea too! TC I really don't think anyone honestly feels you would neglect an animal.. you are a great pet mom and it's obvious how much you care just from reading your posts. :)

12-09-2002, 12:11 AM
I only had outside dogs growing up, and now I would never do it again. They are my babies.
I think you recovered yourself and are forgiven, at least by me after you explained yourself. :)
I argue and argue with a friend of mine b/c she has 2 outside dogs chained to dog houses, and then wonders why the shepherd is to nasty to people :( and she used to have inside dogs. Both started out inside.
I think she said to me one day after Keegan had tore up something, "Sounds like she needs a pen outside and needs to go outside" I said "hell no" she has never been confined outside and would HATE it!! She hates it if I tie her outside and I am not out there, she barks and whines and carries on. Even if I am just mowing the yard and go back inside for a glass of water she throws a fit.
Good luck!

12-09-2002, 01:28 AM
I think you recovered yourself and are forgiven, at least by me after you explained yourself.

I would NEVER chain a dog up, thats cruel.
I'm glad you understand now, I don't mean to be rude, and I don't want to offend you or anyone all over again but I don't think I said anything to need forgiveness for. I also think that dogs would not be happy inside all the time either. other than that, I stick with my last post, about not posting well, it did sound odd I'm sure. I will think more before I post from now on:) :)

ok?:) :) :)

12-09-2002, 06:34 AM
.by toughCookie
quote: by jenluckenbach
sorry if I sound abrupt, but you lost my support as soon as you said the dog will be left outdoors. I NEVER understood why anyone would take an animal into their family and then exile it to a life away from it's family!

is that what you think I would do?

Well that is what it sounded like. You may notice that I did not say that the dog would not be cared for, I said exiled(left outside, in this case) away from where its familly is. Unless you would be spending time outside with the dog that was EQUAL to the time time that you would be spending inside your house, then it IS bannishment. Let me use an example that will hopefully make my point clearer: Not counting the time we are asleep at home, we are most likely in the house, availbale to our pets for companionship, no less than 6 hours a day. So to be fair to an outside animal, you would need to spend that same amount of time outside in their presence

12-09-2002, 06:39 AM
Toughcookie, sorry we came across as accusing you of anything. I think this is the statement that bothered me about your post.....

now I want a dog for the yard. It sort of sounded like you wanted a lawn ornament.

It certainly wasn't my intention to upset you.. I know that you would keep your dog well fed and warm but to me dog ownership goes beyond that. It's just my opinion and please do not be upset. They have so much to offer to us humans and I don't think that relationship can be nurtured with them spending so much time 'away' from us. My comment regarding the shelter still stands, though. A shelter is a "temporary" place (hopefully). The dogs there are not housed as I would like to see every dog housed. Cement floors and not much human interaction is better than being on the street, but a dog deserves more in my opinion. I am, however, very grateful that shelters do exist. They serve a real need and those who work to find these animals forever homes are saints and deserve praise and gratitude.

I am thinking that maybe you are afraid of how a dog would interact with your cats and that is why you want to keep them separated. That is a real concern and I commend you for considering all angles and seeing potential problems way ahead of time. Not everyone does! When I brought Bella into my home almost two years ago I did it knowing that my cats had lived with other dogs (at the RB now) all of their lives, and I was quite sure they would adjust to another dog. I picked out a puppy, rather than an adult dog, with the cats in mind also. I knew that if she grew up with cats she would be able to be taught to respect them and even enjoy them and not recognize their 'differences' as much. LOL! :rolleyes:

Even now I always seem to find myself looking at Petfinder and thinking I would like to rescue an older dog, but it would need to be a very special dog because I would never want to upset my cats. Things are very peaceful here and don't want to rock the boat.

Please accept my apologies if I seemed accusing. I think we responded with our opinions because you had asked for them, but remember they are only our opinions. :)

12-09-2002, 11:00 AM
I don't know what it sounded like, I just know what I meant, and I explained it further. as a caring person, I think that in itself shows I would spend time with the dog.
I am not going to continue this discussion further. I don't owe apologies. I have not even got a dog yet.
I don't want any hard feelings, so, lets forget this. ok?:) :)

you are completely right! that was a stupid statement, and did sound like that. thanks for making me realize it! I meant to say, if my brain was awake, that now I COULD have a dog in the yard. not one for the yard, they are alive, feeling, beings, and I would not use one as a ornament. so, sorry for the stupid comment!:eek:

so, now is this settled? I was stupid,(happens alot:rolleyes: ) but I will give any dog that I may adopt the proper care, which to me INCLUDES attention/affection.

:) :) :)

12-09-2002, 01:14 PM
TC - Don't worry - we're still buddies - no hard feelings at all! ;) :cool:

12-09-2002, 02:29 PM

12-10-2002, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by toughCookie

I would NEVER chain a dog up, thats cruel.
I'm glad you understand now, I don't mean to be rude, and I don't want to offend you or anyone all over again but I don't think I said anything to need forgiveness for. I also think that dogs would not be happy inside all the time either. other than that, I stick with my last post, about not posting well, it did sound odd I'm sure. I will think more before I post from now on:) :)

ok?:) :) :)

I didn't mean forgive entirely in the holy sense of the word. I just meant I didn't jump on your judgement like others b/c I too have had an outside dog. That would be hypocritical.
I don't really mind what you do, you live in AZ where the climate is vastly different that OH, so whatever. I didn't mean anything by it. Sorry.

12-10-2002, 03:41 AM
:cool: :cool: :) :)