View Full Version : Ethan update (post #36)

04-05-2013, 08:57 PM
I haven't been active much lately, partially because of Ethan's health.
He has had a ton of issues with bladder infections this past year. About a month ago he got yet another, was put on antibiotics and seemingly got better. Although his bladder issue was resolved, he began losing weight despite me doubling what I normally fed him. Back to the vet we went and he got put on another round of antibiotics for what seemed to be a mild bacterial infection. He was around 22 lbs when weighed (his normal is more like 30-32 lbs). We finished the meds up and he is the same, this time with his appetite deteriorating and his legs starting to swell.

We had yet ANOTHER visit to the vet (as many of you know first-hand... its really adding up!). This time bloodwork and xrays. Bloodwork comes back pretty darn nice considering his age and condition. A few things were low, but nothing that raised any eyebrows (one was protein, thats all I remember). His xrays didn't show anything to be concerned about, either. Kidneys are fine, heart is fine, etc.

The vet isn't sure exactly what is causing Ethan's issues. It could be a number of things. He suspects a virus, but says there is a chance of it being intestinal lymphoma. He is on the appropriate meds to fight the suspected virus and is staying at my sister's house for the weekend so he can be closer to the vet's office if he gets any worse (the vet we use is an hour drive from here). On Monday he will have another checkup to see how things are going. Basically, if it turns out to not be a virus, then the next step is exploratory surgery to take a biopsy.

Its so weird to not have Ethan here at the house! I know my sister is taking great care of him, but still... I miss my baby!
Anyway, if you could send some good vibes Ethan's way that would be great. He could use all that he can get!

Here's my little bibbles taken yesterday. :love: This picture doesn't show just how skinny he is. When he lays on his side its just ribs. :(
Lately I've taken to lovingly calling him Skeletor.

04-06-2013, 12:34 AM
Aww, we can tell he's way too skinny, poor guy! He'll be in our prayers!

04-06-2013, 02:45 PM
Thanks, Karen. My sister told me that today he is doing pretty well. He didn't want to eat any dog food, but he took full advantage of a healthy offering of chicken breast and some other human foods. As long as he's eating something, then I'm happy! :)

04-06-2013, 08:28 PM
Oh poor Ethan. :( Pawsitive thoughts and prayers that the vet finds out what's wrong with him and he gets better.

04-07-2013, 09:00 AM
Will say lots of prayers for Ethan. Not knowing how to help is the worst. Will say a prayer for you too.

04-07-2013, 05:29 PM
Prayers for Ethan from us too. I hope the trouble is pin pointed & he begins to feel & eat better soon.

04-07-2013, 06:46 PM
I think for now, don't even offer dog food, just good quality protein and some safe veggies, and see how it goes! Obviously chicken is approved!

04-07-2013, 07:24 PM
Best wishes for Ethan! I hope the anti-viral does the job. <3

04-07-2013, 07:26 PM
I am so sorry to have missed this! Prayers and thoughts for Ethan and I will go light a candle too.

04-08-2013, 07:59 AM
Thanks for all the PT prayers, I think they're helping! :) I talked to my sister last night and she says Ethan is doing better. She has been checking his temperature and says that it has returned to normal. He is also starting to get his strength back, as he is able to go up and down the stairs on his own and is starting to play with the other dogs there.
Today he will have a checkup with the doctor to see how he is doing. Fingers crossed that he checks out well enough to come home!
This house is way too quiet without him...

Again, thanks a bunch for keeping my boy in your thoughts. Its means a lot!

04-08-2013, 01:20 PM
Aww, I'm just seeing this. I am glad to hear he is doing better today. I hope he continues to improve and gets the OK from the doctor and can come home with you.

Get better Ethan!! :)

04-08-2013, 04:23 PM
Well, Ethan had his checkup and he gets to come home tomorrow!! :)

Turns out he might have had distemper, not a for sure thing... whatever it was, he seems to be well on his way to recovery. Apparantly he is up to around 25 lbs and the swelling in his legs is almost gone. I can't wait until tomorrow. I miss my little guy sooo bad, and he's starting to wear out his welcome at my sister's by hogging the bed and barking at the wind all day. Thats my boy! :o

04-09-2013, 09:37 AM
Yay!! :D :D This is great news!

04-09-2013, 04:50 PM
Wow, so glad Ethan is doing much better now. I know he'll love to be home as much as you want him there.:love:
I hope he continues to get better & better.:)

04-09-2013, 08:09 PM
Keep getting better Ethan!:)

04-10-2013, 10:35 AM
Thanks, guys. :)

I picked Ethan up yesterday morning and was surprised to see him jumping up to greet me. This is a dog that couldn't even get up and down the stairs last week! It is so great having him back home, though I guess he got used to not having a puppy around and has been getting a little grumpy when Towser wants to play. Thats understandable, though. Other than that he has been eating his dog food a lot better (along with some meat and eggs to help with his weight and low protein). His eyes aren't red anymore and you can tell he is simply feeling a lot better. He has a slight limp, but I'm hoping that goes away when the swelling in his legs completely dissipates.

04-10-2013, 11:39 AM
This is wonderful news!!!:D I hope he continues to do well.:)

04-11-2013, 10:56 AM
Way to go Ethan, sending lots of get well soon vibes your way.

04-13-2013, 06:23 PM

Well, I'm unfortunately bearing not-so-good news. Ethan was doing very well for a few days, but has started declining again. His temp is back up to 103.5 and he lost all the weight he had recently gained back. We couldn't get him to eat hardly anything. This started when he finished up the Previcox he had been prescribed. So, another consultation with the vet and we came home with 10 more days worth of Previcox, so maybe that will help him get back on his feet. Fingers crossed.

My poor boy. :(
He did eat 2 1/2 pieces of chicken and a hot dog tonight. So thats a plus. I'm still worried, though. I hate that he has an potentially fatal illness that doesn't have an actual treatment. Right now its just a waiting game to see if this works... nothing much more we can do at the moment.

04-13-2013, 07:33 PM
Awww. prayers on the way!

04-13-2013, 08:52 PM
Continued prayers for Ethan! Lots of get-well vibes :love:

And hugs for Towser and Sala too :love: :love:

04-14-2013, 01:32 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this.:( Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

04-14-2013, 06:42 AM
Good Thoughts & Prayers sent Ethan's way.

04-14-2013, 02:30 PM
You feel better Ethan so you can go home to your owner,our last dog Fritz had kidney failure and diabetes,it was too far gone to do anything and had to put him down m down which was hard to do.Hope it doesn't get to that stage with Ethan and you can enjoy for a long time.

04-16-2013, 12:01 PM
Thanks again, guys. Since being back on the Previcox he has regained most of his appetite, and with that he got a lot of his strength back. Right now I'm just trying to keep him calm so he can rest and relax and hopefully we won't have any more steps backward. He still has a long ways to go, but I think he can come back from this.

You feel better Ethan so you can go home to your owner,our last dog Fritz had kidney failure and diabetes,it was too far gone to do anything and had to put him down m down which was hard to do.Hope it doesn't get to that stage with Ethan and you can enjoy for a long time.

I remember Fritz well, and I know that must have been hard to say goodbye. :( Thankfully Ethan's full checkup a couple of weeks ago (bloodwork/xrays/etc.) showed that his kidney, heart, and all the other essentials are very healthy. We just need to get over the illness he has right now and he should make a near full recovery.

04-16-2013, 09:46 PM
Continued prayers and good wishes for Ethan! Hugs and lovies for Ethan, Towser and Sala :love: :love: :love:

04-24-2013, 10:38 PM

Ethan was doing great, until -- yet again-- he finished off the previcox. He still has enough of an appetite to eat a can or two of wet food, but he is in so much pain. Even getting up off his dog bed makes him yelp, and if he lays a certain way he just whines and whines. He can hardly walk and I am afraid to pick him up or even help reposition him because I know it hurts him. Our vet seems to be at a loss on what to do from here. He'll have more Previcox for us tomorrow, and until then he told us to use aspirin for the pain (which doesn't seem to do much, if anything, for Ethan). Thankfully the previcox will kick in quickly once administered, but until then....

Right now it is killing me to see my little guy like this. :( I can't sleep knowing he is in pain, every time I hear him whimper or I watch him try to walk I start crying. I am trying so hard to keep him as comfortable as possible, and since he is so sensitive to my emotions, I've been trying not to let him see how upset I am.... but I feel like I am crying constantly. I just don't know what to do. I feel so helpless.

04-25-2013, 12:43 AM

Ethan was doing great, until -- yet again-- he finished off the previcox. He still has enough of an appetite to eat a can or two of wet food, but he is in so much pain. Even getting up off his dog bed makes him yelp, and if he lays a certain way he just whines and whines. He can hardly walk and I am afraid to pick him up or even help reposition him because I know it hurts him. Our vet seems to be at a loss on what to do from here. He'll have more Previcox for us tomorrow, and until then he told us to use aspirin for the pain (which doesn't seem to do much, if anything, for Ethan). Thankfully the previcox will kick in quickly once administered, but until then....

Right now it is killing me to see my little guy like this. :( I can't sleep knowing he is in pain, every time I hear him whimper or I watch him try to walk I start crying. I am trying so hard to keep him as comfortable as possible, and since he is so sensitive to my emotions, I've been trying not to let him see how upset I am.... but I feel like I am crying constantly. I just don't know what to do. I feel so helpless.

Aww, sending you hugs. Is there anything you want me to ask the veterinarians on my radio show for you and Ethan? Love you, give him a kiss from us!

04-25-2013, 07:08 AM
Please get well soon, Ethan! *kisses* I hope the Previcox will be a great help :love: :love: :love:

04-25-2013, 05:33 PM

Ethan was doing great, until -- yet again-- he finished off the previcox. He still has enough of an appetite to eat a can or two of wet food, but he is in so much pain. Even getting up off his dog bed makes him yelp, and if he lays a certain way he just whines and whines. He can hardly walk and I am afraid to pick him up or even help reposition him because I know it hurts him. Our vet seems to be at a loss on what to do from here. He'll have more Previcox for us tomorrow, and until then he told us to use aspirin for the pain (which doesn't seem to do much, if anything, for Ethan). Thankfully the previcox will kick in quickly once administered, but until then....

Right now it is killing me to see my little guy like this. :( I can't sleep knowing he is in pain, every time I hear him whimper or I watch him try to walk I start crying. I am trying so hard to keep him as comfortable as possible, and since he is so sensitive to my emotions, I've been trying not to let him see how upset I am.... but I feel like I am crying constantly. I just don't know what to do. I feel so helpless.

There are other pain relievers that he could take. Surely the Doc could try another or give him shots to speed relief. I'm suprised that your Vet doesn't have
other ideas to help Ethan. Have you guys thought about geting a 2nd opinion?

04-25-2013, 07:07 PM
Got the Previcox today and Ethan's fever went from being 103.2 this morning to 101.7, so thats good. I worked today, and mom said that from 10am to the time I got home (5pm) he didn't move. I guess the previcox started kicking in because he was just able to stand up when I went over to say hi to him. With some coaxing I got him to eat and then carried him out to do his business. To sum it up, he is still eating and drinking and his fever is going down... so, Yay! He seems to do better when I am home, so its good that I have the next three days off.

I talked with my sister (who works for our vet), and she told me the doc's game plan. After this round of Previcox, if he isn't better and stays better, we are going to have to try steroids. There is no way to tell how he will react to the steroids until we try, basically it could help right away or it could be really hard on him. If he does have to go that route, he will have to either stay at the clinic or with my sister during the duration of the treatment. Of course, my sister and I both agree that he will be staying with her.

Right now there is a lot that is still up in the air. I'm just hoping for the best.

Aww, sending you hugs. Is there anything you want me to ask the veterinarians on my radio show for you and Ethan? Love you, give him a kiss from us!
I know I'm too late for this week's radio show, but if I think of any specific questions I will PM you. :) Thanks.

There are other pain relievers that he could take. Surely the Doc could try another or give him shots to speed relief. I'm suprised that your Vet doesn't have
other ideas to help Ethan. Have you guys thought about geting a 2nd opinion?

Ethan has had a few shots to help with fever and pain, and I guess we just stick to Previcox 'cause we know it works. This is a superb vet, and I trust him tremendously. If it comes to a point where I second guess him in the slightest, I definitely won't hesitate to seek a second opinion. It turns out our vet does have a plan, as I just mentioned above. Often I don't get all the information because my work schedule doesn't always allow me to be there for Ethan's visits to the vet and I rely on my sister to relay the message to me. Sometimes things get lost in translation.

04-26-2013, 03:47 PM
Prayers and positive vibes going out for Ethan. It's so exasperating when you can't get a positive diagnosis, one way or the other. His on and off again symptoms are certainly puzzling. Hope the vet finds an answer, and a solution, soon!

04-27-2013, 12:51 PM
Just here checking in for an update. ((((((HUGS))))) for Ethan and Casper - some for Sala and Towser, too. I'll keep praying and go light another candle. :love:

04-28-2013, 11:58 AM
Thanks for the support, guys. My poor Ethan isn't feeling as well as I would expect him to at this point. He was crying a lot last night, but when I got him to sleep under the covers with me he calmed down a bit. He doesn't put any weight on his front right paw (the one that swelled the most a while back) and he pretty much just sleeps a lot. I have been able to keep him eating and drinking fine, so thats better than nothing. We have six days worth of meds left before we return to the vet and see where we go from there.

04-28-2013, 06:34 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this.:( Lots more prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

05-07-2013, 06:39 AM

Well, more bloodwork and xrays has led to more questioning symptoms. On his bloodwork, his lymphocytes were still low (kinda expected that), but the xrays show he has bown growth throughout his body, but mainly on the leg he hasn't been using. On his problem leg he has some muscle dystrophy and his elbow is actually fused at a 90 degree angle so he can't straighten it. The bone growth is causing him to hurt throughout his whole body and thats why he is crying a lot and getting aggressive towards us. :( Right now we are focusing on seeing if we can manage the pain. He isn't taking Previcox anymore, and is instead on Tramadol and Prednisone.

Ethan's doctor isn't sure if he will regain usage of that leg or not. He is consulting with other veterinarians and has gotten a hold of a specialist out of Memphis who helped rule out a few things. We aren't sure if he will regain usage of that bad leg, and we will know if the Prednisone helps within 48 hours. If it doesn't, then we are at another dead end again...

Thanks again guys for the continued prayers for my boy. It means a lot to us. :love: