View Full Version : 3 Dogs to vets in last week and half ...

04-05-2013, 08:26 AM
Sadie had "hot spot" issue that got ugly from her harness and sweater. In she went to the vet's.

Snoopy got trachea bronchitis (and sounds like a goose when he coughs) in the vets he went. All his medications are working nicely and he is on road to recover.

Coco went in for updating shots prior to leaving for doggie boot camp yesterday.

The gals at office asked the other day when I took Sadie in for a "recheck appt" if I was coming in anymore this week. I said nope with a smile. Well gotta stop by today and pick up more cough medication for Snoopy. I think after this we are done visiting the vets office for a while. :)

04-05-2013, 09:32 AM
That's a big ouch on the wallet. Hope that they all stay happy and healthy now. :)

04-05-2013, 09:41 AM
Everyone I know with skin children say it always happens that way.............once one gets it they ALL get it. And that holds true for our fur babies, although they usually don't share the same issues. But when it rains it pours.
Well, I hope you are correct and do not have to see the vet staff again anytime soon. :)

04-05-2013, 11:06 AM
Hope the hot spot is also getting better.

Yep, I so know this routine. :rolleyes: Having multiples is not always fun and joy - but mostly it is! :D

04-05-2013, 12:35 PM
I hope that everyone will be healthy for quite a while now. I can also relate. When it rains it pours.:)

05-17-2013, 12:47 AM
Taking care for pets should be a routine process. There should be a fixed pattern for letting your pets to get a regular health check up at least once in a month. They are active part to our happiness and also i agree to the relation which i saw as if it rains, it pours. So keep the smile flourish on your pets too and make them give you the everlasting happiness for a longer period of time.