View Full Version : Bad weekend for dogs on the road

09-24-2001, 09:00 AM
400 miles of road and 9 dead dogs - how can that be? On the return leg of a driving trip, an 8 hour drive through both rural and urban areas, I counted 9 dead dogs on the roadside. I just can't seem to get my brain around this. :confused: :confused: :confused:

Our state has a tether law, which says you must have a safety tie for a dog riding in the back of a truck. Were some of these dogs victims of being left untied in a speeding vehicle? Did people not even notice their dog was no longer in the back of the truck?

Were these unwanted dogs that had been dumped out by the side of the road? Could they have been seeking food and shelter and been overwhelmed by the traffic and roads?

Were these pets from nearby farms and homes? Were they allowed to roam freely and wandered into traffic?

I suppose there were various stories for each dog, but what about the people just leaving them by the road. Did owners just leave them and drive off after they were dead?

I know there is no easy answer, and human nature played a big part in the death of these animals. But my heart aches for the loss of those little spirits.

We've had too much loss lately due to hardened hearts. I need to go hug my fur kids and rejoice in the love and comfort they give.

09-24-2001, 10:47 AM
ohh thats so terrible :( :(
It takes me an extra half hour to cut the grass because I make sure I don't run over any frogs, so for me it really hurts to see a cat or a dog on the road. Things like "was he just trying to find his home ?", "is there some little boy or girl missing their best friend ?", "how could anyone hit an animal and then just leave it there ?" "did he have a happy life or did he die hungry and unloved".

And it makes me sooooo :mad: to see dogs loose in the back of trucks, 18 dollars is all it cost to go to the pet supply store and by a tie, god isn't your pets life worth that much ?? Oh I'd better stop, you don't want me to get started with that, gosh I buckle Hannah up inside the car for safty ???? I don't know about some pet owners. :mad: :mad: :mad:

09-24-2001, 12:45 PM
:( Last Christmas we went to Florida (from Illinois). We saw lots of dead dogs too. It was just so sad because you'd see this dead dog and that's all you could think about for the next hour, and then you'd start to think about something else and you'd see another dead dog. :( When we were in Georgia we saw thid dog pack of about 3 dogs walking the railroad tracks, who knows how much longer they had. :( :mad:

09-24-2001, 02:31 PM
I agree 100% with everything you said Angie :(

Everytime I catch a glimpse of something on the side of the road, I divert my eyes and absolutely cannot look. I feel bad for doing this because I think I should look in case it is an animal that is still alive that I could save. I think I will try to make myself look from now on. I just hate to because it makes me cry everytime, be it a dog, cat, bird, squirrel, or anything else.

Daisy's Mom
09-25-2001, 08:57 PM
Wow! That's awful! I've never seen a dead dog on a road, but I cry whenever I see any kind of road kill. My friend and I once had a bird drive into the windshield of her car and we we got out of the car bawling and gave it a funeral.

09-26-2001, 11:28 AM
I know what you mean. A few months ago there was a dog killed along the side of the road. I drive that road two times a week and I had to watch that poor thing in various forms of decay. Such a cute thing too. I often wonder about his past and why he was not buried. If the owner lived close by, that was so disrespectful and I hope that he will never own another dog again.