View Full Version : Puzzle #613

Steve Arnold
01-23-2013, 06:20 PM
New players! Read the rules before you join, please, and be prepared to host the next if you win!

These are the rules:

* 1. You may only guess one letter at a time.

* 2. After you have guessed a letter, you must wait for another player to guess a letter before you can go again. (see also rule #9)

* 3. The host of the game responding to a guess does not count as a turn. Should you choose a letter, then receive a response from the member host, you must wait for the next member to guess a letter.

* 4. One point will be awarded for each correct letter, 2 points for vowels.

* 5. Only six misses are allowed in the game.

* 6. If you wish to guess the phrase, send it to me via Pet Talk Private message. (This is accessible via the 'PM' or 'Profile' buttons on any of my posts). DO NOT post it on the forum. If you wish to guess a letter, post it on the forum.

* 7. You must have submitted a correct letter to submit your solution. Unlike letters, if you submit a wrong solution, you are disqualified from continuing in that puzzle.

* 8. The player who correctly guesses the phrase wins the game. If no one has guessed it correctly after six misses, then the player with the most points wins the game.

* 9. Only 5 guesses allowed in total until the host updates the puzzle. Any guess after 5, before the next update, won't be counted as a guess. And as always, someone else has to guess a letter before you can guess another letter.

And here is what you win ... you get to create the next puzzle.

(Should you win the game and are unable to host the next puzzle, you may pass it to the member with the next highest points)

(Hope I'm doing this correctly, since it's my first time to create a puzzle here!)

Here's the puzzle:

--- --- ----’- ----. - --------- --- ----- ----- ------ ----- -- -- ---------. ---- --- ------ -- -- -- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- --- --- ------- ---- - ---- ---- ---- -- - ---’- ----. -- ---- ----- ---, ---- --- ----- -- ------ ----.
“---- --, ---,” ---- -----. --- --- ------ --- ------ ----. -- ----’- - ----- ---. ---- --- --- - --- ---- ----- -----, -- ---- ------ --- ---- ---- -- ----- -----. -- -- ----- --- - ----, -- ----- -- ------- --- ----.
“----- ---- -------- ---- --- -- ----, -- --’- -------. -- -- ---- ---- ------, --- --- ------ ---- ---- ----- --- ---- --- --- -- --- --- --------.”
“---- --, ---, “ - ------. --- --- ----’- -----.

---- -------
-- ------- ------

Letters left to guess:

01-23-2013, 06:24 PM
It looks fine, good job so far and thanks for hosting!

I will start with a T, please!

(Cold evening, tea is needed!)

Felicia's Mom
01-23-2013, 06:47 PM
N, please.

Steve Arnold
01-23-2013, 08:44 PM
Cold evening, here, too, Karen. Darjeeling with dinner.

Rather difficult at this end, I see, getting all the letters counted out correctly!

Here we go ...

T-- --- ---n’t ----. - ----t---- --- ----t ----- --n--t ----- t- -- ----t----. T--- --- ------ -- -t -- --t- --- ---- ---- ---- -n- t-- ------t ---- - ---- ---- ---n -n - ---’- ----. -- ---- ----- ---, t--- --- ----- -- ----n- ----.
“---- -n, ---,” ---- -----. T-- --- ------ --- ------ t---. -t ---n’t - ----- ---. ---- --n --- - --t --t- t---- t----, -- ---t ------ --t t--- ---- -- t---- t----. -- -- -t--- --- - t---, -t ----- -- --t---n --- ----.
“----- ---- -------- t--- --- t- -t--, -- --’- -t---n-. -- -- --t- ---- --n---, t-- --- ------ ---- ---- ---n- -n- ---- --- --- t- t-- --- ---t----.”
“---- -n, ---, “ - ------. T-- --- ---n’t -----.

---- -t-----
-- ------- ------

Karen: T(42) = 42
Felicia's Mom: N(16) = 16

Letters left to guess:


01-25-2013, 01:38 AM
M, please!

01-25-2013, 08:50 AM
R please

Steve Arnold
01-25-2013, 08:59 AM
M it is, only twelve of them. Doesn't fill in too much yet ...

T-- --- ---n’t m---. - ----t---- --- ----t ----- --n--t ----- t- -- ----t----. T--- --- ------ -- -t m- --t- --- ---- ---- ---- -n- t-- ------t ---- - ---- ---- ---n -n - ---’- ----. -- ---- ----- ---, t--- --- ----- -- ----n- ----.
“--m- -n, ---,” ---- -----. T-- --- ------ --- ------ t---. -t ---n’t - ----- ---. ---- --n --- - --t --t- t---- t----, -- ---t ------ --t t--m ---- -- t---- t----. -- -- -t--- --- - t---, -t ----- -- --t---n --- ----.
“---m- ---- --m----- t--- --m t- -t--, -- --’- -t---n-. -- -- --t- m--- --n---, t-- --- ------ ---- --m- ---n- -n- ---- --m --- t- t-- --- ---t----.”
“--m- -n, ---, “ - ------. T-- --- ---n’t -----.

---m -t-----
-- ------- ------

Karen: T(42), M(12) = 54
Felicia's Mom: N(16) = 16

Letters left to guess:


Pinot's Mom
01-25-2013, 12:16 PM
S please!

Steve Arnold
01-25-2013, 01:20 PM
That fills in plenty of blanks!

T-- --- ---n’t m---. - s---t---- --s ---st ----- --n--t ----- t- -- s---t----. T--s --- ------ -- -t m- --t- --s ---s ---- ---- -n- t-- s----st ---- - ---- ---- s--n -n - ---’s ----. -- ---s ----- ---, t--s --- ----- -- ----n- ----.
“--m- -n, ---,” s--- -----. T-- --- ------ --s ------ t---. -t --sn’t - ----- ---. ---s --n s-- - --t --t- t---- t---s, -- ---t ------ --t t--m ---- -- t---- t---s. -- -- st--- --- - t---, -t ----- -- --t---n --s ---s.
“S--ms ---- s-m----- t--- --m t- st--, s- --’s st---n-. -- -- s-ts m--- --n---, t-- --- ------ ---- --m- ---n- -n- ---- --m --- t- t-- --- --st----.”
“--m- -n, ---, “ - ------. T-- --- ---n’t -----.

---m St-----
-- ------- ------

Karen: T(42), M(12) = 54
Felicia's Mom: N(16) = 16
Pinot's Mom: S(34) = 34

Letters left to guess:


01-25-2013, 09:31 PM
L, please, and don't forget Asiel's R!

Steve Arnold
01-25-2013, 10:16 PM
Sorry about that, Asiel! Looks like you posted while I was counting out letters and I missed it after I posted earlier today. I'll be more careful after this!

Here we go ...

T-- --- ---n’t m---. - s-r-t---- --s ---st ---r- --n--t l---- t- -- s-r-t----. T--s --- l----- -- -t m- --t- --s --rs l--- ---- -n- t-- s----st l--- - ---- ---r s--n -n - ---’s ----. -- ---s ---l- -r-, t--s --- ---l- -- -r--n- --r-.
“--m- -n, ---,” s--- --rr-. T-- --- ------ --s ------ t--l. -t --sn’t - ----- ---. ---s --n s-- - l-t --t- t---r t--ls, -r ---t ----l- l-t t--m ---- -- t---r t--ls. -- -- st-ll --- - t--l, -t ---l- -- --t---n --s l--s.
“S--ms l--- s-m----- t-l- --m t- st--, s- --’s st---n-. -- -- s-ts m--- l-n--r, t-- --- ---l-r --ll --m- -l-n- -n- ---l --m --- t- t-- --- --st-ll-.”
“--m- -n, ---, “ - ------. T-- --- ---n’t -----.

-r-m Str---r
-- ----rl- -l--r-

Karen: T (42), M (12) L (29) = 83
Felicia's Mom: N (16) = 16
Pinot's Mom: S (34) = 34
Asiel: R (20) = 20

Letters left to guess:


Pinot's Mom
01-26-2013, 07:17 AM
H please!

Steve Arnold
01-26-2013, 08:08 AM
H it is, and it's a rich one. Thirty-three of them!

Th- --- ---n’t m---. - s-r-t-h-- h-s -h-st -h-r- --n--t l---- t- -- s-r-t-h--. Th-s --- l----- -- -t m- --th h-s --rs l--- ---- -n- th- s----st l--- - h--- ---r s--n -n - ---’s ----. -- ---s ---l- -r-, th-s --- ---l- -- -r--n- h-r-.
“--m- -n, ---,” s--- --rr-. Th- --- ------ h-s ------ t--l. -t --sn’t - h---- ---. ---s --n s-- - l-t --th th--r t--ls, -r -h-t ----l- l-t th-m ---- -- th--r t--ls. -- h- st-ll h-- - t--l, -t ---l- -- --t---n h-s l--s.
“S--ms l--- s-m----- t-l- h-m t- st--, s- h-’s st---n-. -- h- s-ts m--h l-n--r, th- --- ---l-r --ll --m- -l-n- -n- h--l h-m --- t- th- --- --st-ll-.”
“--m- -n, ---, “ - ------. Th- --- ---n’t -----.

-r-m Str---r
-- ----rl- -l--r-

Karen: T (42), M (12) L (29) = 83
Felicia's Mom: N (16) = 16
Pinot's Mom: S (34) H (33) = 67
Asiel: R (20) = 20

Letters left to guess:


01-26-2013, 11:34 AM
A Y please

Steve Arnold
01-26-2013, 12:24 PM
Only 12 Y's, but it does fill some things in. And all of the y's in the passage function as vowels, so I'll score them accordingly. (There's the reading teacher in me coming through!)

Th- --- ---n’t m---. - s-r-t-h-- h-s -h-st -h-r- --n--t l---- t- -- s-r-t-h--. Th-s --- l----- -- -t m- --th h-s --rs l--- ---- -n- th- s----st l--- - h--- ---r s--n -n - ---’s ----. -- ---s ---l- -ry, th-s --- ---l- -- -ry-n- h-r-.
“--m- -n, ---,” s--- --rry. Th- --- ------ h-s ------ t--l. -t --sn’t - h---y ---. ---s --n s-y - l-t --th th--r t--ls, -r -h-t ----l- l-t th-m ---- -- th--r t--ls. -- h- st-ll h-- - t--l, -t ---l- -- --t---n h-s l--s.
“S--ms l--- s-m----y t-l- h-m t- st-y, s- h-’s st-y-n-. -- h- s-ts m--h l-n--r, th- --- ---l-r --ll --m- -l-n- -n- h--l h-m --- t- th- --- --st-ll-.”
“--m- -n, --y, “ - ------. Th- --- ---n’t -----.

-r-m Str---r
-y ----rly -l--ry

Karen: T (42), M (12) L (29) = 83
Felicia's Mom: N (16) = 16
Pinot's Mom: S (34) H (33) = 67
Asiel: R (20), Y (12) = 44

Letters left to guess:


01-26-2013, 05:31 PM
I always have to figure out whether the "Y" is a vowel or a consonant in calculating someone's totals - proving both elementary school English and math class do have a use in life!

Anyway, P, please!

Steve Arnold
01-26-2013, 05:55 PM
P doesn't give you a lot - only six of them; but it may fill in at least a couple of words for you ...

Th- --- ---n’t m---. - s-r-t-h-- h-s -h-st -h-r- --n--t l---- t- -- s-r-t-h--. Th-s --- l----- -p -t m- --th h-s --rs l--- ---- -n- th- s----st l--- - h--- ---r s--n -n - ---’s ----. -- ---s ---l- -ry, th-s --- ---l- -- -ry-n- h-r-.
“--m- -n, ---,” s--- --rry. Th- --- ------ h-s ------ t--l. -t --sn’t - h-ppy ---. ---s --n s-y - l-t --th th--r t--ls, -r -h-t p--pl- l-t th-m ---p -- th--r t--ls. -- h- st-ll h-- - t--l, -t ---l- -- --t---n h-s l--s.
“S--ms l--- s-m----y t-l- h-m t- st-y, s- h-’s st-y-n-. -- h- s-ts m--h l-n--r, th- --- ---l-r --ll --m- -l-n- -n- h--l h-m --- t- th- --- --st-ll-.”
“--m- -n, --y, “ - ------. Th- --- ---n’t -----.

-r-m Str---r
-y ----rly -l--ry

Karen: T (42), M (12), L (29), P (6) = 89
Felicia's Mom: N (16) = 16
Pinot's Mom: S (34), H (33) = 67
Asiel: R (20), Y (12) = 44

Letters left to guess:


Pinot's Mom
01-27-2013, 08:04 AM
I'd like to try a W, please!

Steve Arnold
01-27-2013, 08:20 AM
Eleven W's for you ...

Th- --- ---n’t m---. - s-r-t-h-- h-s -h-st wh-r- --n--t l---- t- -- s-r-t-h--. Th-s --- l----- -p -t m- w-th h-s --rs l--- ---- -n- th- s----st l--- - h--- ---r s--n -n - ---’s ----. -- ---s ---l- -ry, th-s --- w--l- -- -ry-n- h-r-.
“--m- -n, ---,” s--- --rry. Th- --- w----- h-s ------ t--l. -t w-sn’t - h-ppy w--. ---s --n s-y - l-t w-th th--r t--ls, -r wh-t p--pl- l-t th-m ---p -- th--r t--ls. -- h- st-ll h-- - t--l, -t w--l- -- --tw--n h-s l--s.
“S--ms l--- s-m----y t-l- h-m t- st-y, s- h-’s st-y-n-. -- h- s-ts m--h l-n--r, th- --- ---l-r w-ll --m- -l-n- -n- h--l h-m --- t- th- --- --st-ll-.”
“--m- -n, --y, “ - ------. Th- --- ---n’t -----.

-r-m Str---r
-y ----rly -l--ry

Karen: T (42), M (12), L (29), P (6) = 89
Felicia's Mom: N (16) = 16
Pinot's Mom: S (34), H (33), w (11) = 78
Asiel: R (20), Y (12) = 44

Letters left to guess:


01-29-2013, 10:49 AM
a G please

Steve Arnold
01-29-2013, 11:31 AM
Good choice, that fills a few things in. There are 20 of them.

Th- --g ---n’t m---. - s-r-t-h-- h-s -h-st wh-r- --n--t l---- t- -- s-r-t-h--. Th-s –g l----- -p -t m- w-th h-s --rs l--- ---- -n- th- s----st l--- - h--- ---r s--n -n - --g’s ----. -- --gs ---l- -ry, th-s --g w--l- -- -ry-ng h-r-.
“--m- -n, --g,” s--- --rry. Th- --g w-gg-- h-s ------ t--l. -t w-sn’t - h-ppy w-g. --gs --n s-y - l-t w-th th--r t--ls, -r wh-t p--pl- l-t th-m ---p -- th--r t--ls. -- h- st-ll h-- - t--l, -t w--l- -- --tw--n h-s l-gs.
“S--ms l--- s-m----y t-l- h-m t- st-y, s- h-’s st-y-ng. -- h- s-ts m--h l-ng-r, th- --g ---l-r w-ll --m- -l-ng -n- h--l h-m --- t- th- --g --st-ll-.”
“--m- -n, --y, “ - ------. Th- --g ---n’t ---g-.

-r-m Str---r
-y ----rly -l--ry

Karen: T (42), M (12), L (29), P (6) = 89
Felicia's Mom: N (16) = 16
Pinot's Mom: S (34), H (33), w (11) = 78
Asiel: R (20), Y (12), G (20) = 64

Letters left to guess:


01-29-2013, 03:39 PM
D, please, just to confirm a couple words ....

Steve Arnold
01-29-2013, 04:11 PM
I've been waiting to ask for the D! Thirty-nine of them should fill in quite a few words!

Th- d-g d-dn’t m---. - s-r-t-h-d h-s -h-st wh-r- --nd-t l---d t- -- s-r-t-h-d. Th-s d-g l----d -p -t m- w-th h-s --rs l--d ---- -nd th- s-dd-st l--- - h--- ---r s--n -n - d-g’s ----. -- d-gs ---ld -ry, th-s d-g w--ld -- -ry-ng h-rd.
“--m- -n, d-g,” s--d --rry. Th- d-g w-gg-d h-s d----d t--l. -t w-sn’t - h-ppy w-g. D-gs --n s-y - l-t w-th th--r t--ls, -r wh-t p--pl- l-t th-m ---p -- th--r t--ls. -- h- st-ll h-d - t--l, -t w--ld -- --tw--n h-s l-gs.
“S--ms l--- s-m---dy t-ld h-m t- st-y, s- h-’s st-y-ng. -- h- s-ts m--h l-ng-r, th- d-g ---l-r w-ll --m- -l-ng -nd h--l h-m --- t- th- d-g --st-ll-.”
“--m- -n, --y, “ - -----d. Th- d-g d-dn’t --dg-.

-r-m Str-d-r
-y ----rly -l--ry

Karen: T (42), M (12), L (29), P (6), D (39) = 128
Felicia's Mom: N (16) = 16
Pinot's Mom: S (34), H (33), w (11) = 78
Asiel: R (20), Y (12), G (20) = 64

Letters left to guess:


Pinot's Mom
01-29-2013, 04:52 PM
B please!

Steve Arnold
01-29-2013, 05:46 PM
13 B's, lots more things are filling in!

Th- d-g d-dn’t m---. - s-r-t-h-d h-s -h-st wh-r- B-nd-t l---d t- b- s-r-t-h-d. Th-s d-g l----d -p -t m- w-th h-s --rs l--d b--- -nd th- s-dd-st l--- - h--- ---r s--n -n - d-g’s ----. -- d-gs ---ld -ry, th-s d-g w--ld b- -ry-ng h-rd.
“--m- -n, d-g,” s--d B-rry. Th- d-g w-gg-d h-s d----d t--l. -t w-sn’t - h-ppy w-g. D-gs --n s-y - l-t w-th th--r t--ls, -r wh-t p--pl- l-t th-m ---p -- th--r t--ls. -- h- st-ll h-d - t--l, -t w--ld b- b-tw--n h-s l-gs.
“S--ms l--- s-m-b-dy t-ld h-m t- st-y, s- h-’s st-y-ng. -- h- s-ts m--h l-ng-r, th- d-g ---l-r w-ll --m- -l-ng -nd h--l h-m --- t- th- d-g b-st-ll-.”
“--m- -n, b-y, “ - -----d. Th- d-g d-dn’t b-dg-.

-r-m Str-d-r
by B---rly -l--ry

Karen: T (42), M (12), L (29), P (6), D (39) = 128
Felicia's Mom: N (16) = 16
Pinot's Mom: S (34), H (33), W (11), B (13) = 91
Asiel: R (20), Y (12), G (20) = 64

Letters left to guess:


01-29-2013, 06:48 PM
Oooh, I may have a guess in later, pretty close ....

02-01-2013, 11:49 PM
C, please :)

Steve Arnold
02-02-2013, 06:41 AM
Oh, good. I was afraid we'd been forgotten.

18 C's, and for the first time in this puzzle, one word is completely filled in.

Th- d-g d-dn’t m---. - scr-tch-d h-s ch-st wh-r- B-nd-t l---d t- b- scr-tch-d. Th-s d-g l----d -p -t m- w-th h-s --rs l--d b-c- -nd th- s-dd-st l--- - h--- ---r s--n -n - d-g’s --c-. -- d-gs c--ld cry, th-s d-g w--ld b- cry-ng h-rd.
“C-m- -n, d-g,” s--d B-rry. Th- d-g w-gg-d h-s d-c--d t--l. -t w-sn’t - h-ppy w-g. D-gs c-n s-y - l-t w-th th--r t--ls, -r wh-t p--pl- l-t th-m ---p -- th--r t--ls. -- h- st-ll h-d - t--l, -t w--ld b- b-tw--n h-s l-gs.
“S--ms l--- s-m-b-dy t-ld h-m t- st-y, s- h-’s st-y-ng. -- h- s-ts m-ch l-ng-r, th- d-g ---l-r w-ll c-m- -l-ng -nd h--l h-m --- t- th- d-g b-st-ll-.”
“C-m- -n, b-y, “ - c----d. Th- d-g d-dn’t b-dg-.

-r-m Str-d-r
by B---rly Cl--ry

Karen: T (42), M (12), L (29), P (6), D (39) = 128
Felicia's Mom: N (16) = 16
Pinot's Mom: S (34), H (33), W (11), B (13) = 91
Asiel: R (20), Y (12), G (20) = 64
cassiesmom: C (18) = 18

Letters left to guess:


Pinot's Mom
02-02-2013, 08:11 AM
OK - I have to do it - can I have an A please?

Steve Arnold
02-02-2013, 08:56 AM
That fills in a lot! 39 of them.

Th- d-g d-dn’t m---. - scratch-d h-s ch-st wh-r- Band-t l---d t- b- scratch-d. Th-s d-g l----d -p at m- w-th h-s -ars la-d bac- and th- sadd-st l--- - ha-- ---r s--n -n a d-g’s -ac-. -- d-gs c--ld cry, th-s d-g w--ld b- cry-ng hard.
“C-m- -n, d-g,” sa-d Barry. Th- d-g wagg-d h-s d-c--d ta-l. -t wasn’t a happy wag. D-gs can say a l-t w-th th--r ta-ls, -r what p--pl- l-t th-m ---p -- th--r ta-ls. -- h- st-ll had a ta-l, -t w--ld b- b-tw--n h-s l-gs.
“S--ms l--- s-m-b-dy t-ld h-m t- stay, s- h-’s stay-ng. -- h- s-ts m-ch l-ng-r, th- d-g -a-l-r w-ll c-m- al-ng and ha-l h-m --- t- th- d-g bast-ll-.”
“C-m- -n, b-y, “ - c-a--d. Th- d-g d-dn’t b-dg-.

-r-m Str-d-r
by B---rly Cl-ary

Karen: T (42), M (12), L (29), P (6), D (39) = 128
Felicia's Mom: N (16) = 16
Pinot's Mom: S (34), H (33), W (11), B (13), A (78) = 169
Asiel: R (20), Y (12), G (20) = 64
cassiesmom: C (18) = 18

Letters left to guess:


Steve Arnold
02-05-2013, 11:09 AM
You've almost got it ... just a few letters to go ...

02-05-2013, 01:57 PM
I sent a guess .... The C really helped!

Steve Arnold
02-05-2013, 02:13 PM
And you were so close! Unfortunately you missed by one word ... I was bummed. But you're all so close to the solution ... keep it coming.

02-05-2013, 02:58 PM
K, please

Steve Arnold
02-05-2013, 03:13 PM
7 K's ... a few more things filling in ...

Th- d-g d-dn’t m---. - scratch-d h-s ch-st wh-r- Band-t l-k-d t- b- scratch-d. Th-s d-g l--k-d -p at m- w-th h-s -ars la-d back and th- sadd-st l--k - ha-- ---r s--n -n a d-g’s -ac-. -- d-gs c--ld cry, th-s d-g w--ld b- cry-ng hard.
“C-m- -n, d-g,” sa-d Barry. Th- d-g wagg-d h-s d-ck-d ta-l. -t wasn’t a happy wag. D-gs can say a l-t w-th th--r ta-ls, -r what p--pl- l-t th-m k--p -- th--r ta-ls. -- h- st-ll had a ta-l, -t w--ld b- b-tw--n h-s l-gs.
“S--ms l-k- s-m-b-dy t-ld h-m t- stay, s- h-’s stay-ng. -- h- s-ts m-ch l-ng-r, th- d-g -a-l-r w-ll c-m- al-ng and ha-l h-m --- t- th- d-g bast-ll-.”
“C-m- -n, b-y, “ - c-a--d. Th- d-g d-dn’t b-dg-.

-r-m Str-d-r
by B---rly Cl-ary

Karen: T (42), M (12), L (29), P (6), D (39) = 128
Felicia's Mom: N (16) = 16
Pinot's Mom: S (34), H (33), W (11), B (13), A (78) = 169
Asiel: R (20), Y (12), G (20) = 64
cassiesmom: C (18), K (7) = 25

Letters left to guess:


02-07-2013, 10:34 PM
Bounce! I need someone to call a letter!

Steve Arnold
02-07-2013, 10:36 PM
Yes, please! We're so close to solving it!

02-07-2013, 10:43 PM
I'll guess a V although I am disqualified from solving the puzzle!

02-08-2013, 05:37 AM
F, please

Steve Arnold
02-08-2013, 07:03 AM
Those two letters should fill in most of the question marks ... not a lot left to guess! Just eight F's and four v's, but they're in crucial places.

Th- d-g d-dn’t m-v-. - scratch-d h-s ch-st wh-r- Band-t l-k-d t- b- scratch-d. Th-s d-g l--k-d -p at m- w-th h-s -ars la-d back and th- sadd-st l--k - hav- -v-r s--n -n a d-g’s fac-. -f d-gs c--ld cry, th-s d-g w--ld b- cry-ng hard.
“C-m- -n, d-g,” sa-d Barry. Th- d-g wagg-d h-s d-ck-d ta-l. -t wasn’t a happy wag. D-gs can say a l-t w-th th--r ta-ls, -r what p--pl- l-t th-m k--p -f th--r ta-ls. -f h- st-ll had a ta-l, -t w--ld b- b-tw--n h-s l-gs.
“S--ms l-k- s-m-b-dy t-ld h-m t- stay, s- h-’s stay-ng. -f h- s-ts m-ch l-ng-r, th- d-g -a-l-r w-ll c-m- al-ng and ha-l h-m -ff t- th- d-g bast-ll-.”
“C-m- -n, b-y, “ - c-a--d. Th- d-g d-dn’t b-dg-.

Fr-m Str-d-r
by B-v-rly Cl-ary

Karen: T (42), M (12), L (29), P (6), D (39), V (4) = 132
Felicia's Mom: N (16) = 16
Pinot's Mom: S (34), H (33), W (11), B (13), A (78) = 169
Asiel: R (20), Y (12), G (20) = 64
cassiesmom: C (18), K (7), F (8) = 33

Letters left to guess:


Killearn Kitties
02-08-2013, 04:07 PM
J please.

Steve Arnold
02-08-2013, 04:29 PM
There's only one J, but it may just hold the key to one of the trickiest words in the puzzle ...

Th- d-g d-dn’t m-v-. - scratch-d h-s ch-st wh-r- Band-t l-k-d t- b- scratch-d. Th-s d-g l--k-d -p at m- w-th h-s -ars la-d back and th- sadd-st l--k
- hav- -v-r s--n -n a d-g’s fac-. -f d-gs c--ld cry, th-s d-g w--ld b- cry-ng hard.
“C-m- -n, d-g,” sa-d Barry. Th- d-g wagg-d h-s d-ck-d ta-l. -t wasn’t a happy wag. D-gs can say a l-t w-th th--r ta-ls, -r what p--pl- l-t th-m k--p -f th--r ta-ls. -f h- st-ll had a ta-l, -t w--ld b- b-tw--n h-s l-gs.
“S--ms l-k- s-m-b-dy t-ld h-m t- stay, s- h-’s stay-ng. -f h- s-ts m-ch l-ng-r, th- d-g ja-l-r w-ll c-m- al-ng and ha-l h-m -ff t- th- d-g bast-ll-.”
“C-m- -n, b-y, “ - c-a--d. Th- d-g d-dn’t b-dg-.

Fr-m Str-d-r
by B-v-rly Cl-ary

Karen: T (42), M (12), L (29), P (6), D (39), V (4) = 132
Felicia's Mom: N (16) = 16
Pinot's Mom: S (34), H (33), W (11), B (13), A (78) = 169
Asiel: R (20), Y (12), G (20) = 64
cassiesmom: C (18), K (7), F (8) = 33
Killearn Kitties J (1) = 1

Letters left to guess:


Steve Arnold
02-12-2013, 11:56 AM
You're almost there ... just a couple more guesses should solve it ...

Steve Arnold
02-14-2013, 05:14 PM
Hey, come on, no one has guessed a letter in six days - you're all so close - someone come forward with a guess so I don't have to tell you the solution.

02-14-2013, 11:27 PM
X please

Pinot's Mom
02-15-2013, 08:27 AM
Sorry - kind of forgot about it - PM sent.

Steve Arnold
02-15-2013, 08:52 AM
One x - and that's the last consonant on the board!

Now to check Pinot's Mom's answer ...

Th- d-g d-dn’t m-v-. - scratch-d h-s ch-st wh-r- Band-t l-k-d t- b- scratch-d. Th-s d-g l--k-d -p at m- w-th h-s -ars la-d back and th- sadd-st l--k
- hav- -v-r s--n -n a d-g’s fac-. -f d-gs c--ld cry, th-s d-g w--ld b- cry-ng hard.
“C-m- -n, d-g,” sa-d Barry. Th- d-g wagg-d h-s d-ck-d ta-l. -t wasn’t a happy wag. D-gs can say a l-t w-th th--r ta-ls, -r what p--pl- l-t th-m k--p -f th--r ta-ls. -f h- st-ll had a ta-l, -t w--ld b- b-tw--n h-s l-gs.
“S--ms l-k- s-m-b-dy t-ld h-m t- stay, s- h-’s stay-ng. -f h- s-ts m-ch l-ng-r, th- d-g ja-l-r w-ll c-m- al-ng and ha-l h-m -ff t- th- d-g bast-ll-.”
“C-m- -n, b-y, “ - c-ax-d. Th- d-g d-dn’t b-dg-.

Fr-m Str-d-r
by B-v-rly Cl-ary

Karen: T (42), M (12), L (29), P (6), D (39), V (4) = 132
Felicia's Mom: N (16) = 16
Pinot's Mom: S (34), H (33), W (11), B (13), A (78) = 169
Asiel: R (20), Y (12), G (20) = 64
cassiesmom: C (18), K (7), F (8), X (1) = 34
Killearn Kitties J (1) = 1

Letters left to guess:


Steve Arnold
02-15-2013, 11:38 AM
Oh dear ... one missing letter in the last guess ... we're still open for the correct solution ...

Pinot's Mom
02-17-2013, 03:49 PM
OK -since I was kicked off the island (so to speak) with an incorrect guess....

E, please!! There, I did it - I guessed the E!! ;)

Steve Arnold
02-17-2013, 10:21 PM
E, now that's rich! 59 of them!

Sorry I'm so late getting to this today, I had a long play rehearsal this afternoon and them company in the evening, so I'm just getting to this. Thanks for your patience.

The d-g d-dn’t m-ve. - scratched h-s chest where Band-t l-ked t- be scratched. Th-s d-g l--ked -p at me w-th h-s ears la-d back and the saddest l--k - have ever seen -n a d-g’s face. -f d-gs c--ld cry, th-s d-g w--ld be cry-ng hard.
“C-me -n, d-g,” sa-d Barry. The d-g wagged h-s d-cked ta-l. -t wasn’t a happy wag. D-gs can say a l-t w-th the-r ta-ls, -r what pe-ple let them keep -f te--r ta-ls. -f he st-ll had a ta-l, -t w--ld be between h-s legs.
“Seems l-ke s-meb-dy t-ld h-m t- stay, s- he’s stay-ng. -f he s-ts m-ch l-nger, the d-g ja-ler w-ll c-me al-ng and ha-l h-m -ff t- the d-g bast-lle.”
“C-me -n, b-y, “ - c-axed. The d-g d-dn’t b-dge.

Fr-m Str-der
by Beverly Clearly

Letters left to guess:


Karen: T (42), M (12), L (29), P (6), D (39), V (4) = 132
Felicia's Mom: N (16) = 16
Pinot's Mom: S (34), H (33), W (11), B (13), A (78), E (59) = 297
Asiel: R (20), Y (12), G (20) = 64
cassiesmom: C (18), K (7), F (8), X (1) = 34
Killearn Kitties J (1) = 1

Come on, somebody should be able to get this now!

Pinot's Mom
03-02-2013, 11:55 AM
OK - this one has gone on way too long!! I can't guess - someone who's eligible - GUESS!!!!

03-02-2013, 12:56 PM
I cannot guess either! Now I see the word I got wrong, though!

03-02-2013, 01:50 PM
Gosh, I guess the vowels first. I, please! And I started too late so I am not in the running.

Steve Arnold
03-02-2013, 03:31 PM
Hey, anyone's still in the running that can solve this and get me off the hook! I had a show open Thursday night (I'm directing) and I've been so busy I haven't even logged in here, but I check three times a day without logging in to see if there's been any action. Thanks for guessing!

There are 39 I's. Surely this will give someone the answer!

Th- d-g didn’t m-v-. I scratch-d his ch-st wh-r- Bandit lik-d t- b- scratch-d. This d-g l--k-d -p at m- with his -ars laid back and th- sadd-st l--k I hav- -v-r s--n -n a d-g’s fac-. If d-gs c--ld cry, this d-g w--ld b- crying hard.
“C-m- -n, d-g,” said Barry. Th- d-g wagg-d his d-ck-d tail. It wasn’t a happy wag. D-gs can say a l-t with th-ir tails, -r what p--pl- l-t th-m k--p -f th-ir tails. If h- still had a tail, it w--ld b- b-tw--n his l-gs.
“S--ms lik- s-m-b-dy t-ld him t- stay, s- h-’s staying. If h- sits m-ch l-ng-r, th- d-g jail-r will c-m- al-ng and ha-l him -ff t- th- d-g bastill-.”
“C-m- -n, b-y, “ I c-ax-d. Th- d-g didn’t b-dg-.

Fr-m Strid-r
by B-v-rly Cl-ary

Letters left to guess:


Karen: T (42), M (12), L (29), P (6), D (39), V (4) = 132
Felicia's Mom: N (16) = 16
Pinot's Mom: S (34), H (33), W (11), B (13), A (78), E (59) = 297
Asiel: R (20), Y (12), G (20) = 64
cassiesmom: C (18), K (7), F (8), X (1) = 34
Killearn Kitties J (1) = 1
Catty1: I (39) = 78

Come on, can't someone figure this out now?

03-02-2013, 08:50 PM
Steve - are you sure you got all the E's?

PM sent

Steve Arnold
03-02-2013, 10:12 PM
Oops! I accidentally pulled up the solution that I'd had before the e was guessed. I save it each time I add a letter, but at this point it doesn't matter since WE HAVE A WINNER! Congratulations, Catty1!

Here's the complete solution -

The dog didn’t move. I scratched his chest where Bandit liked to be scratched. This dog looked up at me with his ears laid back and the saddest look I have ever seen on a dog’s face. If dogs could cry, this dog would be crying hard.
“Come on, dog,” said Barry. The dog wagged his docked tail. It wasn’t a happy wag. Dogs can say a lot with their tails, or what people let them keep of their tails. If he still had a tail, it would be between his legs.
“Seems like somebody told him to stay, so he’s staying. If he sits much longer, the dog jailer will come along and haul him off to the dog bastille.”
“Come on, boy, “ I coaxed. The dog didn’t budge.

From Strider
By Beverly Cleary

Strider is the sequel to Beverly Cleary's novel Dear Mr. Henshaw, which won the 1984 Newbery award, one of my all time favorite kids' novels. Strider was published in 1991. The two books focus on young Leigh Botts as he adjusts to his parents' breakup, and each features a dog - Bandit in the first, and then Strider. Both are beautiful, poignant, funny stories.

Thank you for solving the puzzle, Catty1!

03-03-2013, 09:24 AM
Steve, as I scrolled back through the last few posts I saw that the wrong one was copied in. No matter.

I will host the next one - stay tuned!:)