View Full Version : Frost

12-15-2012, 07:09 AM
Hi Frost...You are a big beautiful baby. I would love to play with you. Wish you lived next door to me.
Congratulations on DOTD.:love::love::love:

Linda in SC:love:

12-15-2012, 07:18 AM
Hi, Frost in beautiful PR! You are a gorgeous pupster -- I like your pretty eyes and your wonderful color! Your coat looks so plush and soft to pet. I'd be happy to pet you and smile when you can't quite stay still :D I think the camera really likes you and I do too. I enjoyed seeing your happy face and reading your story today! Happy Dog of the Day, handsome Frost!

12-15-2012, 08:54 AM
You're a gorgeous pup Frost! :love:You just look like you're a lot of fun! Congrats on being DOTD! Hace a fun day! :D

12-15-2012, 09:23 AM
Frost, you are stunning with your blue eyes! Congrats on being DOTD! :love::cool:

12-15-2012, 09:55 AM
Hello Frost! What a perfect name for you! Wow! You are beautiful with your frosty color and your blue eyes. I smiled as I read about you and I hope you have a long life with your family. I enjoyed your wonderful pics; yes, you are photogenic. Congrats on being DOTD!

12-15-2012, 11:04 AM
Hi Frost in PR! Happy Dog of the Day to you!:) Oh! Just look at the smile!:D

My beloved Cody was a red Husky x with a thick, plush coat and ice blue eyes, just like yours! How she would have swooned (and howled, hehe) at the very sight of your handsome self; you're stunning!:cool: (No wonder you love posing for the camera!:p) And as there's no snow to be had in sunny PR, and with that perennial winter coat of yours, it's a good thing you enjoy your water and baths as you do; a nice way to cool off! You may be named Frost, but there's nothing cold about you, sweetheart! You're as warm hearted and loving as they come, and your person so very lucky to have a beautiful, joyful, active, fun loving best friend in you! What a wonderful life awaits you, Frost, what wonderful times you and your family will be sharing over the many years to come!:)
Enjoy your well earned day of honor, beautiful boy, being loved to the max and spoiled rotten!
Lots of love, hugs and kisses to you, beautiful Frost!:love::love::love:

12-15-2012, 03:54 PM
Hello Frost,

My, you are a vey handsome pup & I'm pleased to meet you.:) I loved your pictures too.
You look so happy laying in the shade & playing in the grass. You sound like a very smart
and playful pup who loves everyone.:love: Congratulations on being chosen as our very
deserving DOG OF THE DAY. Sending lots of cyber hugs & kisses for you sweet face.:love::love:
I wish you a long & happy life with your family.

12-15-2012, 04:10 PM
Oh Frost !

What a beautiful smile you have !!

Wonderful Happy Boy with a joyous future !

12-15-2012, 08:38 PM
What a beauty! Love his name, suits him well with those gorgeous eyes and light coloured fur.

I love the fact that he gets excited with people, that's my kinda dog hehe.

12-15-2012, 10:06 PM
Frost - you are a very beautiful boy! I hope that since you live in Puerto Rico, your owners keep things nice and cool for you! Have a great time being Dog of the Day, Frost! :love:

12-15-2012, 11:11 PM
Hi there! Thank you all for the kind comments, I'm so excited to see my pup as dog of the day :) I'm glad you all have enjoyed meeting him, he's such a lovable dog. And yes we do keep him extra refreshed all day! :) We even slip ice cubes into his plate to keep it extra cold and he loves playing with water, once again thank you!<3