View Full Version : Photo Visit with the Fluffs

12-09-2012, 01:37 PM
I haven't posted photos in some time, have a few to share.

November: I took a trip to Dad's house, stayed 3 nights. The cats stayed home, I left plenty of food and water, they were fine. The dogs found it stressful, as they have never been on such a long car ride (1.5 hours), never stayed overnight away from home, it was all new to them.

Tasha and Riley



Back home I tried for a few group shots, silly me!



Few more to come.

12-09-2012, 01:39 PM
We played at "dress up" one day, preparing for our Christmas photo shoot.


New tuxedo for Willy!


"Is this my good side?"

He eventually agreed to look at the camera, lol.

There are quite a few with the girls, so I will go set up another thread!

12-09-2012, 02:28 PM
Good afternoon, Fluffs! Willy, every side is your good side! You look very nice in your tuxedo :)

And you traveled to granddad's house ... a new experience of going in the car and away from home overnight! I'm glad mum was there to help you adjust to a different place. It looks like Willy found a comfortable chair to soak up some sun :)

12-09-2012, 06:08 PM
They're all adorable.:) I thought that you lived with your father. Now I'm confused.:confused:

12-09-2012, 06:58 PM
They're all adorable.:) I thought that you lived with your father. Now I'm confused.:confused:

He hee, no Dad moved in with me. We still have his house, though we don't get up there any longer, as Dad can't do the traveling. I am TRYING to clean it out, bit by bit. My Mum saved EVERYTHING! I found bags and boxes with every piece of homework from my brother and from me - back to first grade! Of course, none of this can be tossed without ME looking at it first lol, so that plus not being able to get up there regularly any longer makes this a long process.

12-09-2012, 07:46 PM
Just love the fluffy gang's little outfits, so sweet.

Sounds like you're going through what I did when my mom died...boxes and boxes, and like you it was all stuff from when were little...took many many weeks and I was going over every day for a few hours.
Of course now I have some of the stuff she was keeping, swore I wouldn't keep anything but then found the boxes with every gift, card or memento we had ever given her so I decided to haul it home and throw it out later---then came across mementoes from her own family-- the day to throw it all out hasn't come yet..:D

12-10-2012, 05:20 PM
I just LOVE Willy in that tux. Such a little "Dapper Dan"! :love:

12-10-2012, 05:42 PM
Asiel, my mum passed in 1994, Dad moved in with me in 2001 -- but refused to allow me to make ANY changes to "your Mother's home." So I've been caught with inaction for quite some time. And now my Dad is not able to travel up there, so I have to work in trips when I can.

Ellie, of course you love Willy! You've always been a member of his fan club, lol. :love:

12-10-2012, 06:03 PM
Ellie, of course you love Willy! You've always been a member of his fan club, lol. :love:

What's not to love about that boy??? He's such a clown, and your stories about him always give me such a good laugh. And that brings to mind that we haven't heard much about his "adventures" lately. I think I need a Willy-Fix! :love:

12-10-2012, 08:23 PM
Asiel, my mum passed in 1994, Dad moved in with me in 2001 -- but refused to allow me to make ANY changes to "your Mother's home." So I've been caught with inaction for quite some time. And now my Dad is not able to travel up there, so I have to work in trips when I can.

Ellie, of course you love Willy! You've always been a member of his fan club, lol. :love:

Oh, different circumstances than mine for sure-well, little by little it all gets done. I would be very careful not to make the mistake of mentioning anything to your dad so he doesn't get upset. Maybe after all this time you won't be hauling half the boxes back to your house... I still have some of my mom's stuff and I guess my daughter will have the job of taking over in later years (much later) I hope.:D

12-10-2012, 08:31 PM
LOL, no worries. Last time I took Dad up was 2 years back, on a day trip. All the time we were there, he kept asking who owned the house and where were they? Why were we in their house and they weren't home!

Ellie, been too hectic here for Willy tales, lol. He still loves to steal my undies from the laundry hamper and take them throughout the house. :rolleyes:

12-10-2012, 11:40 PM
Oh my gosh Willy, you look so dashing in that tuxedo! Love that outfit. You would fit right in with the royal family of England.

12-11-2012, 08:40 AM
Thanks Varga, Dapper (Dan) Willy much appreciates your comment!