View Full Version : On the verge of tears...

Russian Blue
12-03-2002, 07:00 PM
I just came back from seeing Nakita. As I mentioned earlier, she went in to get spayed today at around 10 am this morning. The vet said to come by after work to see her.

The vet is a little worried because of how slow she is coming out of the anaesthetic from the operation. It was 6:30pm when we saw her and she was really drugged. The vet said they have also been giving her eye drops because of her slow reaction of her eyelid muscles.

Have any of you experienced seeing your own cat drugged from an operation? It was so horrible seeing Nakita so defenselss. She was trying to stand but couldn't, her tounge was hanging out of her mouth and she looked like she was going through a "gagging" motion. She kept doing an action they term "paddling" where she would "paddle" the air with her paw as if she was hitting something. She was so out of it and it's soo hard when she doesn't recognize me.

He said not too worry and probably 99% that she'll sleep it off by morning. What happens if this is the 1%? God I'm not going to sleep tonight.

He also brought up the fact that she is so small. Wondering if the date the breeder gave us is correct. Also he pointed out that she still has her baby teeth. Now I don't know if Russian Blue's just mature later, or maybe Nakita has some deficiency. More blood tests to follow.

I'm not going to sleep tonight....It's so hard when your facing the unknown and have no control. I really hope tomorrow goes well.


12-03-2002, 07:06 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Nakita. I'm sure she'll pull through, cat are tough animals. Keep us posted on how she's doing. I'll keep you and Nakita in my thoughts and I hope everything goes smoothly for you two.

12-03-2002, 07:20 PM
Prayers are on the way for you both. Please do keep us posted.

12-03-2002, 07:40 PM
It's so scary when the fate & health of our sweet pet
companions seems to be out of our hands.I will pray that
everything turns out well for you both. Hope the next time
you see her she's feeling much better.:)

12-03-2002, 08:10 PM
we'll all be praying for Nakita. our vets do not let us see the animals in a drugged state, because people just don't realize how it will look and that it is a fairly normal reaction. You are more scared because they led you to believe that she is reacting different than most. but not all animals will ever be the same. We never get the cats back after spay (or neuter, either) until the next day when they are fully awake. It is true that she may be small and poosibly younger than stated, but I know they operate on fairly young animals and I am sure they anestetised (sp?) her accoring to her weight......so try not too worry too much. Kepp us updated.

12-03-2002, 08:29 PM
{{{cyberhugs}}} to Nakita and her worried Mommy, Russian Blue.

Fingers and paws crossed here for a swift recovery.

Felicia's Mom
12-03-2002, 08:50 PM
I am keeping both of you in my thoughts.

12-03-2002, 09:31 PM
I think this is why my vet kept Hanna overnight - I would be torn apart to see my kitten like that too.

One of our dogs (Rocky) had his teeth cleaned a couple weeks ago, and we took him home the same night. He was definitely out of it from being put under- he had some problems walking and he couldn't eat that night (vet's instructions). I felt really bad for him. He was feeling like himself the next morning.

I think some places spay kittens really young - like 8 weeks - so I wouldn't worry about the too small stuff. The vets weigh the animals before they give them anesthesia so they know how much to use.

She will more than likely be fine tomorrow morning and be happy to get home.

12-03-2002, 10:46 PM
I'm so sorry that you had to see her that way! Did they do the surgery in the afternoon? Nutmeg had her surgery today and they were done by 11am, and I brought her home at 4pm. I'm sure that she will be fine. Blues are so stubborn - she is probably fighting her urge to sleep off her meds! I know Bassett would resist that kind of influence!! (Bassett is blue mix).

I will pray for your baby tonight! Please let us know how she is doing!

12-03-2002, 11:50 PM
Oh, Nakita, sleep well tonight
Tomorrow, you feel better, and let your people know
You didn't mean to worry them,
You just were feeling sleepy still,
So sleep tonight Nakita, and tomorrow,
Give 'em .... all sorts of trouble! :)

Nakita's people, you rest, too. You not sleeping is not going to help her recover any faster!

12-03-2002, 11:56 PM
What a shame, you never should have had to see her in this state so that it upset you so much. When females are spayed they are normally kept overnight at the Vet's clinic so that they can monitor them after the surgery. Usually by the next morning they are back to normal.

I know you will toss and turn tonight - but you just wait until the joy you will have tomorrow seeing her in her "normal" behavior mode.

Even so, I will say a prayer that all goes well and you will report just that tomorrow!

12-04-2002, 12:07 AM
I'm so sorry that you had to see your sweet baby Nakita like this. :( I'm sure that she'll be fine tomorrow morning. Please try to rest and get some sleep. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Nakita. {{{{HUGS}}}}

12-04-2002, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by gini
When females are spayed they are normally kept overnight at the Vet's clinic so that they can monitor them after the surgery.

I find this so interesting, because all three of my girls and my mom's kitten (she was spayed about a year ago) all came home the same day. We had to bring in the cat early in the morning, and they were ready to come home by 4-5pm. Could I get some replies about other people's experiences with a spay? Did your cats come home or did they have to stay overnight?

I will continiue to pray for Nakita!!

12-04-2002, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by Nomilynn

I find this so interesting, because all three of my girls and my mom's kitten (she was spayed about a year ago) all came home the same day. We had to bring in the cat early in the morning, and they were ready to come home by 4-5pm. Could I get some replies about other people's experiences with a spay? Did your cats come home or did they have to stay overnight?

I will continiue to pray for Nakita!!

I don't know if every vet clinic keeps them overnight, but I had just called about having two kittens spayed and was told that they would be kept overnight. I also know that my Vet is very good but VERY expensive......and there is a charge for the overnight stay. I will be interested too. I do know that when it was a routine teeth cleaning, they weren't kept overnight.
It will be interesting to see what other people have experienced.

12-04-2002, 01:26 AM
I'm a tech and where I work we keep any OHE overnight and we would NEVER let anyone see their cat in that condition!!!! All of our surgeries are done between the hours of 8am and 11am each morning. Most of our kitties are still groggy by the pm but generally awake. I am disgusted that the vet let you see your cat like that- that's not fair to you!! We have had kitties that take more time to recover than others. That paddling and shaking reaction is completely normal. I know when I first started working there, seeing the animals come out of anesthesia was really disturbing but now I understand that it is normal. I am sooo sorry that you had to see your cat like that and shame on the vet! Don't worry she will be ok- I'll keep you in my prayers tonight.

12-04-2002, 02:51 AM
Filou (male ) was spayed in the morning and I saw him in the late afternoon. He looked heartbreaking. Was lying on the radiator and I sat close by. Later in the evening he came down on the sofa, stepped from there to the floor -quite shaky- went to the kitchen ad had a big bowl of food (he hadn't eaten since the evening before). Then still shaking he went to the cat tree, rushed up -I couldn't believe it - and had a long nap. Then he was fine again. Spaying for furgirls is a little harder than for boys but I am sure she'll be fine today {{{{{hugs}}}}} for both of you and keep us posted.

12-04-2002, 03:49 AM
My guys and gals (cats) were always overnight at the Vet's while being neutered. But the local welfare cat folks (Greenmountain Animal Defenders) are all volunteers including Vets and don't have any facility to keep a pet overnight. So all the ferals etc. and low cost operations are done one day and home..... If they should need care beyond that you either take them somewhere else to begin with or take them home. If you confine a cat in a large dog container, with litter, food etc. and keep a close eye on them, it is almost as though they are at the Vet.

I vote for the overnight stay, but some folks cannot afford all the comforts and services.

When Graemer hurt his leg as a kitten (we think it was a sting from a hornet) he was given a drug to calm him as they did the xrays. When I went to pick him up a few hours later, they said he needed to stay in a container for 24 hours - so I told them to keep him there.... They had given him a drug that would give him hulciniations (sp?) and they warned me not to touch him. That didn't sound like fun to me. So the next day I picked him up ($15 more....not bad)....and he was fine!

No one looks great when they are coming out of an anesthetic. Humans look and act just awful too!

I bet your kitty will be fine. Sounds like they gave her more drugs than she needed, but I am not a vet. By the way, Vets do make mistakes - but this sounds like it will be fine.

12-04-2002, 04:00 AM
Oh my , poor you !!! The vet shouldn't have let you see that ...! Of course you will have a sleepless night now ...
We all keep fingers and paws crossed here !!
Update soon please ..!:)

Miss Meow
12-04-2002, 04:34 AM
Poor, poor Nakita. I'll be thinking of her tonight and hoping she is better tomorrow. Please keep us updated.

12-04-2002, 06:05 AM
When I had Blue-Czarina (a Russian Blue) spayed in Visalia, Calif, last spring, she was still under the anesthetic when I brought her home, like all the others that I had taken to the clinic. Due to the line-up in the morning for spay and neutering, they did not have the room to put up the animals for one night. Don't worry, she will come out of it by morning. The most important to watch for is to keep her from being too active during the first two days, in order to allow the incision to heal up.:)

Please keep us posted on her recovery.


12-04-2002, 06:43 AM
All the females we've ever had 'done' have returned home the same day - wonder if it's just the vets choice?

Keeping little Nakita in my thoughts Kassandra {{{Huhs}}}


smokey the elder
12-04-2002, 09:00 AM
Poor Nikita. It probably looks worse than it is. Most of my females were held overnight after a spay, except for Diva. She was done very early in the AM and was groggy at 7 PM when I picked her up. Also, your kitten has a small weight for her age. I agree with Neko; sometimes it's better not to know everything about what's going on with the poor kitty and see her in such a state.

Cyber-hugz to you and Nikita.

Edwina's Secretary
12-04-2002, 09:18 AM
Because Edwina was a rescue from the shelter I had to pick her up the day she was spayed. (In fact I had to pick her up that day or we couldn't have her. I had to rearrange travel plans for a business trip to Atlanta and get my parents to dirve 80 miles to come and sit with her....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: )

She was groggy and "out of it" but since we only knew her from our introduction at the shelter we did not have alot to which to compare her behavior.

I do remember the time my brother neutered my parent's cat on the kitchen table (he's a vet.) The cat...a male ...was a little on the young side but my brother needed to go back to school. Even though that is over 25 years ago....the sight of the two of us sitting with that cat willing him to come out of the affects of the anesthetic before my mother came home!

I'm sorry for your anxiety...Nakita will be fine!

Russian Blue
12-04-2002, 09:54 AM
Thank you everyone for all your support, wisdom, and prayers.

The vet said she's doing just fine this morning. She was pacing in her cage, meowing, and "fiesty" when they went to take her temperature! I will be picking her up tonight!

Last night was hard though, since this is the first time I have a kitten on my own. And seeing her in that state did not help, even if it is "normal".

I can't thank you guys enough! Last night I was desperate and couldn't handle the unknown, and I was looking for answers. You greatly helped me through it. Never forget how much power the "typed" word has on the emotional response of another!

Thank you again for such a warm welcome to your community - Pet Talk has been permanently bookmarked!


12-04-2002, 10:04 AM
That's great news! I'm so happy she's doing good.:)

12-04-2002, 10:15 AM

I'm so glad Nakita is doing much better. All my girls spent the night at the vets to be monitored. That must have been a horrible experience for you seeing her like that. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

12-04-2002, 10:25 AM
Hip Hip Horay! I knew she would be fine, but how scary for you!!!! Yeah Nakita!!! Remember to keep her as calm as you can for a day! My little Georgia was spayed at 3 pounds, and 3 months because of a hernia. My vet (my FORMER vet) didn't keep them overnight, cause they don't have the facility staffed at night., so I had her with me, and I cried and cried.

So little, so defense-less, sooo much responsibility. But, Georgie-Porgie is just fine and dandy now.

I hope you will post some more and let us know how she is doing. Remember to really really really support her hind quarters when you pick her up!

12-04-2002, 10:54 AM
So glad to hear that! I'm looking forward to hearing more of her.

12-04-2002, 10:59 AM
What great news!! Now you must come back more often - tell us all about Nikita! I think we would love to hear more about her "feisty" side. Also, I hope you get a good nights sleep this evening!

12-04-2002, 11:06 AM
I'm so happy to hear that Nakita is doing better. :)

Ohh I'm worried now. I hope I can handle seeing Zam after she is spayed. The way the clinic works is that you drop them off in the morning and then pick them up later that same day.

Seeing animals defenseless makes me cry. :(

12-04-2002, 12:05 PM
Glad she is OK. Being groggy for half a day is pretty common.

12-04-2002, 12:12 PM
I'm so glad to know she's feeling better! :D

12-04-2002, 12:14 PM
Oh good! I'm glad she back to her normal self. :)

12-04-2002, 12:59 PM
I'm glad that she is doing better. When I had Fuzzy Wuzzy spayed last year she was kept over night. I'm glad she was I don't think I could have handled seeing her right after she had been spayed. They said they would call and let me know when she was ready to go home needless to say I needed up having to call to make sure everything was alright and if I could bring her home.

12-04-2002, 01:04 PM
I am sure Nakita will be just fine..I am taking our Rocky boy today to get fixed and we won't get him back until Friday if all goes smoothly...How old is Nakita? Rocky is 6 months old this month..he was at the animal shelter and was 5 months old when we got him....

12-04-2002, 01:06 PM
I just read your reply and I am so glad she is doing better now!

12-04-2002, 06:56 PM
Yeah Nakita......now that you are feeling better you can start (or continue) to get into mischief. After all, that is your first and foremost responsibility as a cat.

12-04-2002, 11:05 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Nakita is doing much better. I'm so sorry that you had such a scare. I can't wait to see more pics of her.

12-05-2002, 04:55 AM
I'm so pleased Nakita is much better - for tiny furbabies they sure are stronger than they look - thank goodness!!
I think on my last post I send {{Huhs}}!! Think I'll send {{{{HuGs}}}} this time!!! xx
