View Full Version : Breeder??

Cisco's Mom
12-03-2002, 06:00 PM
Hey, what do ya'll think about getting in contact with the breeder of Cisco? I was able to track her down via the AKC and his registration number. Do you think it would be good or bad. I mean maybe she has an e-mail and I can tell her about Cisco.:confused:

12-03-2002, 06:05 PM
if she's interested in knowing about her past pups, sure.

my breeder says she'de love pics and stuff of mickey when he leaves. other breeders may not care. it depends on the personality of the breeder, i guess. i really don't know..lol..i'm help :rolleyes:

Dakota's Mommy
12-04-2002, 08:54 AM
I contacted Dakota's breeder once a long time ago to see how we could register her. She was so happy to hear how good Dakota was doing and find out her new name and hear all about her. I've thought that Brian and I should try to contact her again some time and see if we can set something up to head to her place to meet Dakota's parents, let the breeder see how she's doing, and so Dakota can see her parents. We figure that maybe it will give us better idea what she will be like when she's full grown if we meet the parents, at least according to where she came from. We just haven't done it yet.

Anyways, my thought is that you can always try to email her or something and if she doesn't want to be contacted again, she'll either let you know or totally ignore you. So, there's no harm in trying. My bet is that some of these breeders, not knowing the one you got her from, really wonder how the pups turn out and are really excited to get updated through the years about puppies from thier litters! So, I say go ahead and try it, there's no harm in that!

Dixieland Dancer
12-04-2002, 11:23 AM
If she is any kind of caring breeder, she will welcome hearing about the pups she helped bring into the world. It can't hurt to try contacting her. After all what's the worst she can do but say don't call me again.