View Full Version : Tex, the vomiter

12-03-2002, 12:39 PM
I wrote a looooong time ago about Texas and how he constantly vomits, and has ever since birth- though it has gotten progressively worse. Well, after dropping four pounds in the last five years, we went in again to the vets. (I had taken him in periodically, but nothing ever seemed to be 'wrong').

Well, yesterday I learned that Tex has hypothyroidism..in which his thyroid is overactive, producing too much something, It keeps his metabolic rate up and running double time. It is treatable with medication, which will begin tomorrow am. All his other blood test were fine, and the vet commented on his beauty, and sweet disposition in the office (Not like the rest of you folks with wild beasts...he he he).

The vet did not think this was the reason for his vomiting- which appears chronic. We (well, he) starts Rx food called "ZD" tomorrow am as well. Won't it be a fun time at the tuxedo ranch? I now get to pill him three times (he takes Reglan, too), and switch him to poopy food!!!!! Tex will NOT be happy. But, if it makes him a fat boy again, Momma will be sooo pleased! Wish us luck as we start our new program...:D

12-03-2002, 01:10 PM
Good Luck Tex! Cataholic, how old is he, isn't he your first and oldest cat? I think you said he was 10 or something, I am surprised if he always vomits and all those yearly checkups that the vet never wanted to test him before. Does he vomit everyday? Poor baby, I hope he feels better with the med and the new food.

All Creatures Great And Small
12-03-2002, 02:25 PM
YOW!:eek: How do you manage to pick up all those "gifts" being left for you? My mom has a chronic vomiter too, and she is driven mad by trying to get the piles up off of her new beige carpeting in her apartment (definitely not her choice of color, LOL). Poor baby Tex! What a lucky kitty to have a tolerant mama - I have heard of plenty of cats being turned in at the shelter for this behavior :mad: , as though they're doing it deliberately.

12-03-2002, 02:30 PM
Hi Cataholic :)

From what you have described it actually sounds like Tex has hyperthyroidism (too much) and not hypothyroidism (too little). The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormone which regulates metabolism (amongst other things). This is a condition that can develop later in life (in both humans and animals), so the Vet may not have caught it before because it wasn't there before. But that still doesn't explain the constant vomiting :confused: :confused:

Miss Meow
12-03-2002, 05:16 PM
Poor Tex boy, you eat your feed and become Fat Boy Tex or else!

Hope you find the reason for the vomiting. Maybe the Rx food will help. I'll be hoping for less time cleaning up vomit and more time playing with cats for you.

12-03-2002, 05:16 PM
Bastet needs special food because she has an allergy to something in the meat that I used to give her. The vet thought it could be a a preservative. She gets chicken liver once a week to keep the taurine up in her system and specially formulated dry cat food and plenty of water. It stopped the vomits but I totally sympathise with people who suffer with that unfortunate kitty condition of chronic vomiting.

As for the hyperthyroidism. Your furbaby produces too much of the hormones T3 and T4 which regulate all the body functions. I am glad he is on tablets for it now.

12-03-2002, 08:22 PM
TEX, now you've got to gain some weight! Don't want to be a feather weight all your life do ya??
Seriously, though, you are bound to find the right food for him with enough (frustrating) trial and error.
and hopefully the medicine will do the trick.

12-03-2002, 10:48 PM
Good luck with fattening him up and getting him healthy again!! :D

smokey the elder
12-04-2002, 08:54 AM
Hyperthyroid wouldn't cause the "urps". Maybe the kitty has a food intolerance. You may want to ask your vet about a diet which systematically eliminates possible allergens. I know a human that had to go through the same thing and was allergic to unusual things.

12-04-2002, 10:19 AM
Tex took to his new food like the champ he is. As did the other four, too!!! I don't really care, if Tex will stop vomiting, I will put everyone on the special food. I may have to investigate the livers..ugh, but if it will give him more "umph" I will do it.

Tex is my oldest boy, he is 11. He has vomited all his life, but more, now. He can go days without vomiting, then have a rough spot- vomiting maybe four times a day. Yeah, I know the hypERthyroidism is something that probably occurred more recently, and doesn't have anything to do with the vomiting.

I choose my house because of the flooring- hardwood. I don't care that he throws up...from a cleaning perspective. I do care for his health, of course. Sometimes he thows up on the bed, but I just wash the duvet cover. He is the coolest cat. And, the smartest of the herd. I would give him my thyroid if I could...so, I am hoping the meds and the new food work out.

The vet did tell me NO OTHER FOOD..for three months to rule out the allergen issue. But, I have always treated him to a snack for being such a good piller. So, I might have to buy some little cans of wet Rx food to make it up to him. I wonder if maybe I cooked some liver treats...???

Thanks for your well wishes, we appreciate them.

12-04-2002, 04:54 PM
Great news Johanna - here's hoping this will be good for Tex.,
sending {{{hugs}}}} across the miles for the gorgeous furboy.


12-05-2002, 07:26 AM
GL with the meds and I hope they help sweet little Tex feel better and fatten him up the way you want him!!:)

12-05-2002, 09:12 AM
Poor little Tex .... I think it does sound like a food allergy ... hope that new food helps!!! Do keep us posted on his progress .... we want that "baby" feeling better ... and we know he is the best of care with you for a mom!!!

All Creatures ... LOVE your graphic!!!

12-05-2002, 05:08 PM
awww tex, will this ever end.....will we ever find out whats up for sure? i love you! your granny