View Full Version : Heaven

12-03-2002, 12:16 PM
I swear this is how I'll feel in heaven! :)

I woke up this morning with Noah on my pillow, his head and paw laying on my forehead and cheek. Basil was laying on my chest/stomach. He was on his back with is head on my shoulder. When I pressed the "snooz" button, they woke up a little bit and Basil and Noah started licking each other (lovingly) and then started licking me! It was so precious! I wish I could stay home all day and cuddle with them! :)

Does anyone have any bed time lovey-dovey experiences?

12-03-2002, 12:24 PM
Oh oh , now I have to tell too ...;)
Everymorning , Maya and Inka come to me in bed for a while (my hubby gets up much earlier , and he brings my sweeties !!) .
This are the best and sweetest moments off the whole day ..! Sometimes I wish I could stay and lay there all day ; it is LIKE HEAVEN , those purring happy cats curled against my arm ...:D :D

12-03-2002, 12:26 PM
Oh I know what you mean!! I'm always frustrated because my Marius will come and cuddle in the morning...but usually about 5 mins till my alarm goes off. I need more time! LOL LOL :rolleyes: Although, lately...Marius has been really lovey and sleeping under the covers with us...because it's getting colder outside. But I just love the feel of his fur and the soft rumbling of purrs as he drifts off to sleep! :)

12-03-2002, 12:35 PM
Most mornings the three cats are in bed with me. Gabe sleeps near my head and the other two are either under the covers, on me, or on my stomach and chest. Yes, sometimes both of them are there at the same time when I wake up. They don't weigh much so I don't mind. Yes, we have a cuddle fest nearly every morning. My guys love to be touched. Gabe likes to be petted while in bed too, but isn't quite so "in your face" as the other two!

12-03-2002, 12:45 PM
Mimi used to cuddle with me a lot, almost to the point of driving me crazy. Now that she is sleeping upstairs (her choice), I find that I miss her terribly! :( I have to make special trips up there each day just to get some loving!! And every night, when Helen goes to bed, I lie down on the bed for a few minutes with her, and Mimi comes and get on my chest and gives me headbutts and loud purrs.....makes me feel much better! :) That's my idea of Heaven, too.

12-03-2002, 01:28 PM
Sid's version of cuddling is to sit at the foot of the bed, facing away from me, out of reach. :D Jan only likes to cuddle with my husband.

But don't worry, there is Joxer to the rescue. He is my love bug. He snuggles next to me and is very sweet and loving. He also has wonderfully soft fur that is a delight to sink my fingers into.

(ok, so maybe this isn't the most flattering pic of him)


12-03-2002, 01:42 PM
Awwww! Sounds so cute. I have sofa time with Bix and Gigi. Scout's not much of a lap kitty. Probably why I always fall asleep on the sofa every night. Gigi is insistent on sleeping on my chest whenever I lay on the sofa. Bix and Gigi will actually push each other out the way to sleep on my chest. Last night I wanted to get up to finish cleaning up from dinner, but when I looked down, Bix was cuddled and curled up in my left arm and Gigi in my right. Now how am I suppossed to disturb two precious kitties with their little heads propped on my arm? It was 2 am when I finally woke up because they finally woke up. lol

All Creatures Great And Small
12-03-2002, 02:05 PM

12-03-2002, 03:01 PM
What a delightful thought.......the tortilini pose........we get that alot!!! :D

12-03-2002, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
Oh I know what you mean!! I'm always frustrated because my Marius will come and cuddle in the morning...but usually about 5 mins till my alarm goes off.
The same with mine. They can read my thoughts. Just when I think: NOW I'll get up -here they are in the most cuddly mood.
The nice thing with Filou -he follows me to the bathroom and continues there.

12-03-2002, 03:54 PM
the night time ritual: Jasper makes a regular pest of himself. He wants to be petted but he doesn't want to hold still.
he gives constant head bumpies. Then, this is the time Willow will come up by me. (he will not sit on a chair with me, but he will lay on the bed with me) so I take a lot of time with him, because this is one of the only times we get to cuddle. Monte and Amber are usually around at bed time, but not always the same time or place.
The morning ritual: THe first thing I see (or should say feel ) in the morning is Lucas licking my nose. Now this has nothing to do with love, he justwants his breakfast.:D Next comes the parade of kitties. This can be any number from 1 to 12 (Fern will never be in the parade) wlking back and forth across the two of us vying for the attention. I love to make sure they all get greeted and petted. An then the parade follows me into the bathroom. No closed doors here, not allowed....cat rules. This is where I look forward to a good morning pet with Calvin. He has been such a tough nut to crack, that the smallest steps, like a good petting in the morning, are heavenly.

12-03-2002, 05:06 PM
Bastet, being her usual self will run up and down the hallway for an hour, then find a mousie, dump it on my chest and pat my face with her paw until I am awake, meow at me to throw it, bury it in the blankets, head butt me, pat my face again, lick my hair and forehead, sneeze then run up and down the hallway to wake me up.

She comes in for an early morning smooge once I am fully awake and expects me to lay down beside her!

At night she jumps on the bed and no matter how hot or cold it is - snuzzles into my arm pit. Come morning ... well ... see above.

:D :rolleyes:

12-03-2002, 05:12 PM
Mornings are not usually peaceful around here and unfortunately not very heavenly. That's when my Trevor starts reminding me that his food dish is empty. When the meowing doesn't work, he walks on me. It's OK really, because it's usually time for me to get up anyway (except on weekends.....:rolleyes:......he follows the same schedule 7 days a week). Anyway, cuddle time for me is in the evening. The kitties are winding down from their hectic day at the window, watching the birds and whatever it is that they see. When they are all tired out they camp out in bed on my legs. Then we all drift off to dreamland. :) Oh and then there's Bella, hogging the bed too. :rolleyes:

12-04-2002, 08:20 AM
When Kunan was a kitten every night he would lay with his head on my arm and snuggled into me. Now he has started to snuggle under the covers every night...these are the moments that make all the troubles in the world just drift away...until Zingo gets on the bed and tries to walk on Kunan's head :rolleyes:

12-04-2002, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by BastetsMum
Bastet, being her usual self will run up and down the hallway for an hour, then find a mousie, dump it on my chest and pat my face with her paw until I am awake, meow at me to throw it, bury it in the blankets, head butt me, pat my face again, lick my hair and forehead, sneeze then run up and down the hallway to wake me up.

Ha, this is Filou's 3.30 A.M. program. At 7 he's cuddly:eek: :eek:

12-04-2002, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by BastetsMum
Bastet, being her usual self will run up and down the hallway for an hour, then find a mousie, dump it on my chest and pat my face with her paw until I am awake, meow at me to throw it, bury it in the blankets, head butt me, pat my face again, lick my hair and forehead, sneeze then run up and down the hallway to wake me up.
Oh! That is so cute!!! :) To an outsider of course, not to the one who is trying to sleep. ;)

12-10-2002, 07:13 PM
i share those feelings......it is sooooo hard to get up in the morning.....i just want to snuggle w/everybody.....i even set the alarm a bit early to have some snuggle-time!!!!;)

12-11-2002, 12:42 PM
That's a great idea Lillycat!! :D