View Full Version : A weight on my shoulders?

11-27-2012, 06:46 PM
I know that the weather outside has changed.

Lately, I have had a problem getting out of my chair.


As soon as I get up, if the Edster is in the area, I can be assured that he will be in my chair in less than 30 seconds.



I can get out of my chair - or really where ever I am sitting and can be assured that Ed will be there ASAP. It's almost like a game of musical chairs.

Without the music......


The other problem?

Waking up from a deep sleep with the cat on my back. Monkeys?

I can deal with them, it's thinking to myself what a jerk I am for waking the cat up to get out of bed....

But, he has given me a wide berth when it comes to sleeping in the bed with me.

He was always a little guarded about sleeping between the wall and I, but now he has accepted it as a spot where he will not be bothered when I get up to grab a drink or go to the bathroom.......

Altho I have to be quick about it.

Or else I come back to find him curled up in the warm spot I just left for him!

11-28-2012, 06:01 AM
While I feel your pain, RICHARD, imagine the same issues with 10 cats!:eek::eek:


Need I say more??? I'm ALWAYS having to move cats around to make room for myself. Face it, it's a no-win situation. Just give in, Dude.;)

Edster = 1, RICHARD = 0

11-28-2012, 09:25 AM
I "slept" in pain this morning for about 20 minutes because I didn't want to move too much and disturb the kitties. Actually, I didn't want to disturb them and have Jax start bugging Paizly and have to listen to the growling and fighting.

It's funny how we adjust our living to accommodate the critters.

11-29-2012, 05:27 PM
Well, you could just give in and turn on the furnace Richard. It's Winter time after all.:D

12-01-2012, 09:25 AM
Richard I love my Tubster Panther and he I, but sometimes the big fellow wants to share my pillow and at 16 pounds he likes to stretch out leaving me with a sore neck.
The things we do for our Cats.:love::love::love: