View Full Version : OK 'fess up.....

12-01-2002, 07:26 AM
all you multi-pet house holds......even though it is not pollitically correct to pick favorites among your kids, eveyone must have a favorite pet. So 'fess up !!

I must admit that Monte is "Mama's special boy".

12-01-2002, 08:41 AM
It would either have to be Neko or Tama. Tama is the baby and is my shadow. Neko was the first of the gang and just has this quiet serene personality.
I can't decide!!!

12-01-2002, 09:14 AM
my friends always ask me the same question but truthfully,i like both my cats equally.

smokey the elder
12-01-2002, 09:31 AM
I'd have to say Diamond because she was a former feral that came to me in the summer of 2000 when I had had a beastly previous 9 months. She and I rescued each other, I think. Now she's a grade A, five star mush!:D

12-01-2002, 09:40 AM
IT's so hard to say. On different days I have a different favorite. I love Tibby because she loves me so much, she always wants to see what I'm doing and be with me and she's so cute. But Corkscrew and I have been through so much and he's come around a lot since I first got him when he would bite every time I would touch him, now he sleeps under the covers with me. So I can't really decide. I think which ever one is cuddling with me at the time is my favorite.

12-01-2002, 12:45 PM
Jen , you are right in a way. Joseph the Joker is the most fun of all my cats , a clown of a cat that is always up. But Princess is the cat that I have the most respect for as she was dumped by her people along with her two kittens and she kept them alive until they were rescued. For looks it is impossible to top Rocca , John or Diane , who were all shown as kittens. I love Sams and Shebas as well , both chocolate point Siamese. And Precious is a tortie point Siamese, very unique. Rough and Tumble is the newest , a 15 week old chocolate point with , for Saimese big ears.he is a terror. Moose and Michael are older , very sweet cats who are so well adjusted and mild. Rascal has calmed down a lot , he is a rescued stray from the street , and is very grateful for everything. He is still surprised when I give him cat treats , obviously he is not used to kindness or generosity.so all of the cats have thier strong points and purrrsonalities , it really is hard to pick a favorite , all are Gods creatures and equally loved.

12-01-2002, 12:50 PM
Most of you can tell that Filou is my special little darling. One of the reasons for this may be that most of all other people love Tigris more. He's more social and purrs also for friends -Filou is only supercute with exactly 2 people, but then he's sooo precious.
But of course when Tigris is lying purring by my side -whom could I then love more than him?

12-01-2002, 03:28 PM
I love all of my cats very deeply, and would be crushed if anything ever happened to any of them. I guess though I would have to admit that there are a couple who have my heart wrapped around their little paws VERY TIGHTLY!!!! Dexter, is such a big fluffy, and personable boy ... and most who see even a picture of him, immediately fall in love with him. Also, my little "Tucker Man" has to be the most cuddly, and loving and spoiled kitty that ever walked this planet!!! Those two are most likely to get a little extra special attention in my home....though all are loved and cared for dearly!

Grace, is extremely special to me as well .... she was the first adopted out of my bunch, as she has a very special place in my heart! Even if worse came to worse, and for some un foreseen reason I had to part with Dexter and Tucker .... Grace would be the "first to come, last to leave"!

Praying that I never have to make that sort of decision though with any of my babies!

12-01-2002, 03:29 PM
Now Tucker Man....

12-01-2002, 03:31 PM
Now Grace ... the QUEEN!

12-01-2002, 03:39 PM
My mom tells me I love Tenny best, and while it would be easy to love him best, I love them all the same. There are some things I love about one more than the other..like, I really don't LOVE Tex vomiting on my bed just after I wash the duvet cover, OR Allie knocking everything off the table, mantel, etc., OR the way Dakky refuses to budge on the landing when I am trying to carry something, OR, the way Georgia runs from me like I beat her (which I do not), OR the way Minnie hides from me. Tenny really doesn't have any 'faults', unless his being loving 100% of the time is a fault.

I love cats I don't even know yet!

12-01-2002, 03:52 PM
I honestly don't have a favorite. They each bring something special into my life that I couldn't live without. What they all bring though is undying love and gratitude... and I give them that love and gratitude right back because I'd be lost without them!

12-01-2002, 03:56 PM
Shhhh!!! Don't tell the boys I have a favorite. I'm nuts about all of them but Leonardo is just a whisker ahead of the others. I think it's because I bottle fed him and raised him from about 9 or 10 days old. I'm the only mommy he's ever known. The others were all several months old when I got them. Let's keep this between us, ok? :D

Aspen and Misty
12-01-2002, 04:48 PM
My Chewy. He is such a Momma's boy and the way he is lost without me around is sooo adorable. Hee hee. Out of the cats I would say My Misty moo. Cause she's mine :D


Miss Meow
12-01-2002, 05:07 PM
I love all mine equally and in different ways. But if I turn my internal lie detector on :), it tells me that I do love Mini just that little bit more. We went through so much in our first months of having him, and we were going to lose him, so there is an extra special place in my heart for him. Look out if anybody beats him to the foodbowl or takes his spot on the bed!

12-01-2002, 05:31 PM
remember asking your mom that question.....you were sure she loved someone more than you.....from your perspective at a very young age, i could see how you might think that as you looked at her "cooing" about something that somebody else did and you felt an "aha" moment ....you finally "caught" mom "loving" someone "more" than you......hmmmmm i, at least, dont feel that way....i love all my children, would give my life for any one of them...but that doesnt mean you dont appreciate and love (and at times not especially love some of those differences) the differences in your children and perhaps "schmooze" over that difference now and then......but no.....i love all my children and as the mom of 3 boy cats i feel the same way about them....i love them all as much as one can love.....but i do realize the differences in them and like to "schmooze" over them once in awhile too.......i like cataholics comment...."i love cats i havent even met yet" ......i agree with that, whether we talk of our pets or our children.....;)

12-01-2002, 05:46 PM
I got Snowy and Mr. Jones about 18 months ago. Snowy was a small kitten and Mr. Jones was about 1-1.5 years old. Up until recently I did have a love preference for Snowy. He's my baby boy. But, recently Mr. Jones' personality has been getting sweeter and sweeter. He's a big love bug. Now I am very protective of Mr. Jones because he keeps on getting picked on (by you know who) and he spent at least 4 months in that jail (shelter) :(
So, I want him to feel like he always has a special place. I could tell you who I love more, now. They are both my precious boys.:)

12-01-2002, 09:15 PM
I am torn between our Maine Coon Jackson and our Beagle Sassee. :confused:

The Cat Factory
12-02-2002, 01:20 AM
I don't have a favorite, I love all my kitties equally :)

All Creatures Great And Small
12-02-2002, 07:21 AM
I tend to only have one of everything, including husband, kid, and cat, but I must confess that I like my furkid better than my skinkid these days.....their teen years are BRUTAL on parents:( :rolleyes:

12-02-2002, 07:28 AM
It has crossed my mind several times, If I had to choose one cat of all of my menagerie, which one would you take? It is not a matter of loving one more that the others, because I love all of them equally. However, I think I would choose Nikolai, because of his breed, a very loyal Russian Blue. But believe me, the choice would be difficult to make. Yet I think that 5 furkids would be enough. But now which of the 5 would I keep. It is an equally difficult question to anwer, even if the outcome would be times 5! I am glad that now I have 11 indoor and 4 outside neightborhood cats to care for. Although, they can become a bit overwhelming at times, especially when I want to eat pizza!:)


12-02-2002, 08:39 AM
I love all my pets just the same . They are all my "kids" , and I could'nt miss them !! That's why I miss Sydney so very much ... I wanna cuddle him too , but he is at the RB:( :(
If there is a difference to be made , then it is towards their behaviour . Inka is a truly lap-cat ... ! I just LOVE it to have a cat on my lap or anywhere else on me (lol) , so in that way , I must say I love that part of her character ! As about Billie , there is one thing I dislike : the cutie hates it to be taken out of his cage or outdoor run , so then he BITES :( :mad: :eek: . Not pleasant !!And what is making so nervous lately , is Maya's "poop-behaviour" ... . She still does leave her "sigares" in a corner regularly ....

But I repeat it : I LOVE ALL MY PETS EQUALLY !!!

12-02-2002, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by All Creatures Great And Small
I I must confess that I like my furkid better than my skinkid these days.....their teen years are BRUTAL on parents:( :rolleyes:

One thing is true: Their teen years are BRUTAL for them too -but I know what you're talking about. I remember my husband's daughter at that age...

But: good point. I am convinced that my parents love their dogs more than they ever loved my sister and me. And I am sure that my sister loves her dogs and cats more than my niece. I am more or less sure that my niece loves her cat more than my sister.;) ;) ;) I have also a suspicion about my husband.
And it's maybe not too bad that I don't have skinkids:rolleyes:

Crazy family isn't :confused:

12-02-2002, 09:06 AM
This will be blasphemous to say here but... I'd have to say Kia is my favorite over Zam.

Zam is a bit high strung and most of the time I can't pet her without her slicing and dicing my hand with her teeth and claws. :eek: :( She's loving on HER terms where Kia is always there when I need a shoulder to cry on.

But in all fairness, Zam is new to the family and I'm hoping that after she's fixed, she'll calm down a little.

But I don't love Zam any less.

12-02-2002, 01:18 PM
That's normal attitude for a cat , Kimmy ...! she loves being petted , IF SHE CHOOSES TOO ; if not , then beware of her paws ..:rolleyes: :D :D

12-02-2002, 02:00 PM
ramanth, I love your calico kitty, especially the black spot on her nose! ( I want a calico:) )


12-02-2002, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by Barbara

But: good point. I am convinced that my parents love their dogs more than they ever loved my sister and me.

I WISH my parents were like that!!! They are not pet people. They love other people's pets and take great care of my pets if I need them to, but don't want the permanent responsibility of a lifelong commitment. I always beg my parents to get an animal and let me pick it out, hehe :D

12-02-2002, 05:11 PM
Interesting topic!! I have to admit that Marius is my favorite. I think it's because Marius is my cat...my first cat (that wasn't my parent's cat or the family cat...but MY cat) and Scooter is Aaron's cat. We both brought our cats to the marriage, so it's like we have our own his and hers cats. Scooter clearly loves Aaron, but he only tolerates me to a point and that's fine. He's definitely daddy's boy and I love him too, but I love my little Marius head because he's my special boy!:)

12-02-2002, 06:15 PM
:D :) :) :D you'd better say Marius (the Monte look alike) :D :) :) :D LOL

12-02-2002, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
:D :) :) :D you'd better say Marius (the Monte look alike)...

:D ;) :) You know it! :D :o ;) There's just something about those white cuties!

12-02-2002, 08:56 PM
Well out of Bastet and my pet rock Bob ... I would have to say Bastet wins hands down!

I prefer her company to most of my human friends!


12-02-2002, 11:07 PM
No favorites here.......I love Mimi because she is just so easy, and seems to fit into whatever situation she is faced with. She is 13 years old (young) and is as lovable as the day she came to live with me (six weeks old). But Butter came as a mean adult cat, and I mean, MEAN. But I love him dearly and since our move, three weeks ago, he has become a different cat. No meanness to him anymore. Hurray!! I've always said that if I had to choose only one of my multiple pets (3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 Cockatiels and a hamster), it would be Mimi, but only because she has been here the longest and been through every life change with me. But I love them all equally.

12-03-2002, 05:42 AM
Originally posted by BastetsMum
Well out of Bastet and my pet rock Bob ... I would have to say Bastet wins hands down!



12-03-2002, 11:38 PM
I love all 3 of my furkids equally. There are some qualities of each that I like the best though. Storm is the first cat that I've owned by myself, he picked me to be his owner, since I nursed him back to health shortly after I adopted him,we've formed a very strong bond, he's a very social cat, he's a great big brother to his 2 younger brothers, he likes to cuddle with me when I'm in bed. Pepper is a big sweetheart and an even bigger mama's boy, since I adopted him at 9 weeks old he thinks I'm his mother, he's a lap cat and likes me to give him hugs and he's very easy going. Sunny is very energetic and entertaining, he's a lap cat, he's orange and I have a soft spot for orangies, he's the baby and he knows it, he likes to talk to me, and he's the aerobics instructor for Storm and Pepper. :D

12-04-2002, 12:05 AM
O.K I feel like I'm breaking some Pet owners code by saying this but...SSSSHHHH Hercules is my favorite We are just SSOO attached. It's like he reads my mind sometimes. It might be becasue I saw him being born and raised him since he was 1 second old!He is my shadow. If anything ever happened to him (or any of my pets) I don't know what I would do. Don't get me wrong though. I love all my pets. They all have different thing I love them for.

12-04-2002, 01:03 AM
I'd like to say I love them equally. I do really.
But over all:
Shaianne (rainbow Bridge) is probably my favorite I still talk about her like she is alive. And she was the first dog I could say was all mine. I still cry thinking of her.
Kylie is my first Kitty that is really mine. And she helped me thru Shaianne's death, and I saved her from God knows what in the home she was in so we love each other. She is very happy here. I love her softpaws on my face while I am sleeping.
Keegan is the first dog I have had as a puppy. She will probably be the closest to me of the 3 hopefully. Since I raised her from 6 weeks. She doesn't understand me like Shaianne did. Shai and I could look at each other and she knew what I was thinking. Keegan is totally oblivious simply b/c of her age. I had really doubted the closeness her and I had for a long time. Almost up to her first birthday. I didn't doubt that I loved her, I doubted her love for me. B/c we don't have the closeness that Shaianne and I did. But the first time I took her to the dog park to meet Amy and Anna and I was afraid to let her offleash b/c I was afraid she wouldn't come back to me even in the fenced in area. When she wouldn't go out of my eyesite and wouldn't let me out of her's I knew that we had "it". And she came back when I called!!! (that's a big deal for me!!!):). Then the one time I was there and had to go to the bathroom and she sat and watched out the fence until I came back, wouldn't go with the other dogs, Diana, Amy, Anna. NOONE!! I thought "awwww she really does love her mama!!!"
I am not saying that we have what Shaianne and I had. It is kinda like loving a person, you love each of your pets differently. They love us unconditionally and we love them the same, we love each and everyone of them differently!!!! :) Does that make sense? :confused: :)

12-04-2002, 01:49 AM
A very difficult question here......I don't have a favorite, but I will explain a little bit about my relationship with each dog.

My parents brought Smokey home when I was 2 years old. They got him as a friend for me. Smokey and I have always loved eachother, but he's always been OBSESSED with my mom. He can't be out of her sight and follows her everywhere! So I love my Smokey boy dearly, but he definitely loves my mother more...I think I am in second place. :D

Reggie is like my brother. My dad took just me with him (and didn't tell me where we were going) to pick him up. He was the last pup in a litter (my dad's friend had the mom) that nobody wanted. He rode with his little paws on my shoulder all the way home. After we got home, I did not see him much for a while though lol. My sister totally mauled him, and wouldn't let anyone else see him. I think that's why Reggie still doesnt' care for her....but Reggie became MY buddy. He always wants in my room every morning and wants to be with me. To him, I am the favorite.

Nebo is like my child.....very pathetic, lol. I have wanted a siberian husky all of my life. It's what I've begged for at every birthday/christmas for years. Well, my sister got McKinney and I watched him for 3 weeks...then Melissa got a dog...and well, there was one long night conversation about the topic of dogs. It didn't really go anywhere, but I had a "maybe" which was completely MORE then I had ever got out of them! And then I ended up in the hospital this summer, and I think my parents finally decided to give in then....and now I have my baby Nebo! :D I was quite worried that he hated me at first. We didn't "connect" at all...I know this sounds pathetic, but I even cried a few times because I was so upset that I thought my puppy hated me :( ..of course Nebo didn't "connect" with anyone...he was a complete snot! He's a big teddy bear now. :D

Shais_mom, I understand how you feel with Keegan, it really reminds me of me and Nebo. I know Nebo loves me now, but he loves everyone in the family. Some time I'd like to see if Nebo would act like Keegan did in the dog park! He *does* listen to me better than anyone else...and my mom says he looks all over the house for me when I'm not there, but I am yet to witness this for myself lol.

I think there is sometimes a little more of a connection for a dog that is really yours, vs. the family dog. I don't know, but I just love knowing that I paid for him, I feed him, I spoiled him, I trained him...etc...:D

12-04-2002, 05:53 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
I was quite worried that he hated me at first. We didn't "connect" at all...I know this sounds pathetic, but I even cried a few times because I was so upset that I thought my puppy hated me :(
wolf_Q.....just to let you know that you aren't pathetic, I cried when I thought Calvin and I were not "connecting" (and that was just earlier this year....I am 40 years old)

Now that some people confessed, it shows that we are just human. I love ALL my furries, and I TELL them that, every day, individually. It is just, some put a bigger paw print on your heart.

12-30-2003, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by All Creatures Great And Small
I tend to only have one of everything, including husband, kid, and cat, but I must confess that I like my furkid better than my skinkid these days.....their teen years are BRUTAL on parents:( :rolleyes:

thats not very nice!!! :eek:. my mother will always like and love her kids more then her pets.. but thats just in our household..

I personally like Acorn better then Fuzzy because Acron love to cuddle and give kisses, and Fuzzy is never home so yeah. lol

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid93/p5c135ab752ef1f0296da837fc155d6ce/fa3dbe56.jpg Fuzzy

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid85/pd401b780d3d3b5b6e77401e42299d407/fac9f382.jpg Acron

12-30-2003, 06:03 PM
i love both of my rats the same, but in different ways and for different reasons. Pippin is so fat and cuddly, and merry is pocrony and sweet :p.

out of all my dogs i would have to say i love tikeya the most, that seems mean but i do, she is my baby i would die for her. I love her so much with every waking moment and even in my dreams, she is my lil gurl. she is my life :)..

12-30-2003, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
So 'fess up !!
Well, since I only have 2 to choose from, I'd have to say Max. Although Speckles is very loving she's not very easy to maintain and I can't really clean her ears or hold her in any way. Don't get me wrong, I love her just as much as Max, but with Max, at least he lets me "fuss" with him from time to time. Besides in the middle of the night when he rests his head on my shoulder and purrs up a storm....well....let's just say it's absolute love.

But then again...when Speckles crawls underneath the blankets and cuddles up to my tummy....well that's absolute love too.

I just don't know....

12-30-2003, 06:21 PM
Isn't it obvious? Pouncer is my baby! Oh sure, Allen and I snuggle nicely every night, and Nicki was my first love, but Pouncer has stolen my heart completely and totally! It's all your fault, Jen!!!!

12-30-2003, 06:22 PM
It looks like someone has brought an old thread back from the dead and I'm glad because I missed it before. I would have to say that without a doubt my Andy is the big lovebug around here and thrives on my attention. He loves being with me and purrs and drools with pure delight when I cuddle him. Although Trevor is a sweetie too, he is very laid back and much more independent than Andy. He visits my lap when he feels like it (believe it or not he is in it now though as I am typing) while Andy actually comes when called and would be in my lap all day if I'd let him.

As much as I love both of my boys, I do believe that Andy reciprocates my love much more. I know that Monte and Marius are also lovebugs so I do believe we have a definite pattern here with our loving white kitty boys. ;)

12-30-2003, 06:48 PM
I love all my animals dearly. Katie, as she is my oldest, 12 years, and is what I call my clingon, as she always seems to be clinging to me whenever I am sitting or laying down. She is behind me right now on my computer chair.
My Buddy, as he is such a faithful, loving companion who is also a magnet to me. Whatever room I am in, Buddy is in.
Mooky is more a daddy's boy, but he does have his moments with me.
Then there is my little Chipper. He is just a little bit higher on the heart monitor. Whenever he looks at me, my heart just melts. Maybe it's because he is still a baby of 7 months, but he is my special boy.

12-30-2003, 07:47 PM
I missed this thread the first time too, but it is a good one!

I think seeing this thread, at the ed of 2003, instead of a year ago, my answer is different then it would have been originally.

Sadie is my angel girl. I can never find the right word to describe the bond I have with her and tears well up in my eyes when I even try to. She is my baby.

When we first got Cincy, I wasn't too sure about her. i mean I loved her and was always worried about her (she had health problems at furst), but she was more independent then Sadie. Sadioe was always by my Sadie, Cincy would go lay in the other room. ABout the time of her first birthday, she was getting closer to us, but not quite there yet. Now at 2, she is a different dog. By doing therpy work and freestlye together we have bonded so much more. And now, she too is often right by my side.

Of course, last year Spot was not even a consideration, we didn't know yet he was out there. He is sucah sweeheart though. He always wants to snuggle.

Most evening you can find me on the couch, underneath 3 puppers :) And I love them all equally, but differntly :)

12-30-2003, 09:31 PM
If I would have answered this last year then no doubt I would have said Jazz, hands down. This years since we've introduced Scout it's kind of tied between her and Jazz.

I love Ripley but he and I have had a strained relationship from day one almost 12 years ago and Disney, my dog, is very antisocial.

12-30-2003, 10:17 PM
I don't really have a favorite out of the cats. I love Ron for his silly personality, but he is so darn demanding and inconsiderate. (I have insomnia, and he does NOT help.) I love Raven for her affection, but she can be so inconsistant.

Same goes for the dogs. I think 70% of the time, Roxy is my favorite. She's so smart and obedient. She really picks up on emotions and people like no other dog I've seen. Yet, I love Dusty for his cheeriness. He is constantly estatic.



12-31-2003, 01:53 AM
Last December, we only had Noah, Noel, Basie and Olivia...I would have said Basie and my Noah then.

I love all eight with all my heart, but Noah, Basie, Micah and Phoebe tug on my heart a tiny bit more than the girls and Samson (totally David's cat! Both their choices...funny, huh?).

12-31-2003, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

I love all eight with all my heart, but Noah, Basie, Micah and Phoebe tug on my heart a tiny bit more than the girls and Samson (totally David's cat! Both their choices...funny, huh?). Kelly, does this mean that you'll be keeping both Phoebe and Samson?

12-31-2003, 02:44 AM
How can you love several pets the same, I don't understand. I couldn't love all my kitties the SAME, as they are very individual creatures. ;)

I seem to love the one in front of me the most at anyone time.

As I cuddle a cat, I think about their good points i.e. Why I love them. But when that cat moves and I locate another cat I find my self honestly loving that one the most.

I think we are most aware of our love as we bond with our pets...... that said.

I find my love for my partner and our seven cats, although equally strong, I love each for what they give to me. (Selfish aren't I)

What I Love
George. Probually the most compelling love, the first kitty, my heart covered in fur. Sleeps on my head. Currently making happy feet in my lap. So if you ask for a favourite, it would be Georgie boy.

Milly. The quiet joy when she approaches me for cuddles. The earnest way she slowly makes happy feet, like it is a very important & difficult job.

Milo. How his belly comes out at all times and the way he is so clever. Getting out of a locked cat flap. How he looks at me, like he is in love.

Treacle. Another shy baby. The fact he is living back in the house after months of being outside. For the head bumps and kisses, for being him.

Bramble. For being cheerful even when ill. The tiny meiow that is followed by a tiny bright pink mouth, opening in the midst of dark fur, melts me.

Tigs. For waking me up at 4am, just to talk to me and cuddle. For curling around my neck when you want to nap. Cheeky monkey boy.

Sandy. Our upstairs boy. Shy and timid. Waiting by the backdoor cat flap. Sweet faced and heart melting. The one time you crawled onto my chest whilst I napped, my heart jumped with joy.

12-31-2003, 04:00 AM
I can't choose, I love them equally, but as Juni lived longer with us and we had her from the very first moment of her life, she is dearer to me, just a little. I am sure, Pichu with his sweet character will be just the same in a very short time.

12-31-2003, 05:40 AM
PIF, I just love the descriptions of your cats. Each one brought tears. I should sit down and do that with mine (when I have 2 free weeks ;) )

12-31-2003, 05:52 AM
Wow! This is a toughy! My first immediate thought was of Leroy, but then when I really thought about it I wasn't so sure. I love Leroy to my very core but he is either into something or in your face kind of kitty so I think about him more.
My heart melts when I see Sammy adoring his daddy. He loves my husband sooooo much. When Sammy and I spoon at night and he wraps his paw around my arm then my heart is his. I don't know how I could love him more.
Peanut Butter who is my kind sweet loving gentle giant. When he looks into my eyes and gives me hugs I become a puddle. I don't know how I could love him more.
Stubby who is so independant will at least once a day come for a snuggle. She gives tiny headbutts and purrs so loud and hard that her tiny petite body just shakes all over. I don't know how I could love her more.
Lucky who has had such hard times to overcome. To live in the house with us for almost two years and never be touched or hugged because he had so much fear. To see him now roll over for belly rubs and hugs makes my heart sing! I don't know how I could love him more.
Maggie Sue lost all of her natural siblings. She was alone when she came in and took some time to calm her. Now she and I can carry on a conversation back and forth for an hour. We sometimes exchange words and meows about how much we love each other. She will walk up to me and put her nose on mine and I know I have just been kissed. I don't know how I could love her more.
Pete is my silly young boy with big heart wrenching yellow eyes. He loves to be hugged and snuggled. When I remember him out in the bitter cold and ice I shiver! He is still a baby and I don't know how I could love him more.
Pervy is my sweet sweet mama's girl. She has the sweetest face and the kindest disposition. When she looks into my eyes and goes belly up I swoon! I don't know how I could love her more.
Pepper Jack is my wide eyed frightened panic stricken baby boy. Other than pictures no one has seen this precious little guy. When he climbs into my lap for a snuggle I feel so blessed. He really knows that I care and he can relax with me. I don't know how I could love him more.
Leroy, well the only thing I can say is that my heart is in his paws. I couldn't love him more.

After all this I guess the only conclusion for me is that I adore each of them for their personalities and quirks. But if I am totally honest I think there may just a little something extra special with me and Leroy. Ok, there, I said it!!!

12-31-2003, 10:02 AM
There has never been and I doubt there ever will be another RB Bert. He was the first cat that ever "chose" me to be his and it was an honor. He would come when I called him and although he was never the snuggly type and did not like to be held, he stayed close by and looked at my face when I talked to him, he was my little furry friend when my kids were growing up. Now I have Emily, Eliot and Dylan. Emily is daddy's girl but when she is really tired or does not feel well, she climbs in my lap and pats my face and I melt for her and will hold her as long as she wants and she is my favorite. She has a funny little face with markings that look like a big tear coming from her eye!! She knows she is a princess, too. Then there is Eliot who is always in trouble and making a mess but when he wants attention he wants it NOW and can be such a loverboy. He also cringes like a baby when there is a storm and then he is my favorite. He is also so beautiful to look at. New cat Dylan is so sweet natured and gentle. He lets me pick him up and hug him. He likes to get on my pillow and groom my hair and face. He also looks me right in the face and has the seetest look to him! Then he is my favorite. So, I guess I do not have a favorite!!

12-31-2003, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
PIF, I just love the descriptions of your cats. Each one brought tears.
In a good way I hope ? ;)

12-31-2003, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
PIF, I just love the descriptions of your cats. Each one brought tears.

I totally agree. That was very heartfelt!

K & L
12-31-2003, 04:37 PM
Oh gosh, that's so hard, but guess I would have to say Bo is my favorite!