View Full Version : The Ring

11-30-2002, 11:38 AM
A few days ago I went to see the movie The Ring for the 3rd time, but what was different was that I went with my dad instead of my friends and he sat in the row behind me and I sat in front of him because we both wanted to sit on the end seat. So anyway, I did not have my friends to talk to and to be scared with and for some reason it was WAY scarier than the first few times I saw it. So later on that night, about 3:00AM, I was watching TV like always, and I had to go to the bathroom. But the bathroom was all the way at the other side of the house. So I did not want to go out and I started getting visions and hearing sounds from the movie. So I turned the light on and went to sleep. I know you're probably thinking I'm a baby right about now, buty has anyone else here seen The Ring? Is it normal for me to be this scared of a movie that I will not walk around in my own house at night? :eek: I loove the movie it just freaks me out at night since there are TVs all over my house and I am afraid that girl will come out of them...:eek:

11-30-2002, 11:46 AM
lol..:D i think its very normal to be afriad of a movie, especially the ring. i try to avoid seeing any of those movies cause i'm a big baby when it comes to those things. :p
my friend did go see it though and apparently, right after it, her friends got her brother to call her on her cell and he whispered in the same voice as in the movie, "7 days" she totally freaked out...lol :D

11-30-2002, 12:47 PM
Lol... I haven't seen the movie.... But ever since i saw JoyRide [ which is an awesome movie, you should go rent it!] I've had nightmares about truck drivers chasing me and stuff.... And everytime i see a trucker i get freaked out.... and then... there's my dad.. in a creepy voice he says "Caaaannddy Caaaaane" AHHH!:(

Desert Arabian
11-30-2002, 05:36 PM
The only "Ring" I am going to see is Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. LOL. About 10 times,like I did the first. I have seen Joy Ride too, and it sent chills down my spine. To make it worse, I was watching it in the dark. :rolleyes:

The Cat Factory
11-30-2002, 06:21 PM
I haven't seen the ring yet, I think I'll just wait until it comes out on DVD to rent it.

The only "Ring" I am going to see is Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

I can't wait to see The Two Towers! But I want to see Star Trek: Nemisis even more... :D

Aspen and Misty
11-30-2002, 06:32 PM
O I saw it! ANd I didn't go to sleep for like 4 nights. Me and Chew huddled on my bed all nigth long. Hearing that music play. O gee, looks liek I'm not going ot be sleeping tonight either. Ok I'm freaked otu again MOMMIE!!!!

11-30-2002, 06:41 PM
I saw it, I liked it, but it had to many loose ends..I usually get really freaked out (have to turn the light on) by movies like that, but I guess I was just really tired, cause I didn't LOL

11-30-2002, 06:49 PM
I look forward to seeing it, however it'll be a while. It's kinda sad that our "Local" theatre will not being showing The Ring. And I will have to rent Enough . Both movies were partly filmed here in Pt. Townsend and the surrounding areas..... To go see them in the theatre is about a 50 mile drive and over a bridge.......I'm glad you've all liked the gives me something to look forward to watching this winter.

11-30-2002, 10:38 PM
I saw "The Ring". I took my eleven year old son and his thirteen year old friend - they ASSURED me they were NOT babies anymore and would NOT be scared. They had nightmares for a week, and my son slept in my bed with me for four nights! So much for the macho thing, huh? :rolleyes:

I thought it was ok ... seen better, seen worse. It definately got better as it went on. At the beginning I was thinking, "Oh no! One of these stupid movies with teenagers home alone and some scary guy calling on the phone. STUPID!" I almost left! :D

11-30-2002, 11:05 PM
A lot of people have told me that "the Ring" is the freakiest movie they have ever seen-and these are 17 yo and older!

The movie that freaked me and my brother out (I'm 19 he's 17) was Moth Man Prophesies. Me and my brothre both slept on the livingroom floor with all the lights on and curled up with Hercules. My parents came out the next morning and was like "what the hell?" They didn't know we watched it. LOL

12-01-2002, 01:12 AM
I didn't think Joy Ride was all that scary :). I haven't seen the Ring yet, but my bf saw it last night and said it was creepy. I really want to see it though!

The Cat Factory
12-01-2002, 12:17 PM
The movie that freaked me and my brother out (I'm 19 he's 17) was Moth Man Prophesies. Me and my brothre both slept on the livingroom floor with all the lights on and curled up with Hercules. My parents came out the next morning and was like "what the hell?" They didn't know we watched it. LOL

I didn't think it was really scary, but it was an excellent movie!

12-01-2002, 12:38 PM
I haven't seen The Ring yet.

You know the movie that had freaked me out the most was Jeepers Creepers. Now I wasn't freaked out by it, heck I wasn't even freaked out by it after I watched it. Mom did it to me! She watched it after it had been on video for a while (and my lil bro made her) and then she came home one night from taking my aunt home FREAKED! I have to explain: My aunt lives about 10 miles away from us in the middle of NOWHERE. She on this long twisty back road that is abnormally dark (at least to me it is) with nothing but fields on either side. Mom said her imagination took over and she kept hearing sounds on the top of her truck. Well now everytime I go out there at night I just start freaking cuz I KNOW the "creeper" is after me. I know I'm a wimp!

12-01-2002, 12:55 PM
i saw it too and i know exactly how you felt cuz it scared the pants off me!not literally,of course