View Full Version : Thanksgiving is OVER!!!

11-28-2002, 06:21 PM
The last of our company has just filed out the door...whew! All that cooking and cleaning really paid off though...everything was a success! We had 8 people, which in my opinion, is the perfect number. I told everybody that lunch would be at 2 o'clock, and the clock was chiming when we sat down. Perfect timing! That almost never happens. Now I have tomorrow to recuperate and RELAX!!! :D

11-28-2002, 08:19 PM
I also hosted dinner this time. It was my first time ever! Yah! :D

It was only Dan, I, Dylan and Dans father. I too am so glad it os finally over. We are just now eating and it is 6:16 pm! :eek:
The pie is just now in the oven too, hehe. Yes we are slow but I hate to be rushed and if I amgiong to sweat over a hot stove and oven all day well then, I think I deserve to hav it when I want, lol. It turned out great for my first time. Only us four people but very nice. Still munching right now as I type. :D

Glad you had a great day!

11-28-2002, 09:09 PM
I hosted Thanksgiving to a party of FIFTY-SIX!!!!! Hehe and they were all of the four legged variety :D

I had to work so I spoiled the dogs and cats at the shelter with extra treats and extra lovin :D I tucked them all into bed with fuuuuuulll bellies and smiles on their faces :)

It was a great day.

Aspen and Misty
11-28-2002, 09:40 PM
My poor mother always cooks for 7 every year. But I guess she choose to have that many kids.


11-29-2002, 08:45 AM
Glad to hear everything went well for you Anna:D

Sounds like it went well for everyone else also!
I won't comment on the day I had:rolleyes:

11-29-2002, 10:58 AM
We have Cajun Deep-fried Turkey so it's usually Dad that's doing the cooking but everyone usually helps out with the other stuff. We had the 7 that live here (we run a group home for the mentally handicapped for those of you that don't know) + my aunt and her daughter (they brought a turkey too) Then after we all ate I took the kids (my little bro and cousin) down the street to Grandma's to visit with the rest of the family. There was Grandma, my Aunt Mary and her husband and kids, my Aunt Carol, my cousin John and his girlfriend and her kids, and my cousin Sandy and her husband and kids. (now you know why we didn't eat down there) We all visited til about 5 when people started leaving. I came back to visit some more and stayed til about 8 when Dustin was getting hungrey. (he worked all day so he hadn't eaten) So I spent my day with 26 people (just not all at the same time ;) ) WHAT A THANKSGIVING! Hope every1 else's was great!

Dakota's Mommy
12-02-2002, 08:59 AM
Our first Thanksgiving in our own home was a huge success. Last Wednesday, Brian went up to the airport to get a few girls that I used to baby-sit for so they could visit with us and everybody made it back safely. Thursday morning, Brian and I got up a little later than we meant to, but started cooking right away. He did the majority of the work but I did help out some. I did chop up stuff for the stuffing and I did lend a hand whenever he needed me and would let me. We planned on dinner around 3 pm, but it didn't get ready until between 4 and 5 pm. However, it was well worth the wait. One of Brian's friends came over so there were a total of 5 of us who sat down and enjoyed the meal. Everything tasted great, the juicy turkey, the stuffing, the green bean casserole, the corn pudding, the mashed potatoes and gravy, the sweet potatoes (which I don't like so I didn't eat), the dinner rolls, the home aid Oreo pudding/cheesecade dessert, and the pumpkin pie Brian's friends brought. Then, after I got all of dinner put away and this dishes done, Brian and I made up homeaid cookies. They were a big hit with the girls and I think they had a really great time while they were here. But, we had to take them back to the airport yesterday so they could head back to Ohio. We wish they could have been here for longer, and they tried to convince us to tell their parents taht they missed their flight, but they made it on the plane to head home just fine! I couldn't believe they made it back to Ohio before we had a chance to get home from the airport! :)