View Full Version : Just a nice picture of Kyubey.

10-25-2012, 12:33 AM
Kyubey was "helping" me take snake pics the other day, and at the end of the photoshoot I snapped a quick pic of him on the couch. When I uploaded the pictures I was DELIGHTED to see such a nice picture of my little guy! I'm gonna have to get a print of this one and frame it!


Edit: I love his little "cowlick" over his shoulders! I've never had another cat who gets themselves quite as....soggy...as kyubey does when he's grooming himself!

10-25-2012, 01:22 AM
Awww, handsome and so grown up!

10-25-2012, 01:24 AM
He sure is a handsome boy.:) I'm glad that he sat still long enough for you take a good picture of him to share with us.:) Does he ever try to play with any of your snakes?

10-25-2012, 01:58 AM
He's VERY interested in the strings that wiggle on their own. (snakes) Close supervision is needed because he will try to play with them! :D

10-25-2012, 05:07 AM
Hello, handsome beautiful Kyubey! You look very nice in your portrait! I bet you were an adorable photographer's assistant and very helpful to meowmie, too! :love:

10-25-2012, 07:18 AM
What a nice picture of such a handsome boy, Kyubey! :)

10-25-2012, 08:47 AM
He's gorgeous, and that's a really good picture. Most of mine have the demon eyes going on LOL

10-25-2012, 09:20 AM
Kyubey certainly is a great ooking Cat , and that red chair shows off his white coat purrfectly!!!
What a happy contented Cat!!!:love::love::love:

10-25-2012, 09:31 AM
Beautiful! What a fine picture!

Thank you!

10-25-2012, 09:38 AM
aaaaww, Kyubey, how wonderful to see you all grown up and healthy. I remember so well what a tiny little thing you were. Kisses to you!

10-25-2012, 09:42 AM
He looks like royalty on the red couch. Great picture! Definitely worth framing. :D

10-25-2012, 09:46 AM
Wow - the last pic of Kyubey I remember is him as a bottle kitten! I took the pics in to my mom when she was in hospital over a year ago and she got a great laugh and AWWWW out of them!

Kyubey, you are totally beautiful! :love::love:

Is he especially attached to you because you were his bottle mom?

10-25-2012, 11:37 AM
Wow - the last pic of Kyubey I remember is him as a bottle kitten! I took the pics in to my mom when she was in hospital over a year ago and she got a great laugh and AWWWW out of them!

Kyubey, you are totally beautiful! :love::love:

Is he especially attached to you because you were his bottle mom?

Aww, I'm glad he made your mom smile while she was in the hospital!!

I actually got so wiped out after a few weeks of bottle-feeding that my hubby took over for me, and now my hubby is Kyubey's special person. :) Don't get my wrong, Kyubey and I are very close, but when hubby leaves the house, Kyubey waits at the door for him. When hubby gets out of bed, Kyubey follows him. If hubby is standing and Kyubey wants his attention, he stands on his hind legs and wraps his front feet around hubby's leg. It's adorable!!

10-25-2012, 10:20 PM
Kyubey's a good looking boy!:love:

10-26-2012, 01:46 AM
My goodness, Kyubey! All grown up and so very, very, handsome! Head bumpies and kissies from me.:love:

10-28-2012, 04:05 PM
That picture is a definite keeper! Kyubey looks so alert and content, he is one very handsome kitty boy. Could I ask you to give your sweetie a generous round of lovies from me? :love: :love: :love: