View Full Version : FeLV+ kitty I am considering adopting

11-25-2002, 11:08 PM
Hello. My name's Missy and I am hoping for as much information on FeLV as you can come up with. :) I know the basics, but do any of you share your home with a FeLV+ cat?

I am currently fostering a kitty named Greta, but she is going to her forever home after the Thanksgiving holidays. She is the only cat in our home. We don't have a permanent kitty, only fosters from time to time.

We have three golden retrievers, which is no problem since they could never get FeLV. :) They love all the fosters so I am sure they'd love Bubba (the cat we are considering adopting.)

A rescue I work with was told about a cat in one of the local shelters that was everyone's 'favorite'. We told them to notify us if he was due for euthanasia but hadn't been adopted. They called a couple days later, not because he was going to be put down, but because he had a 'cold'. One of our volunteers picked him up and took him to her home, where he was isolated from her cats and nursed back to health. When he was feeling better, he was taken to the vet where it was discovered that he was FeLV+. By this time, it was too late for the volunteer to have him put down. They are desperately trying to find him a home with other FeLV cats or a home like mine, where he would be the only cat (unless we adopted other FeLV kitties down the road, of course.)

I completely understand their dilemma. I met Bubba and he is a true lover boy. He purrs non-stop and headbutts everything in sight. He is a very happy boy and his health is otherwise wonderful. He's huge and he "oozes" on ya. :)

Hubby and I are very seriously considering adopting him. He is living in a large bathroom right now (to keep him away from the other cats in the home) while we try to find him a home, and I cannot imagine him being put down. He's just too precious.

can you guys tell me what you know about FeLV?



PS- I'm attaching a pic of Bubba. :)

11-26-2002, 04:43 PM
Oh, boy, Bubba is gorgeous!
I don`t have any answers to the questions you asked but have posted this reply to boost it up in the list in case there are some PetTalkers who can help and may have missed it first time.

I will say a prayer that Bubba finds a loving home real soon (and from what you wrote I think yours looks to be the ideal one!)

Good luck and please keep us updated.


11-26-2002, 05:25 PM
Sorry I don't know much about FeLV of living with a cat that has it. But I do know that Bubba is a very handsome boy and he would be a very lucky and happy cat if you made him a part of your family.

11-26-2002, 07:16 PM
Cornell Vets (http://web.vet.cornell.edu/public/fhc/felv.html)

Try the above link. I seem to remember reading somewhere that what was considered to be a highly contagious cat disease wasn't as easy to catch as thought. I'm not completely sure if it was FeLV or something else but I read it in a pet rescue publication trying to change peoples minds about not adopting an infected cat. Clear as mud? :rolleyes: