View Full Version : Arrghh!!!life is not always fun!!!

10-17-2012, 06:30 PM
well folks six weeks ago i was having a fun day away, in a place here called ROTORUA, a tourist city with lots to see and do, we don't go away even for day trips very often as i don't travel all that well ,but we have a much more comfortable car now and i had won tickets to RAINBOW SPRINGS, to cut a long story short, was having fun on the BIG SPLASH, like a log flume and when i went to get off the moving boat, i think i lost my balance, as not used to getting off moving things, and fell to my knees, unfortunately i had put my right arm up on the tall post to help with my balance, BIG MISTAKE,, there was an awful crunch and i was in a lot of pain, so off to A and E for me, the doctor thought i had torn my Rotator Cuff,well it has been the worst thing ever, i have been in so much pain, despite anti-inflammatory pills and resorting to codeine for the pain, i have still be in more pain than i thought possible, being on the computer is not fun anymore either, so just a brief stop by today.

I have been to a physiotherapist and had some exercises to do, but that seemed to make it worse and as i have fibromyalgia, i think i have a major flare up which certainly is contributing to my pain levels,anyhow off for a scan next week, i hope this eases soon, i am sure many of you have been through this ,as a very common injury, mostly for athletes, what a price to pay, NO thanks, i have such limited movement in my arm, it feels like a dead weight.

I even had to post-pone my upcoming surgery for my nasal polyp removal, as the pain was too bad, i could not handle both, nervous enough about that, have not had surgery before for anything and long time since i have had a general, so booked in for that on NOVEMBER 7th.

So that is what has been happening in my neck of the woods,teach me to have any fun!!!

10-17-2012, 06:37 PM
Oh My! I'm sorry to read about your accident that has resulted in terrible pain for you. I've never had anything like that happen to me and hope it never does... sounds awful. You take care of yourself as much as you can. Hope you're in less pain and are more comfortable very soon.

10-17-2012, 06:42 PM
Oh dear, how awful and frustrating - win a lovely vacation and get hurt! Do they not have anyone to help people getting off? Maybe they SHOULD have!

Prayers for healing from RI, USA.

10-17-2012, 06:46 PM
Thanks, yes freedom they did, i think i was just too quick off the mark, my fault, my accident is covered here by what we call ACC, they pay something towards my after care, but it has still cost me about 200 dollars so far, so pain in the pocket as well,they did a report and although it did take a while after i went on facebook, they replied to my concerns about this, and were going to have a meeting regarding it, the manager was very nice and apologetic, but little they can do really, as not entirely their fault.

And yes it was a lovely prize to win, i had never been to the park myself, never can afford to do those type of things, and we had this awesome day planned,up on the gondola for lunch,and the animal park and then the hot pools, of course i never got to any of that,maybe another time, but never ever going back to that park and never ever going on that RIDE again!!!!!!!!!!!! my husband blames himself a bit too, as it was his idea to go for a second ride , but i told him could have easily happened the first time when i got off anyhow and besides no-one to blame just an unfortunate accident.

Yes i am getting a little relief today, not as bad as the last four days, but oh i do wish it would go for good,so hard to do things, just the simple things like getting dressed ,combing your hair,hanging washing, it all HURTS.,but thanks for the well wishes, i am sure the power of PT will help me, i have much faith in that lol.;)

10-17-2012, 07:00 PM
I had a rotator cuff tear on my right shoulder and had the surgery last summer. The surgery was the best choice ever. I had a lot of pain like you do before I had the surgery. I have no pain now. The healing process was fairly quick and I was back to normal in a couple months. If they suggest it, you might consider rotator cuff surgery.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

10-17-2012, 07:04 PM
Oh, Carole, I'm so sorry for such an unpleasant and painful ending for what was to be an occasion of celebration and joy for you!

I am sending good healing wishes and prayers for your pain and your medical treatments, and lots of love and encouragement towards the emotional upheavals this is putting you, and your family, through.

Lots of {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} and ~~~~~~~PURRS~~~~~~~ and :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: from Pat and cats

10-17-2012, 07:20 PM
thank you Pat your kind words always make me feel so much better, as for the surgery, well yes i know about that, but hoping that is not the case for me, it might not even be my rotator cuff, will find out for sure when we have the scan next thursday, should have done that in the first place, but it was not offered only if things did not improve,i cannot believe it could be as simple as a strain, but that might well be the case and my fibro is complicating things,and causing me more pain than i should have,my whole arm just aches constantly and it hurts to lift it to do anything,i would be happy if it were as simple as that.

Yes most people do not need surgery i am told, but if that had to happen i am happy to hear it was very successful for you,i certainly don't want to have that happen,so fingers crossed with physio and exercises and pain relief i will mend, here's hoping.

10-17-2012, 08:14 PM
Carole ~ I'm so sorry for your ouchie.

I don't remember Rainbow Springs, but back in 1987 Bobcat and I spent some wonderful days in ROTORUA. I loved the hot springs. We could never figure out how those birds walked around in that boiling water!

Feel better.

10-17-2012, 09:17 PM
Thanks Lisa, maybe the park was not there back in the day, yes Rotorua is one of my most favourite places and only an hour and a bit a way from me, i always find the pongy smell, the sulphur clears my sinuses lol, i hope you are ok too my friend.

10-18-2012, 07:18 AM
Oh carole, I'm so sorry. I hope you heal fast girl. Xoxoxo

david p
10-18-2012, 03:32 PM
Oh, Sis! I'm so sorry to hear about your terrible accident. I'm sending Pittsburgh thoughts and prayers that the doctors and surgeons know what to do to ease your pain. {{{{HUGS}}}} to you, Sis, I'm praying for you.

Pinot's Mom
10-18-2012, 04:40 PM
Oh, Carole, I'm so sorry for your pain! {{{hugs}}} and prayers for healing! :love:

10-18-2012, 06:12 PM
thanks everyone, i started my exercises up again and it does seem to be helping, the pain is bearable now, so thats a relief,but would be nice to be gone, but that won't happen overnight,i do think i had a fibro flare up and that is why it was so intense, still hurts to do stuff though, hubby will have to do the hoovering this wknd, i was doing it and i think it contributed to my pain, so now i am gladly turning the job over to him lol