View Full Version : Cat and cold weather

11-22-2002, 05:35 PM
Since I've been seeing lots of pictures of snow on the board lately, I was wondering how do you cats act in the cold weather? Right now it's not even that cold in Az, I don't even have a heater in my house just a fireplace that I've used twice since I've lived in this house (over a year). But my cats are already being wimps in the house. At night they start digging around my head until I pick up the covers for them to climb in. When I take a shower they slam up against the door until I open it so they can come in and enjoy the nice warm bathroom because I do have a small space heater in there that I use when I shower so that I don't freeze when I get out of the shower. But I was wondering how my cats would react if it were really cold. So, what do you cats do to keep warm?

11-22-2002, 05:41 PM
Heat magnets, heat mongers, heat seekers, etc. It is cool here now, not yet 'cold' and I have tripled my bedmates. This am, Tex came slinking over to me, and I picked him up. His whole side was hot from laying on the kitchen heater!!!

11-22-2002, 06:15 PM
my kidlets loooove the electric blanket....but of course i only "allow" this when i am using it also.....

11-22-2002, 06:48 PM
In, on and under any blanket in the house. cats that wouldn't dream of sitting on your lap all summer suddenly being "miss congeniality" and gracing you with their presence. Fern moves her sleeping spot to under my chair which is right by a heat vent. I think it gets warm under there.

smokey the elder
11-23-2002, 07:53 AM
The piping for my heating system runs under the kitchen floor, so that's a popular spot. I have old fashioned radiators and cat beds on and in front of them that get occupied as it gets colder. Then there's the ever popular waterbed!

11-23-2002, 11:41 AM
Living in Ottawa, reputedly the coldest national (Canada) capital in the world, it has been cold for quite some time now. Darwin, my big ol' hairy orange tabby is a bit skittish the first few snowfalls, but is now getting used to it. He does not stay out all night as is his usual habit, but, come the dead of winter, he will be aclimatized and will spend most of his nights outdoors. :cool:

11-23-2002, 12:00 PM
My kitties fight to get under the bulbs in all my table lamps....especially the 75 watt one on my computer desk!!! They love that spot...right by mommy and nice and warm!

11-23-2002, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Machiavelo
Living in Ottawa, reputedly the coldest national (Canada) capital in the world, it has been cold for quite some time now. Darwin, my big ol' hairy orange tabby is a bit skittish the first few snowfalls, but is now getting used to it. He does not stay out all night as is his usual habit, but, come the dead of winter, he will be aclimatized and will spend most of his nights outdoors. :cool:

Welcome to PT!!! Darwin must be really really hairy to stand all that cold, huh? Do you have any pictures to post of the boy???

11-23-2002, 03:49 PM
I do have pictures of Darwin, but I am afraid that I have no idea how to post such things on the net. If you look at Jenluckenback's cat pictures, the big long haired yellow one is the "spitting image" of my Darwin.

11-23-2002, 11:19 PM
If he were any closer, he'd be inside the heater!