View Full Version : Doberman: Good Dog Bad Dog

11-21-2002, 07:40 PM
Many people think Dobermans are killers, all of them.
Dobermans are great dogs when you treat them well. Dobermans are being killed every day because of irresponsible owners. People get Doberman puppies, thinking they are some other breed, when their vet tells them that their puppy is a Doberman, they want to get rid of them ASAP thinking that all Dobermans kill people. Post your Replys!! Tell Irrisponsible Doberman ownera and people that Dobermans are great dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me tell the world that Dobermans are not bad dogs!!!!!!!!

11-21-2002, 07:54 PM
OK, does anyone have a Doberman? Tell me about their personality, or tell me about them.
OR don't rply to this message. (please reply, please!!)

11-21-2002, 08:55 PM
of course you can't blame a dog if their owner had any bad influence on them..i don't think dobies are killers at all.
i don't own one, but my uncle has had two (one died a few years after they got him :(). their first dobie was such a sweetie! wouldn't hurt anyone ever. the one they have no gets excited very easily and she is a jumper but she is very playful. i love seeing her and she isn't the least bit scary :D it's terrible what some owners do to their dogs but i have never hard about that..:confused:

11-22-2002, 03:24 PM
It was great to hear about your Uncles? dobi's. Hopefully people will understand.;)

11-22-2002, 03:32 PM
I pet sit for two Dobies once. Talk about the best behaved and sweetest dogs I've ever worked with. These dogs were so gentle and nice. During the day I would let them in the back yard then at night I would have to bring them in and keep them in the kitchen with a baby gate. I was so worried that these two dogs would just knock over the little baby gate and take run of the house while I was gone. But they didn't, they waited in the kitchen until I came back in the morning to play with them and let them out again. I wish all my petsits could be as easy as those two Dobies were.

11-22-2002, 06:47 PM
This is a great example of dobie love and personality. Thank you for telling me about the Dobermans. Thank you and I hope you will tell friends!:D :eek: :o

11-22-2002, 11:09 PM
I LOVE DOBIES TOO. I don't have any right now but I will in the future. I grew up with dobermans. My mom was a breeder but she stopped when I was born. We had a 90 lb red Dobie named Red. He was the best dog ever. He didn't have a mean bone in his body. And was very well trained. When I was born he wouldn't let any of my parents friends in the room with me unless they told Red it was o.k. He was so smart. Also one time he saved me from a swan that was tring to attack me. Red jump in the water even though he didn't know how to swim and scarred the bird away. But he almost drowned.

I have many other stories about him if you want to hear them. He's come to the rescue many times. Becasue of him I think that Dobermans are the best. and I let everyone know it!!!

Movadomypup. Do you have a Doberman? If you do I would love to see pictures.

11-23-2002, 06:31 PM
how do i insert a picture?

11-23-2002, 06:37 PM
Here is a picture of my new Doberman. His name is Barracuda, I call him Cota. Don't be fooled by his name!!!! He is actually a big lug!!!!! He is very loving and he is very protective of me. This is the only picture I could download on to this!!

~*~*~ Movadomypup ~*~*~

11-23-2002, 06:40 PM
Sorry!! I can't put the picture on right now!! I can't get it to work!

11-24-2002, 12:55 AM
HERE (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7406&highlight=tutorial) are step by step instructons. Hope it helps.

11-25-2002, 06:29 PM

This is Barracuda. He is my BIG BABY!! He is a great dog and he is very well trained. I love him sooooooo much!:D

11-25-2002, 06:34 PM
Isn't he beautiful!!!!!! This is the best picture of him.

11-25-2002, 10:28 PM
OMG he is gorgeous. He has such a intelligent look on his face. He has the looks that I want in my future Doberman. He looks very big I am just curious, how much does he weigh?

You are so lucky to have such a handsome and smart Doberman baby! It make me want to go out and get one right this second. I want to get a Dobie and agility train it and get into obedience trials. I think that would be so much fun!

Did you get him from a breeder or a rescue? I've been looking for GoodDoberman breeders in my area but most are just trying to make a fast $$$ Also have been looking for a breeder that has larger sized Dobies(90lbs up) but are still healthy. I really liked the Kimbertal Dobermans (http://www.kimbertal.com/) They have great health guarantees.

Well, I am so glad you shared Barracuda's picture. Do you have any moe. I would love to see them.

Talk to you later,


11-26-2002, 05:40 PM
Well, he weighs about 88 pounds maybe more, maybe less, I haven't weighed him lately.
I got him from my friend. She got him from a rescue as a pup, she couldn't take care of a big dog and she knew I wanted him, so the day after, he was mine.

Sorry, I don't have any more pictures of him, he is kind of camra shy, the only reason he is so focused in this picture is because he was watching a squirrel (:D :rolleyes: )
Dobi's are great at agility as any other dog. I think you have great ideas.

I think that the Kimbertal Dobermans look kind of fat. But don't take my opinion on that. If I were you, I would get a Dobi at a Doberman Rescue. The Dobis at rescues are killed so that the Shelter can bring in more Dobis. And another reason, the breeders breed so they can get money, and not all of the pups get adopted, so that doen't help with the dog problem. I fyou adopt from a breeder, that is just incouriging them to breed them more, making the dog population bigger. So, I'd get one from a rescue. I might be getting a female, so stay tuned!!

11-27-2002, 01:33 AM
Oh that is so cool that you will be getting a female soon. When you do I would love to see pictures.

Believe me I would love to get a rescue Doberman. I completely understand that there are TOO many homeless dogs in the world.
I Have contacted rescues in the past but they weren't too interested in giving me a dog becasue I have three already and I have cats too and many of there adult Dobies DONT like cats and aren't fond of other dogs. So thats why I would need a puppy and rescues don't get alot of pups. And I like the fact that when you get a pup from a breeder you know it's parents (backround) and health statis and temperment. So you can get a strong healthy pup. But those are just my opinion.:)

The one reason I liked the Kimbertal kennels as a breeder was because it doesn't seem like the are in it just for money because I read on ther site that if "your Kimbertal Doberman receives a championship, CD or CDX, or any of the 1, 2, or 3 Schutzhund titles. 1/3 of the purches price is refunded. If a total of three are received, a 100% refund of the purchase price is available." So there incuriging owners to work with there dogs, which is great:)

It has been great talking to you about my favorite breed. Not too many people own a doberman so it's hard to find someone to talk to about them:D

Thanks again,

Ps Your dog is great!!!!!!

11-27-2002, 03:40 PM
We had a red, warlock doberman named Belle. We got her when my sister and I were 10 & 12. She lived for twelve years until her hips and back gave out. She was a wonderful dog. We all loved her dearly. She was extremely obediant and very gentle with us and with all the other pets that we had. It was so cute watching her play gently with little kittens and she was soooo big! I think that dobie's are great dogs. As said before, the parents, owners, and dog's personality have alot to do with whether any pet is a great pet or not. I do think that there is a huge misconception out there about dobermans being attack dogs. In my state, you might have to pay a higher home owners insurance premium if you own one. Belle never harmed another living creature throughout her life. She just scared them when they looked at her! LOL.

11-27-2002, 05:13 PM
Here is my new Dobi!!!!!

Her name is Nana,and she is around 3. I forgot her weight though, (:mad: BAD OWNER!!). So far she is kind of agressive to Barracuda, but she is getting better. In her picture, she might seem soooooooo gentle and loving, but she has an attitude problem, but again, its getting better.

I am only going to post 1 picture of each of my Dobis becuase it's a hassel to get the pictures on.
:rolleyes: :D

11-27-2002, 05:17 PM
NEVER MIND!!!!! The image thing isn't working. I keep trying but it will not work. I am soo SORRY!

11-27-2002, 08:29 PM
Movadomypup it might be easier for you to just post the picture as a attachment. (see bottom of page-above the "submit Reply" button when your post a new reply. The pictures don't have to be on the internet to do that. They Just have to be saved on your computer. Hope that helps.

oh you got her already!!! That was fast. I'm sure Nana will start to calm down once she gets used to Barracuda and she realizes hes not going to hurt her. She'll start to see what a handsome boy he is!!!! Is she also a rescue?

Good luck!!!!


11-27-2002, 08:40 PM

Belle sounded like a great dog. My Doberman also lived to be 12 but died of a blood clot casued by a surgery he had to remove a tumor under his tail.:( I totally agree that alot of people see Dobermsan as killers. Me and my mom went to the dog park with our second Doberman. When we got to the park there were a good amount of people present. You could see everyone giving us bad looks and grabbing their dogs. So we went into the woods to walk to trails. When we came out everyone was gone(I'm not even jidding):mad: I mean what did they think...he was going to kill them all!! I mean come on; it was riddiculus. That was like 10 years ago so maybe people aren't as bad now(I hope)

12-03-2002, 04:35 PM
I have been blessed to have 3 Dobes in my life. Callihan, Quincey and Mitchell.

Callihan is a 7 year old HUGE male dobey. Quincey died in October and he was a 6 year old male dobey.

Mitchell is a puppy we found at the Columbus Doberman Rescue. He has been in our house for about 6 weeks now. He is such a blessing.

Dobermans have a very sweet personality. They want (in order) food, love, attention, love, exercise and love.

They are lap dogs that happen to be one of the most intelligent breeds. Their natural instinct is to love and protect their humans.

They do have a "hollywood" reputation for being vicious which is pure baloney. True, they are one of the most "used" breeds by law enforcement but I believe that is because of their intelligence, bravery and loyalty. Not because of being ferocious.

12-03-2002, 04:37 PM
BTW, Barracuda is a good looking boy!

12-03-2002, 04:46 PM
here is a picture of the cutest puppy ever...yes, it is the infamous...


12-03-2002, 05:03 PM
bnormal, that is such a great picture of Callihan as a puppy, ultra-extremely cute! :)
I am so glad that Mitchell is giving you joy. Look forward to seeing pictures? :D

12-03-2002, 05:51 PM
ChrisH, thanks! I have a few dozen pics of Mitchy...just no scanner!!!

maybe my mommy will get me one for Christmas...

12-03-2002, 07:53 PM
I was waiting for you to find this thread LOL
Hows Mitchell doing? I havn't heard much about him! How old is he now?

I totally agree with everything you said. Dobies are big sweeties. Not man eating monsters!

Callihan is one gorgeous guy. I love his big ears!!! How old was he in the picture? He has some BIG feet!!! Thanks for sharing a picture.

Do you have any pictures of him as a adult? He is so beautiful.

I wish I had a Dobie. I can't wait to get one in the future. Thats the only breed I will ever be blessed with from now on.

12-03-2002, 09:25 PM
ownerof3dogs, thanks so much. Mitchell is doing great. He is approximately 5 months old. He weighs about 50 pounds. He is teething right now...poor guy! When we got him he was a bit skinny. We're putting some meat on him! He has demodex which is a parasite. It is around his forehead and he is being treated for it. His personality is so neat. He is so playfull and loves to be loved on. And he loves to roughhouse with me.

Callihan is still a bit unsure of him but he is coming around. Mitch generally drives Callihan nuts! Callihan was probably about 4 months old in the picture. Callihan is without a doubt one of the best looking Dobermans I have ever seen. Of course I am a bit biased.

Callihan (sorry Karen to mention it again) was the very first pet of the day. Here is the link:


Callihan, like my wife and I, miss Quincey terribly. However, Mitchell as I said is a true blessing. I will post pictures of him as soon as I get them scanned. Thanks again and attached is another picture of Callihan.

One other thing, while I know the blessing of getting Mitchell from the local dobe rescue we did get Callihan and Quincey from breeders. So if you want to get a Dobe from a breeder you go right ahead and do that and do NOT feel bad about it either. There are good breeders out there you just have to find them. I understand your reasoning completely!

12-03-2002, 09:32 PM

"Thats the only breed I will ever be blessed with from now on".

You will forever be glad with that decision!

This other picture of Callihan is probably when he was about 4 months old. He is legs and ears in this picture!

12-03-2002, 09:45 PM
ownerof3dogs, I just went to the Kimbertal site...did you see the pictures of the Dobe and all of the pups playing by the creek?



12-03-2002, 09:49 PM
Oh that is great picture. He really was all legs and ears. Did he grow into them? LOL He has such a very intelligent look to him. Like: "what next?" Thanks for showing me pictures. See Dobermans never gets old!

12-03-2002, 09:53 PM
He grew into them in a big way. He is approximately 29" and weighs about 115 pounds which is too much weight. He needs to be at about 95 pounds. We have put him on Iams Senior diet and he is getting his evening walk about 5 days a week.

Come to think of it I need to lose 20 pounds myself!

Last picture (I swear)

12-04-2002, 12:29 AM
Wow he's grown in too a VERY handsome boy!!!!!!!!! He's got a very shiny coat. A good caption would "Beware of Dog" and post it in your yard LOL

Tell Callihan not to feel bad. Felice is on Fit & Trim to lose 20-30 pounds. She about 120lbs. She's getting older now(9yo) and I don't want too much weight on her joints!

My mom had a wonderful red Doberman Named "Red" he was 28in tall and about 95lbs. He was a wonderful dog. She had him when I was born and growing up he was my best friend and protector! He died from a blood clot caused by a tumor removal surgery under his tail. :( He was 12. He looked very similar to your Quincy.

We had gotten another Doberman Red #2 but he was just too aggresive. He didn't like us children. we weren't safe around him. ( He bit my brother in the face leaving a large scare across his face) My mom did find him a good home though as a guard dog on a LARGE estate-all fenced in. Now that I am older I relized that he had come from a terrible breeder who was just looking for $

Becasue of Red #1 I have always loved Dobermans. Most are wonderful dogs!!!!!!!

12-04-2002, 07:48 AM
We have a statue of a Doberman in our front yard and sometimes that scares people!!

Sorry to hear of Red. Dobermans as great as they are just have terrible health issues. Callihan is pretty healthy. After Quincey died we took Callihan to have his heart tested and the results were good.

How soon are you thinking of getting a Dobe?

12-04-2002, 07:13 PM
My family is moving to Florida in June. So once we get settled in there and make sure everyhting is set, then we are planning on getting a Doberman(Yay) I told my mom to make sure we get a BIG yard(I want acerage) for the dogs.

I also want to get into obedience trials with my Doberman and do agility! That would be fun for me and the Dobie cause they always need something to do...so do I.

I am going to try to get a rescue Doberman in Florida but I have contacted one in NewYork before but they didn't want to give us one becasue we had other male dogs. Also I really want a puppy.
If I can get a rescue. I'll get a pup from a very good breeder.

I wish I could show you pictures of Red but I don't have a scanner. Maybe I'll get on for Christmas(hint hint mom) :D

I am really glad that Callihan is a big healthy boy. I wish most breeders tried harder to breed healthier dogs. It so upsetting when they die young because of a congenital diseases:(

12-04-2002, 07:36 PM
ownerof3dogs, if you want a puppy then you should get a puppy!!!

Maybe if you do some research on Florida breeders/rescue in the next few months by the time you move there a puppy will be available?

When I was thinking of getting a Dobe puppy in October I found all kind of information on the web about rescue and breeders from all over the country.

Good luck and have a safe move.

Thanks for all of your kind words about Callihan!

12-04-2002, 09:05 PM
Doberman's are NOT killers!!! I have the same problem...I have rottweilers....and everyone knows that all they do is kill people and are very aggressive....YAH RIGHT!!!!!! I hate the stereo type people give dogs.....

My neice had a Dobi and he was the BIGGEST baby you ever saw! Thought he was a lap dog.....

12-04-2002, 09:07 PM
Ok so I'm a little late, didn't go through all the posts to see the BIG BEAUTIFUL BOY! What a cutie, no wonder you love him so much!

12-05-2002, 07:22 AM
Barracuda or someone elses Dobi?

I love rottweilers as much as I love Dobi's. Dobis and Rottweilers are awsome dogs.

12-05-2002, 07:24 AM
I would love to see pictures.

12-05-2002, 11:43 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Movadomypup
[B]Barracuda or someone elses Dobi?

Nope I was talking about your Dobi Barracuda!

Just Beautiful He Is....

12-06-2002, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by bnormal
ownerof3dogs, if you want a puppy then you should get a puppy!!!

Maybe if you do some research on Florida breeders/rescue in the next few months by the time you move there a puppy will be available?

When I was thinking of getting a Dobe puppy in October I found all kind of information on the web about rescue and breeders from all over the country.

Good luck and have a safe move.

Thanks for all of your kind words about Callihan!

Your welcome, Callihan deserves it (I can't wait to see Mitchell pictures)

Thanks for the good advice. I'll def. start looking now and calling breeders/rescues

12-06-2002, 03:27 AM
hope you get that puppy....especially great if you can go the rescue route!

12-06-2002, 03:25 PM
Thank you turner. He is very beautiful, and he thanks you.

12-06-2002, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by bnormal
ownerof3dogs, I just went to the Kimbertal site...did you see the pictures of the Dobe and all of the pups playing by the creek?



Some how I missed this post. I also missed the other picture of Callihan laying on the floor as a adult. He is exactaly what I want my Doberman to look like. I know I have said it before, but he's breath taking. I showed his pic to my mom and she was like "WOW" he gorgeous and big!

I love the Kimbertal dobermans. I like they way they look and their temperment is suppost to be very good.

At least you have one! I want Doberman puppies too! Looking at Callihan makes me want one even more. I think I love him LOL

Thanks again for showing me pictures of him!. I love talking Dobermans with you!

12-06-2002, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by bnormal

One other thing, while I know the blessing of getting Mitchell from the local dobe rescue we did get Callihan and Quincey from breeders. So if you want to get a Dobe from a breeder you go right ahead and do that and do NOT feel bad about it either. There are good breeders out there you just have to find them. I understand your reasoning completely!

Thanks, that makes me feel better. For some reason I feel bad getting a dog from a breeder but I want the best dog I can get you know? Not that I am saying dogs form rescue are bad. Oh it's hard to explain LOL. anyway I say it it make something look bad.

P.S Mitchell is 50 lbs. He is going to be big guy too! His personality sounds great too.

12-07-2002, 09:57 AM
Update on Nana

Nana and Barracude are now great together and are trained to be a team ( acually, they learned it) . . .

I will tell more if you want me to.

12-07-2002, 07:25 PM
I would love to hear more about her!!!!!!

12-08-2002, 06:07 PM
Nana has been so good, she was kind of mean to Cota ( Barracuda) in the begining, but now she is like a mother to Cota.

She is a great dog and now is very loving.

12-08-2002, 09:41 PM
I am really glad that they are getting alone now.

01-02-2003, 04:07 PM
I just brought Cota and Nana to the barn and they just loved chasing the horses!! they were so funny!!
Nana showed her playful side when she was chasing Coca ( my friends horse) she was nipping at his heels, o it was so funny!!

01-08-2003, 10:00 PM
Sound like they were having a great time. They must of looks so funny chasing such a big animal.

They could keep up with the horse? WOW they are fast!!!!

I am glad they were having so much fun!!!!!

01-09-2003, 08:56 PM
well, the horses were just cantering, so, they weren't very fast, until Nana nipped at Cocoa's heel, then it started to heat up.
It was a great thing for me to see, Nana and Cota worked together to catch the horse, and I thought that they would never get along. How could I have EVER thought that?

01-10-2003, 06:53 PM
That is so great that there best buds now. When ever you add a new member to the family (especially with Dobies) ya never know how their going to react;) I am so happy for you.

I would love to see more pictures of them. I don't think I ever saw pictures of Nana:(



01-10-2003, 07:36 PM
i can't put pics of Nana girl up. I was riding my horse (Koala) and she felt like swimming and my backpack was with me, unfortionatly my camra was ruined. I am sry, but i will get a new one soon if u want to see one that bad. I might get one in 3 weeks. ( I am going to a horse show and need pictures!)

01-10-2003, 07:40 PM
Well I guess I can wait till then LOL That really sucks that your camera was ruined. What a silly horse!!!

01-10-2003, 09:07 PM
ya, she is very silly. She has a big rubber ball horse toy, and she tosses it aroung the pasture all day. It is really funny.

01-10-2003, 09:35 PM
Dobermans are great dogs. I volunteer at an animal shelter and they have had many dobermans. They were all great and very sweet. If the owners mistreat the dog, any breed will be mean and nasty. My aunt has a doberman, Red Dog, that is so sweet. I hope that people realize that it's not the dog's fault if they're mistreated! Most dog are so sweet!
