View Full Version : Teeth

Heather Wallace
11-20-2002, 04:37 PM
One of my cats has had problems in the past with teeth, he is 9 years old now but last year had to have a couple of the bad teeth removed.

I tried cleaning his teeth with a special cat toothpaste etc, but they just started to bleed.

Now my pther cat is getting older I have notice has has bad breathe just like Tatty has and I'm worried.

Any ideas?

11-20-2002, 06:19 PM
Besides getting dentistries done at the vet(which many people do not like to do because the cat has to go under anesthesia), the only things you can do are to brush them yourself or try science diet oral care or tartar control cat treats.

11-20-2002, 06:31 PM
there comes a time when most cats will require some dentistry at the vet. some animals, just like some people, simply have better (or worse) teeth than others. I like to have that detistry done before the cat gets too old that it is risky to be put under anesthesia. you can't brush away a build up, and tarter control food or treats will also not help a build up (they are for prevention). so if it needs to be done, do it sooner rather than later. and maybe the special diet and brushing will help KEEP them in good shape.