View Full Version : Poor Snoopy

08-22-2012, 09:21 AM
His nail came out of one of back paws. Stuck on deck :(
He is loving all the attention now that he has his "designer" sock on aka one of dad's old ones.
We used good old Alum to stop the bleeding it also is disinfectant. Wrapped carefully in gauze
and put little padding on foot wrap before sock went on his paw. He hasnt tried to lick it off. :)

Here's photo 54564

08-22-2012, 09:39 AM
Ouch! Poor guy. I hope it heals quickly and he continues to not bother it.
Hugs to Mr Snoopy!

08-22-2012, 10:22 AM
Ouchy. He needs extra TLC for sure! What a good boy for leaving his paw alone. :)

08-22-2012, 11:56 AM
Awww Snoopy. I hope it doesn't hurt too much and your pawsie is good as new, and very soon. :love: My RB terrier Cinnamon once yanked a dew claw out when she get it caught in a wire fence. A quick trip to the vet and she was good as new, and knew enough to stay away from that bad fence from that day on!

08-22-2012, 12:18 PM
Awww Snoopy. I hope it doesn't hurt too much and your pawsie is good as new, and very soon. :love: My RB terrier Cinnamon once yanked a dew claw out when she get it caught in a wire fence. A quick trip to the vet and she was good as new, and knew enough to stay away from that bad fence from that day on!

Thank goodness my friend who's in medical field was able to help me stop bleeding (she always does way better with blood than me LOL). Hopefully in few days we can take the "designer sock" off. He kinda secretly thinks its neat thing LOL

08-22-2012, 01:23 PM
Glad your friend was able to help! And it is cute that he's secretly enjoying his new designer duds! ;)

08-22-2012, 08:37 PM
Poor Snoopy. I hope his nail/paw heals quickly.

08-22-2012, 10:08 PM
Poor Snoopy. I hope his nail/paw heals quickly.

I ask my friend and dog's groomer how long it would be till nail grew back she said about month :eek:
Sometime tomorrow I will take the bandage off and check things out if looks ok I will let it air heal rest of the time. I will need help/assistance so probably call my friend see if she can stop by. Hubby has CPR training after school and wont get home till around 7 p.m. Really dont want to be fussing with this when he gets home from a long day.

08-23-2012, 12:39 PM
Poor boy.:( I hope he heals up quickly.

08-23-2012, 05:16 PM
We changed the bandage today. Smeared lots of antibiotic ointment on the paw. It's healing nicely just looks gross. ewwww Going to change the dressing on Saturday. He was such a good boy when we did all this to him today.

Update: He managed to undue the bandage while outside going potty. I redid everything and put one of hubby's dress sock's on his foot instead of athletic sock. I pinched his foot by accident and it bleed for a second :( He seems to like his new sock :)

UPDATE: Saturday night... no more bandages! We are able to put liquid bandage on toe nail and use Bitter stuff to keep him from licking so much. He is much happier and so are we.. :)