View Full Version : Not a good advert!

Lilith Cherry
07-29-2012, 12:08 PM
Karen and Paul, do you know that when people look at today's DOTD this website is advertised underneath it:eek: This is the second time I have seen it there. Is there anything we could do to stop it?

Pinot's Mom
07-29-2012, 12:54 PM
What website?

07-29-2012, 02:22 PM
What I'm seeing now is German Shepherd Puppies for sale. Earlier it was for some kind of dog food. Don't know how these ads are selected, but it would have to be Karen and Paul's doing.

I went back and looked again, and now there is no ad under dog or cat, but under pet is an ad for English Bulldog puppies.

Now I'm really confused....................

Changed again. I give up - they're ever-changing!!!

07-29-2012, 03:08 PM
I think it more likely that Karen and Paul select the advertiser. They would have to contact the ad company about these ads.

07-29-2012, 03:26 PM
We had a thread about this once before, I believe. They use a advert service, and don't have any control over what ads show up.

07-29-2012, 03:27 PM
We can only ban a certain number of advertisers, and we do not necessarily see what you see, especially with text ads. So if there is an offensive website, you need to send the the URL of it for us to be able to ban them. The text ads in particular, and some of the graphic ads are served by Adsense on the basis of geography, so we do not see what you see.

Right now on the bottom of Dog of the Day, I see Google's Chrome browser, and on Pet of the Day a Doctor's Foster & Smith ad that seems appropriate.

07-29-2012, 03:49 PM
We can only ban a certain number of advertisers, and we do not necessarily see what you see, especially with text ads. So if there is an offensive website, you need to send the the URL of it for us to be able to ban them. The text ads in particular, and some of the graphic ads are served by Adsense on the basis of geography, so we do not see what you see.

Right now on the bottom of Dog of the Day, I see Google's Chrome browser, and on Pet of the Day a Doctor's Foster & Smith ad that seems appropriate.

Is there any way that you can specify that you don't want ads regarding the sale of animals? I think that's the objection here, as all others I've seen are pretty harmless.

07-29-2012, 06:10 PM
I used to see ads along the right side of the picture. This reminds me I haven't seen ads in ages. :D

07-29-2012, 06:12 PM
Is there any way that you can specify that you don't want ads regarding the sale of animals? I think that's the objection here, as all others I've seen are pretty harmless.

No, that's not currently one of the categories we can deny. Google does change things from time to time, but that's not one of the choices. We have banned a lot of places, but as each "breeder" will have its own working, its own URL, etc., we have to do them one by one.

Lilith Cherry
07-29-2012, 11:01 PM
.purdypuppy.com Sorry I didnt insert it:o It is an ad for "designer puppies sad to say!

07-29-2012, 11:17 PM
Thanks, Lilith Cherry, I edited the URL you posted just do no one can click it and give them any more traffic!