View Full Version : Sissy & LilGirl wearing harness-video,pics

07-22-2012, 12:17 PM
July 22 2012

Both of my little girls now wear a harness when we go outside. It takes a little longer to put on but it is better for them than a collar because they both pull a lot. Thanks pomtzu for giving me the push to do it (smile). Here's a video and some photos.

Here's a video of them with harness. Toward the end they both get in Annie's face--sweet I think.


07-22-2012, 12:34 PM
YAY!!!! Harnesses for the 2 little pullers. It's so much better for them, and I'll bet even they notice the difference and how much more comfortable they are now. And purple for the Pommy - perfect!!! My favorite color too. Annie looks like she is a gentle giant - giant as compared to those 2 little ones anyway. Love all 4 of your kids. :love::love::love::love:

07-22-2012, 01:33 PM
OMD! #5 of 5 is SOOOOOO CUTE! Big hugs and kisses to Annie, Lil Girl and Sissy :love: :love: :love:

And some for Luke Cat too :love:

07-22-2012, 02:29 PM
They are all so dear. Loved the video at the end where they were kissing Annie. There was something good in that grass, they were really sniffing away. :)

07-22-2012, 03:34 PM
Ohhh they look stunning!! And words cannot describe how beautiful the last picture is..:D Annie, LilGirl, and Sissy are adorable. I assume, LilGirl likes her little sister now?

07-22-2012, 05:21 PM
Sissy, purple is the color of royalty, so I think your new harness is the perfect color for you! ;) LilGirl, nice to see you in your harness, glad you calmed down. And Annie, oh my, what a sweet heart you are!

Glad you got the harnesses. We use them all the time with bichons as well. All that pulling can lead to a collapsed trachea.

Was someone else out there with you? I mean, 2 leashes, a video camera AND you snapped photos?! LOL that 5th photo is ADORABLE!!!!!

07-23-2012, 12:21 AM
Oh my gosh. The two little girls giving big Annie kisses was just too cute :love: :love::love:

07-23-2012, 01:26 AM
Very cute pictures especially the last one with all three dogs.:)

07-23-2012, 12:37 PM
oh me, I had written a long post, hit the wrong key, and lost it.

Here we go again. Thank you Everyone for your good comments; I enjoyed reading them.

Now to your questions.
No, LilGirl is not friends with Sissy, not yet, but she is SLOWLY getting better. Maybe in another 4 months she won't growl & show teeth when Sissy gets near. In the yard LilGirl was so enthralled with Annie that she forgot that Sissy was near.

No, I didnt do the pics, leash, video etc all by myself... but I probably could have. My camera takes pictures and video so that's just one camera. LilGirl was loose and her leash was on the ground I think; she is totally trustworthy. Now Sissy is another story. We dont turn her loose unless we are prepared to chase her down. I am hopefully in the process of teaching her to COME when called or when I call COOKIE.

My fiance and I have this game for Sissy called RUN RUN. We get 40 feet apart in the yard with Cheerios (cookies) in our pockets, call her & she comes running for ONE Cheerio LOL. She turns around immediately & runs back to get one Cheerio until we stop & everytime we say Come and COOKIE. LilGirl always comes when I call COOKIE & I ALWAYS give her a Cheerio or tiny animal cookie.

ok, that's it for me for now. Thanks for reading my post and commenting.

07-23-2012, 06:52 PM
Only one word comes to mind.....ADORABLE!!